Oh blah

It's totally OK and understandable to not be OK. It wasn't just a sac - it was a baby in your heart, that you loved from the moment you found out, that you had hopes and plans for the future with. It's totally OK to be upset. (((((HUGS)))))

I'm not too bad. Trying to move on by planning for the future. Not sure it's really working though - just have a massive space in my heart where my baby should be...

Be gentle with yourself hun...

Thanks hun. Feels so good to be able to talk to someone who understands the feelings we have. I get what you mean I'm the same with the empty space. All I can think about is getting pregnant again :| not helping not even being able to try till god knows when xxx
I agree with mum2many any pregnancy is more than just a baby it is hope and a future you envision. Definatly not just a sac.

really hope its all over soon xx
It's because me and oh agreed to try once more we agreed not to suffer like we did to get Oliver so we said if we mc we stop. So tried to pretend this wasn't a mc like normal it's just a sac blah blah so he would be ok to try again but it failed I fell apart. He knows I want to try again just not pushing him. He will agree tho I know him :) xxx
Ohh lilmiss so sorry your still going through this big hugs for you xx
Thanks girls. I've just passed some tissue so hoping it was it all. Wasn't expecting it as I'm not bleeding just pale pink when I wipe. So fingers crossed my next scan shows it's all clear now. Will be good news as I'm going on holiday 3 days after and will be nice to not be stressing over it and being able to look to the future xxx
I really hope the next scan is clear. Enjoy your holiday x
Really hope next scan is clear :) you def deserve a relaxed hol!! Xx
Thanks girls. I'm feeling confident it's it now as the pink has stopped and first day without tummy pains :) xxx
Oh hun, can't believe your going through this! It is so similar to my experience, especially as it's the same hospital. I bled on and off for 8 weeks after my miscarriage started at 13wks (found out at 11wks it was unviable as was just a sac). I had numerous scans passed random clots and tissue but still retained some stuff. They were adamant I didn't need the erpc as I had my hcg tested and it was 25, but it was enough to cause all the problems. I broke down on the phone after 9wks knowing I had misscarried but couldn't move on and I got the erpc op, AF arrived 28 days later. In total from lmp to op was 20weeks!!!
Please keep on at the epu if the bleeding starts up again hun. I also tried to make it easier by saying the was no baby just a sac, but it doesn't work! Take it easy and enjoy your holiday xxxx
I'm glad to hear the pain has gone. Hopefully that's it all over with and your next scan will be clear. :( I can't believe how this has all panned out for you hun - as if losing a baby wasn't bad enough to have to go through weeks of this too? Life isn't fair. :( (((((HUGS)))))
Thanks kanga hun. I remember you saying before about your loss and it's freaky how mines so similar to yours. If the scan shows something left I'll be asking for a scan when I get back from the Isle of Wight and if it's still there will be demanding an erpc. We want to try again but can't when the tissue is stopping me from ovulating. It must be the way qa deal with cases like this but I'm not happy. My last erpc when badly wrong as they insisted if passed a 15 week baby without knowing. Told them it was in there still but they wouldn't listen and nearly killed me doing an erpc on a baby I should have delivered :/ not happy.

Thanks m2m sometimes life sucks big time. We both got dealt a shitty hand this time. Fingers crossed we both have better luck next time xxx
Had enough now :( pains back and slight bleeding. Just want it to stop :( :( :(
Oh no its never ending for you. Hope this is the last bit coming out now.
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That is shocking treatment from QA! I remember getting so down about how long it was taking and how the hospital didn't care. Plus side I got pregnant with Harry the month after my 1st af after the erpc.

Completely different scenario but QA are messing me about at the mo as I broke my foot in Poole and the fracture clinic here wouldn't make me an appointment, had to go through 4hrs at a&e to get a new cast and a fracture clinic appointment! Don't have much love for the hospital! xx
Well I think I'm finally testing negative. Sometimes I think I can see something then other times nothing. So fingers crossed it's all clear next Wednesday. Think I'll cry if not. Had no more pain and bleeding since the last lot just some peachy pinky discharge. Think it might finally be coming to an end.
Feeling quite sad about it today. I was so excited to be having another baby by Christmas xxx

It's hard when you finally start to see the negative isn't it? It's a bizarre mix of being happy that the nightmare is nearly over, but so so sad that you're not still pregnant and it's not all OK. :(

I'm thinking of you hun.
So have what I'm hoping is my final scan tomorrow morning. Feeling confident it's over as had nothing for ages and my opk are getting darker so think I'm not far from ovulating. Can't wait to be able to say it's finally over. Thanks for all the support xxx

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