HASGDSHSJBS!!! (Yeah just a little freak out haha) Today went for a tour of the maternity unit. We got to see one of the rooms we could give birth in and then the wards. The delivery room (? that's what I'll call it lol) wasn't as scary as I expected. It was actually quite nice, had a bed, birthing pool, birthing balls, a fan and radio in there etc. But omg going in there it just major HIT ME.
It might sound weird, but I think it's actually taken me until now for it to hit home that I'm having a baby... and he's coming soon!! That room, just seeing everything like the gas and air etc. really drilled it in. Fluhhh and then going to the wards and seeing all the new mummy's and the girls in labour waiting to go to delivery etc. It was frightening. And I have to stay, I do not like the wards. It's so hot in there, thought I was gonna melt. And it just seems like very dull/darkish? I always pictured it to be a nice bright place full of babies lol but it wasn't. I really didn't like it. I do not want to have to stay there long!!
Tbh the only reason I went was so that I know where I'd be going when I go into labour... but it just scared the life out of me hahah.