Ok, probably worrying about nothing...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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..but hey, that's what pregnancy is all about right?!

I took a test a week ago today and got a very feint BFP - well I had another test in the cupboard so thought I'd do it just to see how much darker the line is now but although it is darker, it is not as dark as the control which I'd have thought it would be by nearly a week after AF was due.....

What do you think? Do you think it should be much darker or the same as the control by now?


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Mine actually looked the same as yours and I was a few weeks pregnant by that stage too :) I think its something to do with the Hcg levels, but not 100% sure on that. Congratulations btw :)
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Ok thanks girls- I just had such a good pregnancy first time round that it seems hard to believe that I could be so lucky again second time.
I know how you feel, its been 9 years since I had DD, and this time I cant stop worrying, keep thinking something is going to happen :( but thankfully I got to 12 weeks and now I just cant wait to get to the 9 month stage, I dont do pregnancy well, I dont get the glow others do haha xxx
I did the same thing. And it happened to me. I've since stopped testing as it keeps making me worried!! X
My first 3 tests were very feint my 4th test was dark and that was about a month after finding out and then i stressed and took another and it was feint again, i wouldnt worry though my little crumpet is doing well and im 17weeks now, i think it has to do with when you take the test. 1st thing on a morning is the best time. (i sound like a test addict i took four the doctors took one and the hospital took one when i fainted) If i could give some personal avice which im sure you will know but i didnt think anything of at the time im so naive and its my 1st pregnancy... keep hydrated and dont get too hot while the weather is nice.
i think that looks fine hun..i wouldnt worry at al congratulations xxx t xx
I didnt test until my AF was a week late, and my BFP was fainter than that, and everything was fine x I tested again a few weeks later (even though I'd had it confirmed by docs) and the line was darker, but still not as dark as the control line, although my Digi said preg 3+ by that point, so I think everyones just diffrent x

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