October Mummies!

Im a fellow first timer too...nice to know I have a first timer on here to compare notes with. All new but good at the same time.
Kinda glad I’m pregnant through all this madness otherwise I think I’d of turned to a bottle of wine every night, Hale the sober ones :friends::rotfl: xxx

I literally said to my husband this afternoon imagine how drunk and silly we would have been these last few day!! :merry:X
Lol sorry to scare you FTMs, you'll be fine. It's a shock but you'll adjust! Baby cuddles make it all worth it anyway :)

I agree, I miss cider. We'd be sitting around off our faces too if it was just the two of us and no pregnancy. Oh well haha. It's a good time to be pregnant really, no one has to see us at the fat stage where you look like you've gained a tonne of weight but no one can tell it's a baby bump yet haha!
I had a dream last night that I had triplets. Two boys and a girl. Plus my daughter already so I had two of each. All the babies were perfectly quiet smiley little things. It was also the middle of winter somewhere really cold so they were all in big puffy snow suits looking like squishy marshmallows. It was so cute. I woke up really sad wishing I was pregnant.. Trying to work out when my period was due so I could conceive.. Then after about 5mins I was like oh shit I'm just about 13 weeks pregnant. HAH I'm so dumb. Baby brain eh?
I had a dream last night that I had triplets. Two boys and a girl. Plus my daughter already so I had two of each. All the babies were perfectly quiet smiley little things. It was also the middle of winter somewhere really cold so they were all in big puffy snow suits looking like squishy marshmallows. It was so cute. I woke up really sad wishing I was pregnant.. Trying to work out when my period was due so I could conceive.. Then after about 5mins I was like oh shit I'm just about 13 weeks pregnant. HAH I'm so dumb. Baby brain eh?
Hahaha that made me laugh, I’ve been having very odd dreams, that are weirdly b real, my bf woke up this morning to me full on laughing my head off in my sleep, he was like you weirdo, made him laugh.

Felt abit off this evening girls suddenly started with a throbbing head ache, worse lower cramps than normal, nausea and felling hot but cold, come to bed early and seems to have gone off abit, doesn’t half worry you tho, like something is wrong, your body is a crazy thing, I’ve heard the last two weeks of the 1st Trimester you feel lots of stretching cramps so crossing my fingers it’s just that. xxx

Ps I miss Cider, Wine & Gin too you :brat::dito:
Aww I have just under two weeks for my first scan, not heard anything as of yet but hoping and praying he can come too, first pregnancy and all it’s something you want to experience together, but if not least we can have pictures.

I feel really good at the min, just sore boobs and growing cramps, but no sickness as of yet, how about you? what’s your due date? Mines 19th Oct.


my due date is the 9th October according to my LMP. I’m feeling okay thanks, slightly less tired and boobs are getting slightly less sore. Also the waves of nausea have pretty much disappeared apart from I still wretch when brushing my teeth - what’s that about?! :)
Hope your partner can come to the scan!​
Im in Aberdeenshire up in Scotland :smile:

can’t believe how close we are to scans now! So happy for you PinkFlamingo! :D

yes my ds didn’t go longer than 2 hours between feeds for the first few months so it was a big shock to the system but it’s amazing how you can keep going! Think it’s the hormones! ;)
Hahaha @WinterWolf So funny you were sad you weren't pregnant.

@CharleneEmma I'm in Australia (so is @WinterWolf ). I hope you are feeling better and all is fine.

That post partum period is tough, there are huge adjustments to be made, lack of sleep, feelings of being nothing other than a feeding machine and major hormonal changes. It helps if you can have someone around to help for a while - someone to get you food and drinks, take the baby for a while so you can get some sleep, and having a supportive friend who isn't sleep deprived themselves who can tell you you are doing an amazing job. Co sleeping can make the whole thing much easier and reduce your sleep deprivation too. You just need to make sure you know the risks and how to do it safely. Reading or watching videos during long feeding sessions helps keep you sane. Just don't expect to be having your household running like normal.

If you aren't going to have anyone there to support you, it will be harder but you can still do it. Before birth it's a good idea to make some foods that are easy to eat one handed so you can grab it quickly and eat even while you are holding the baby.

Having that soft, sweet smelling baby makes it all worthwhile.
@MammaOfMany I'm on the Gold Coast. :) Good advice! I made freezer meals last time but couldn't even eat most of them as I made things like curry that were too much effort to eat while feeding... At least they kept the husband fed.
@MrsLG every morning when I brush my teeth my breakfast comes back! I’ve only been brushing them once can’t face it. There’s a certain spot/tooth that is little a projectile vomit button (sorry tmi!)

@MammaOfMany I’m a big fan of co sleeping. I just love the cuddles I miss my daughter when she is in her own bed. I’d rather sleep with her than my husband!! My make so sad when mums sleep train and leave their babies to cry!

First time mums I’d read up on the fourth trimester and join breastfeeding support groups. I was so unprepared for spending 10 hours a good with a baby attached to my boob!

I didn’t freeze anything last time but I will defiantly do it this time! Especially as I’ll need to feed my daughter too. I’m such a novice when I comes to freezing food. I saw on Stacey Solomon’s Instagram she’d made sandwiches/rolls for her kids lunches for the week and froze them. I thought this was a good idea for when you’re starving amidst all the feeding!
I Agree with what everyone has said :) for anyone who is preparing to be a first time mum I would recommend being prepared for the first few weeks to just concentrate on your recovery (Labour / csection mean your body may need to rest a lot) and feeding you and your baby (housework can wait!) - and that means however you can manage! I have some friends who couldn’t breast feed - I did but I really wish I had gone to bottle sooner as I was literally exhausted (so exhausted I fell and broke my arm) - as long as baby is fed that’s all that matters - if you can’t breast feed you are not a failure! I also didn’t co sleep as I was terrified I would roll onto my son although I did fall asleep with him on the feeding pillow and me sat up in bed a few times (arms wrapped round him obviously) and again was worried but my health visitor said I probably wasn’t properly asleep and would’ve woken if he stirred. And I have friends who loved co sleeping! Do what is right for you, everyone is different and as long as baby is loved and fed and warm they will be fine :angel: Baby cuddles really are the best! Oh and be prepared for crazy hormones the first few weeks! You may not feel an instant bond with your baby too - this is okay, don’t panic, it will come :smile: the first day after my Labour I was exhausted (it was a complicated one) and it took me a while to process my feelings as I was just so damn tired but after a day or two I realised what an amazing love I felt for my ds :)
I was terrified of bed sharing so spent the entire first night at home trying to get this crying newborn to sleep in her bassinet... Gave up at 5am and let her sleep on me (I'm a light sleeper so whenever she moved I woke), never looked back lol. She was going to bed in her cot from about 3mo but has always spent half the night in bed with us. Bed sharing can be done safely.
I'm weirdly excited for birth. I know it's not a walk in the park, I'm very much a realist. But I also know that we can handle it, its what we were made for. I hate listening to people describe birth in such negative ways (totally appreciate its not a good experience for many women) and feel like you never hear anything positive. I think we have the power to make birth whatever we want it to be!

Anyone else feel fine for most of the time? Other than being super spotty and getting headaches every day I feel fine. I'm really hoping it's because 1st tri is almost up and that my baby is growing nicely! X
Sorry WinterWolf didn’t mean to offend! As I said a few of my friends did it and loved it was just trying to say that everyone is different and if you do or don’t want to do things it’s okay to do either if you get what I mean? In my experience I felt a lot of mummy guilt for doing or not doing things and just want to help someone else avoid this :sad:
I did the same @WinterWolf and the midwifes put the fear of god into me saying not to fall asleep with her on me so I didn’t sleep for the first week! I don’t think I had her in the bed until she was 3/4 months but I’d definitely do it sooner this time round. My daughter was teeny so looked so lost in her bedside crib!

I love hearing everyone’s birth stories!!! Ladies that have had more than two. Where you births similar at all? I had a really straight forward text book birth and obviously want that again!

I agree @MrsLG do what works for you and feels right!
Natalie8964 I totally agree! I didn’t get the birth I wanted with my first pregnancy (ideal home birth with pool) but I got through it with just gas and air (only used after I got to 7-8 cms) once things kicked in even after being induced with pitocin which I was quite proud of... (And feel breathing I learnt at a pregnancy yoga class helped a lot!) but my cousin (who had an uncomplicated pregnancy) did hypnobirthing and had 2 home births - the second at home, with pool on and off, 6 hours from start to finish! The mind can be a powerful thing! <3:)
Hmm Sarah not sure you want to hear mine but it was very unusual given I had gestational diabetes, a short cervix and polyhyrdomnios and got induced (started Saturday morning, ds born wed morning) and spinal after for stitches :? As I say this is not the norm! And I would’ve had another one the next day! The midwife at my booking in appointment seemed surprised I was having another after I went through details of my first :rotfl:
Sorry WinterWolf didn’t mean to offend! As I said a few of my friends did it and loved it was just trying to say that everyone is different and if you do or don’t want to do things it’s okay to do either if you get what I mean? In my experience I felt a lot of mummy guilt for doing or not doing things and just want to help someone else avoid this :sad:

Yes, mummy guilt is I would argue unavoidable however it is very helpful to have people reminding you that it's your choice to make and that you shouldn't feel guilty if it doesn't align with someone else's choice. It's not possible to please everyone anyway.

@Xsarahh for me although each birth has been slightly different they have all been pretty similar. That's not to say that someone who had a complicated birth can't have an uncomplicated birth afterwards and someone who had an uncomplicated birth can't have a complicated birth thereafter. Let's hope that this birth will be uncomplicated and straight forward.

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