Just catching up on the thread. Looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs this month! This is my first cycle since my mc so I'm really hoping I dont have to wait too much longer for my BFP again but the dreaded anxiety will kick in massively when I get it.
I know what you mean, this is my 6th cycle since the mc and while its all I want to be pregnant again, I dont think Ill be relaxing for the first trimester.
Just catching up on the thread. Looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs this month! This is my first cycle since my mc so I'm really hoping I dont have to wait too much longer for my BFP again but the dreaded anxiety will kick in massively when I get it.
I know what you mean, this is my 6th cycle since the mc and while its all I want to be pregnant again, I dont think Ill be relaxing for the first trimester.
I'm super nervous but I feel ready to get pregnant again. No matter how long I wait, the level of anxiety will be the same so I may as well start trying again straight away. Who knows how long it will take for me to get pregnant again anyway. Could take ages. I am hopeful it won't as it only took 4 cycles first time. So I'm really hoping for another quick result
You just put the 19th in the November mummies thread?!
How is this possible??
I think it's impossible not to! On holiday it was easy to ignore as I was busy, as soon as I got home - different story. I've never been so more aware of my body, lol. My stomach has been weird and solid for days since the uti, even before, it's like a rock!See if this works. I'm using femometer so added temps to ff
It did! Sorry for the late reply. Doesnt look like youve ovd yet.
Im 4 dpo today and doing allllll the things I said I wouldnt do this cycle like googling :roll eyes: I have no doubt Ill be symptom spotting by the end of the week, so weak.
Temp went up this morning to 37.17 so I wonder if the spike is starting
Congrats on the house stuff Vespa! (Delayed response, sorry - I'm back on shift).
I got so excited at the positive opk yesterday. Need to test again when I get home tonight to see what's happening. I've got low cramping and pulling happening so maybe it is today but my temp dropped (only from 36.17 to 36.1) so I didn't get 3 increased which is throwing me but I took the temp a bit earlier so I wonder if that makes a difference. Dunno.
Dreading spending the next 2 weeks on shift shitting myself if I get overruns or hard jobs and lots of lifting. The day I find out I'm pregnant ( whenever that may be) I'm coming straight off the road. Balls to waiting to 12 weeks, we have to stop ambulance shifts and work on station when pregnant for safety. I'll literally be telling them the moment I see a digi!
Thats rubbish Crumble, hope you feel better soon, seems to be a lot of it going about at the moment! X
Congrats on the house stuff Vespa! (Delayed response, sorry - I'm back on shift).
I got so excited at the positive opk yesterday. Need to test again when I get home tonight to see what's happening. I've got low cramping and pulling happening so maybe it is today but my temp dropped (only from 36.17 to 36.1) so I didn't get 3 increased which is throwing me but I took the temp a bit earlier so I wonder if that makes a difference. Dunno.
Dreading spending the next 2 weeks on shift shitting myself if I get overruns or hard jobs and lots of lifting. The day I find out I'm pregnant ( whenever that may be) I'm coming straight off the road. Balls to waiting to 12 weeks, we have to stop ambulance shifts and work on station when pregnant for safety. I'll literally be telling them the moment I see a digi!
I am at exactly same point, but I been vomiting (TMI, sorry) this morning, felt like s**t and I rang sick for the first time in one year and half I work there. On the hard job point of view, nothing for us (carer) but I will tell them straight away as our job it is lifting, rolling, pushing wheelchairs.....I don't want to risk it, I don't want go through another miscarriage.
(Took half an hour to write this with my broken screen, sorry for mistakes)
Oh, no, typo. 35.8, 36.08, 36.17 then today 36.10
Oh, no, typo. 35.8, 36.08, 36.17 then today 36.10
Then no ovulation
....yet! Hope you bought that spinach
Youlast night so do tonight and tomorrow night too. Let me know what the opk looks like this evening