oh no, panicking, please help...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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i had my rescan today and everything with baby is as it should be which is wonderful :D

but....apparently i have increased amniotic fluid, there loads in there which baby must think is great cos he/she was twirling all over the place and the sonographer had to chase him/her all over the place! although, its not such a good sign. ive had to rebook for a 3rd scan in june to see if all is well as it could be a sign of gestational diabetes.

as usual, they told me not to worry but i cant help it. im now freaking out about how srious things could be, im not overweight, nobody in my family suffers from diabetes, maybe its not that but if not then why do i have so much fluid???????

help :|
The best thing you can do is try not to worry about it too much. I know that's easier said than done, but they are keeping an eye on it with the new scan booked, and at least you get to see the baby again real soon!

Take care and try not to fret too much, :hug: xxxx
I found this on the baby centre website I hope it helps
http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregna ... 00199.html

How will I know if I have too much amniotic fluid?
Your healthcare practitioner may suspect this problem, which happens in about 1 percent of pregnancies, if your uterus is growing more rapidly than it should. You may also have unusual abdominal discomfort, increased back pain, shortness of breath, and extreme swelling in your feet and ankles. If you have these symptoms, your practitioner will send you for an ultrasound.

The sonographer will measure the largest pockets of amniotic fluid in four different sections of your uterus and add them together to see where you rate on the amniotic fluid index (AFI). A normal measure for the third trimester is between 5 and 25 centimeters (cm). A total of more than 25 cm is considered high.

What could be causing this problem?
Experts don't know what causes many cases of hydramnios, particularly mild ones. Some common causes of moderate to severe cases include the following:

Maternal diabetes You can end up with high fluid levels if you have diabetes and you're having trouble managing it properly. Hydramnios is diagnosed in about 10 percent of pregnant diabetics, usually in the third trimester.

Carrying twins or multiples You're at risk for high fluid levels if you're carrying twins or multiples. Hydramnios is especially likely in the case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, in which one twin suffers from too little amniotic fluid while the other creates too much.

Fetal abnormalities In rare cases, a baby will have a medical problem that causes him to stop swallowing fluid while his kidneys continue to produce more urine from the fluid he's already swallowed. This may include any condition that makes it hard for him to swallow, such as pyloric stenosis, a cleft lip or palate, or some kind of blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Certain neurological problems, such as neural tube defects or hydrocephaly, can keep the baby from swallowing as well.

Fetal anemia In even rarer cases, hydramnios can be a sign that a baby has severe anemia caused by an Rh blood incompatibility or an infection such as fifth disease. In both cases, the problem can be treated with a blood transfusion in utero. In the case of fifth disease, the baby may recover without treatment.
some people do dont they?

im lucky cause my bumps all baby but im sure there is nothing to worry about hun. Despite id love my baby to have more fluid to splash around in cause its fun listening to that on the prenatal. :)

its the sound when your in the bath and your ears are under the water and u lift your hand up and basically make a splash and u hear it under water its teh same sound as what i hear the baby doing or was doing. mines abit bigger now so dunno how much puddle its got to play in :)
i had this with Louie, i had to have a few extra scans to keep an eye on the levels & have tests for gestational diabetes, which turned out negative.
you & your baby will be fine hun i'm sure, they will keep an eye on you & you'll be in the safest hands. :hug: :hug:

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