Do you think we will be allowed to film our scans or FaceTime our partners if they aren’t allowed to come?
Is it illegal to secretly record it? I might set up my GoPro in my jacket pocket hahahahaha
Hi ladies, bad news from me I’m afraid. Started bleeding this morning. We went for a private scan and were told the baby died at 10 weeks. The 12 week scan was meant to be tomorrow. Can’t believe it’s happened so late on in the first trimester. Anyway just wanted to let you know as I’ll now be leaving this group. Best of luck to all of you with your pregnancies. I hope I’ll be back here again one day. xxx
Hey I can’t seem to get onto thisHey ladies, here’s a link to the private FB group for anyone who wants to join! Hope it works...
Once everyone who has wanted to join has joined then I’ll make it secret x
Aww I have just under two weeks for my first scan, not heard anything as of yet but hoping and praying he can come too, first pregnancy and all it’s something you want to experience together, but if not least we can have pictures.Wow, sorry guys, haven’t been on for a while as I’ve been trying to set up home schooling and working from home. Such sad news for kathryn85 and dinkydizzy - my heart goes out to you both! Feel free to message me if you need to talk.
I can’t believe people are having to go in by themselves for scans it’s crazy what’s going on. I have my 12 week scan next Thursday when I’ll be 12+6 so keeping everything crossed that my partner can come too. Really feel for those who aren’t allowed and am fully expecting that this will be the case for us to. How is everyone feeling?
@PinkFlamingo , are you serious? They only let you have 2 free scan pictures? Here they give you a disc which from memory includes all the pictures they took.
@CharleneEmma can you try again? A few of the others girls have found it! Let me know if still no luck xx
I’m feeling sooooo much better this week too! My nausea has practically gone, it’s just the sore boobs now. The days are going pretty quickly now we are all at home, it will he scan time before we know it