Help me!! I have a serious problem. I am almost 5 months pregnant. I went for my 19-week sonar and the doctor was worried about my low amniotic fluid. He referred me to a specialist who told me that my amniotic fluid is very low, which is a huge concern for them and me (oligohydramnios). She wanted me to wait a week to see if the fluid will increase. In the meantime I tried drinking as much water as I could. When I saw her again, my fluid was even less than before (3-4cm). Her reports showed that everything else looks normal though. I am now referred to a hospital next week to see a group of specialists there - a whole team that will work with me intensively to see what the problem is as both my last two visits to the specialist they could not do an amnio. There is a reason for the low amniotic fluid, probably the kidneys, but we arent certain yet. I have to wait till Monday while feeling the baby kick until then. The sonar showed my baby lying in a "jack-knife" position because of the low fluid and limited space. I know all about why he needs the fluid, for development of his lungs and limbs etc. I have read about an amioinfusion, is it possible now? Doc said I have to prepare for the worst as my baby's space is so limited, his organs will shut down one by one and eventually his heart will stop beating as he cant grow. I dont want to loose the baby. Please tell me what I can do. Does my baby have a chance?? This is my first pregnancy.