blighted ovum


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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So after three scans, today my pregnancy was diagnosed as blighted ovum and d&c will be next week. I knew this was coming but the longer it goes on you cant help but hope. My pregnancy sac had grew another 6mm to 16mm but is still completely empty. That makes my it my third miscarriage and this will be my 2nd d&c. I just dont see why after having a baby i have now had two miscarriages, i thought everything would be fine. I just dont understand how your body could trick you like that, i have been exhausted the past week, being sick and my boobs have got bigger but still no baby. I just dont understand!!!!!
I'm so sorry. You must be feeling so awful and I know that no words I can say will make anything better.

Everybody is here for you

sorry to hear this!! I had the same last October, and it knocked me completely! Hard to understand how you can feel so pregnant, yet no baby is there. They did think they could see a fetal pole of about 5 and a half weeks with me, but werent 100% certain. Things will work out, keep positive, many many people go on to have healthy pregnancies after one, two, three or several miscarrages, and inbetween having babies, many woman have miscarraiges. It is horrible to experience, but it's natures way I guess. Keep strong xx
i know how u feel lovely i had a blighted ovum last yr kept on growing 3 scans later big sac no baby and the next mmc nice baby and hb but that wasnt meant to be either and i have had 6 healthy pregs b4 that and now i cant seem to hold onto a pregnancy past 8 weeks :-/ its realy hard after u haver had healthy pregs to understand why all of a sudden u cant ,hope u recover quikly and all is ok take it easy and i am realy sorry for ur losses xxxxx
I had the same last year...
I can explain you medically the presence of symptoms...
At the end of 3 week 2 layers are forming, one will be the placenta, one will be the baby.
The placenta part keeps growing and secrets hormones that give you the symptoms and the growing sac while the baby part never develops and you have a growing empty sac and plenty of symptoms...

I am so sorry that you are going through this :(
I am so sorry for your loss hon!!

I recently suffered my 4th mc so I know what you are going through. I got to 11 weeks in March with all of my symptoms but at the scan it was found it stopped growing at 7w 3d which was a week after my 1st early scan where I did see the hb!! Even up to the time of my D&C, I kept asking my doctor if he had got it wrong as I still felt so pregnant but I had seen that there was no hb and was in denial.

Please try and stay strong though. I truly hope that very soon you will be pregnant again and this one will be very sticky, my thoughts are with you xx
I found out I had a blighted ovum at 10 weeks pregnant, it's so awful and upsetting when all the symptoms are there to find there's no baby :-( BUT I went onto have a healthy little baby girl with my next pregnancy so there is every hope for you next time. Big big hugs x x
i am so sorry hun. i also had scan today which showed no heartbeat. words cannot console you but just know that people are thinking of you xxx
i am so sorry hun. i also had scan today which showed no heartbeat. words cannot console you but just know that people are thinking of you xxx

that happened to me couple months ago had scan at 8weeks there was a heartbeat, then 12week scan the baby had died not long after 8week scan. I think its alot harder when you see a heartbeat and baby you think everything will be fine, im sorry or your loss and hope it doesnt take you too long to recover its awful x

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