Officially trying!

You do lose friends when you have kids. I have one close friend and a friends with a few people from work, closest friend from there is only 18! You realise the people who obsess over babies then dont care when they are getting bigger. Its nice to come on here and talk to people who are in same situation as you are. Im 27 ive moved to a new area in the last year. My son started going to a new school, my friends kids go to his old school. Dont know any parents as seem to dont want to let you in if you havent been there from the start! Xx
I spoke to my daughter's best friends (from school) mum the other day in town. Didn't wanna seem creepy and say wanna hang out?! As she probably has friends already :lol: I said to OH we might as well move away and start again. My friends still pretend to care about my daughter too and I know it's all fake which really hurts. But oh well! I'm closer to OHs friends now. Even he's lost some though.

We're really selling this! :lol:

Before I had my little girl, I had a group of around 7 friends who I could hang out with every weekend. When I got pregnant I seen less and less of them. I made two of them god mother & I think they've seen by daughter a handful of times since she was born. Still waiting for LOs Christmas presents (not that the gifts matter, but a visit over Christmas would have been nice) I don't get invited anywhere, and when I invite them they always have something better to do.
My social anxiety made it difficult for me to attend mother & toddler groups (I found a lot of mothers there were very judgmental & condescending! I was 23 when I had her but look about 14 *rolleye*) I stuck it out 'til it had to close. I enrolled my little girl in nursery a few hours a week so she had all the benefits of mixing with children. Now I have one friend really, and my cousin who I'm close with.

I sound like a right saddo, haha I recently met a girl at work with a daughter same age as mine who's currently pregnant, so I'm finally feeling what its like to have some understanding friends! But yeh people warned me and I never thought it would happen but it definitely did! Not nice. xxx

Yea I know it happens. It happened to one of our group a few years ago but she withdrew herself. It's a shame really. I know it's gonna be hard. I have an anxiety disorder too and have struggled badly over the past year or so. Ended up doing CBT which really helped. I'm just hoping I can suck it up but yea I don't think I will cope with people looking down their nose at me.

Only saving grace is I'm an only child and I like being alone and I'm usually quite content in my own company so I don't think I'm going to be devastated when no one comes to visit...

Yup I'm a saddo too
I spoke to my daughter's best friends (from school) mum the other day in town. Didn't wanna seem creepy and say wanna hang out?! As she probably has friends already :lol: I said to OH we might as well move away and start again. My friends still pretend to care about my daughter too and I know it's all fake which really hurts. But oh well! I'm closer to OHs friends now. Even he's lost some though.

We're really selling this! :lol:

Haha yea thanks.... Wasn't terrified already... haha.

I don't even know when u can test though... I never took notice of things like this haha
Usually wait till period is due before testing. Either on the morning its due if you havent come on by then. Do you track your cycles? There is free apps you can see how long your cycles are? Just have to record first day of period. Dont have to do anyhing else if you dont want to yet
Usually wait till period is due before testing. Either on the morning its due if you havent come on by then. Do you track your cycles? There is free apps you can see how long your cycles are? Just have to record first day of period. Dont have to do anyhing else if you dont want to yet

I've been using an app for YEARS just to track coz I used to be terrible. Plus they went haywire one time when I was really sick. So that side should be fine. AF is 18th (without checking app...) I feel sick at the thought of being PG and at the thought of not... ah well.. what will be will be
Im the same, was tracking for years, put on loads of weight hardly had any periods, lost weight and they come back, so been tracking ever since. I would try and leave testing till day of period is due x
It's the best thing in the world having a baby you'll find that out along with all the stuff everyone complains about. Just try not to worry! :)

Saying that my LG just dropped her curry all over the floor & I've got her toothpaste on my only clean pair of work pants! Whey :lol:

It's the best thing in the world having a baby you'll find that out along with all the stuff everyone complains about. Just try not to worry! :)

Saying that my LG just dropped her curry all over the floor & I've got her toothpaste on my only clean pair of work pants! Whey :lol:

Curry? Asking for trouble. I'm considering a paddling pool to sit a high chair on... probably in the conservatory as it's the easiest wipe clean room... ah one day when my tidy house goes out of the window...
Paddling pool sounds good! We have lino all throughout the house. That my son did get curry on last week! X
My daughter has such a good throw she could get it right across the room rendering the paddling pool useless. :lol: She's usually great and doesn't spill much but lately she's found the fun in throwing little bits. Ugh lol

Food Fight! How were your toothpaste stained trousees? The tantrum i had to handle in tesco yesterday, nearly made the trolley tip as he held it and i ttried to pull it �� he is so strong! And bloody 140cm tall! For 7!! so no tests were brought because wanted to get out of there asap and had to get his lunch stuff for school! Just another normal day! Now the fight on the school mornings start. Luckily school understand.. xx
I managed to get the most off and my shirt covered the rest. :lol:

Oh that sounds fun! We're not at that stage yet our LO is quite well behaved when shopping, she loves putting things in the trolley for us. And we don't mind dented tins on top of squashed loaves. :lol:

No they don't and using Tapatalk the forum icons don't work either. xxx

Switched my period tracker to TTC. Feels so unnatural to me, even talking to DH about the fact I am due to ovulate feels weird. I'm looking out for any symptoms that I am ovulating. Don't want to DTD if we aren't in the mood really at the moment. Don't really want to force things this soon so not scheduling him in. Just making him casually aware lol...
I'm sure he won't mind. :lol:

What app do you use?

I've been telling OH all our rules and regulations for this month, we're only DTD on the day of ovulation, in hopes of conceiving a boy. Not that I don't want another girl, a sister for my baby girl would be amazing, but my morning sickness was horrendous with my daughter (GP said it could be due to the hormones baby girls create) I don't want to miss too much work in the first half of pregnancy if possible. Especially as I was in hospital a lot in the 2nd half with HBP! And I guess one of each would be nice to experience too so that's our aim as silly as it sounds. :)

Some of the things that happened to me during ovulation were really weird dreams & a headache. But now I check my cervix position. Other than that I've no idea. :lol: xxx

Does that actually work because I would prefer a girl first. My family is all girls and his is all boys so I don't have a clue what I would do with a boy.

I use P tracker. It's actually emailing me a 7 day guide to conception which is great since I've avoided pregnancy my whole life I haven't got a clue really. DH did science so he thinks I'm hilarious because I went to a Catholic school so fully believe unprotected sex = baby EVERY TIME
If you want a girl my advice is to DTD 3-4 days before you ovulate. Male sperm don't live as longs so will have died off before your egg is released and therefore you've a good chance of having a girl.

Yeah I thought that too! OH actually said to me "you do release how difficult it can be to get pregnant?!" This was when we first became official, and after 3mths of not trying we got pregnant. I was like oh yeah real hard! :lol:

But after being on this forum I've realised how difficult it can be, and how long it can take. xxx


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