October 2018 Testing Thread

Yesterday's one definitely positive to me x x best of luck girls x x
Yep, yesterdays is the peak!

Ugh shifts :(

And here's me thinking I understood all of this?! Sorry for being thick, lol. I thought the opk yesterday was neg as it wasn't as strong as the day before? But I got a temp rise this morning to 36.23 (increase of 0.13 and the highest it's been ever) so of I get two more increases (Fri and sat) Then I ovd yesterday?

I really hope I finish on time today or BD is literally going to be with my eyes shut:nap:

Based on ov yesterday, bd again tonight and tomorrow? Rest one and then one more?

Morning ladies btw, hope you are all OK. Just quickly posting before I go to work x
You ovulated yesterday, BD tonight and tomorrow wouldn't be helpful as the egg survive just 24h so the "work" have to be done by the swimmers that are already there.

I am 1DPO too today and still feel horrible, but better than yesterday xx
Yep, yesterdays is the peak!

Ugh shifts :(

And here's me thinking I understood all of this?! Sorry for being thick, lol. I thought the opk yesterday was neg as it wasn't as strong as the day before? But I got a temp rise this morning to 36.23 (increase of 0.13 and the highest it's been ever) so of I get two more increases (Fri and sat) Then I ovd yesterday?

I really hope I finish on time today or BD is literally going to be with my eyes shut:nap:

Based on ov yesterday, bd again tonight and tomorrow? Rest one and then one more?

Morning ladies btw, hope you are all OK. Just quickly posting before I go to work x

That’s what we said, the first one was pos (the darker one). We posted last night so when we said yesterday we were talking about Tuesdays

It’s hard to just go by numbers, you need to be looking at the chart. I also chart in Fahrenheit as it’s easier to see the shifts.

If you get two more at the higher level then it will say you ovulated yesterday which would tie in with your positive opt on Tuesday.

I’d bd tonight as SMEP calls for bd at O-1, O and O+1 but if you can’t manage then don’t worry, as Crumble said, the pre-O sperm will be the best for getting the job done as the egg only survives for such a short time.

Have a look at some of our charts and you’ll get the hang of it, I did so much reading the first couple of months.

Hope you have a nice easy shift and no difficult calls :hugs:
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6 dpo today. Not much to report, the usual sore boobs and lots of creamy CM but nothing out of the ordinary for me!
Yep, yesterdays is the peak!

Ugh shifts :(

And here's me thinking I understood all of this?! Sorry for being thick, lol. I thought the opk yesterday was neg as it wasn't as strong as the day before? But I got a temp rise this morning to 36.23 (increase of 0.13 and the highest it's been ever) so of I get two more increases (Fri and sat) Then I ovd yesterday?

I really hope I finish on time today or BD is literally going to be with my eyes shut:nap:

Based on ov yesterday, bd again tonight and tomorrow? Rest one and then one more?

Morning ladies btw, hope you are all OK. Just quickly posting before I go to work x

That’s what we said, the first one was pos (the darker one). We posted last night so when we said yesterday we were talking about Tuesdays

It’s hard to just go by numbers, you need to be looking at the chart. I also chart in Fahrenheit as it’s easier to see the shifts.

If you get two more at the higher level then it will say you ovulated yesterday which would tie in with your positive opt on Tuesday.

I’d bd tonight as SMEP calls for bd at O-1, O and O+1 but if you can’t manage then don’t worry, as Crumble said, the pre-O sperm will be the best for getting the job done as the egg only survives for such a short time.

Have a look at some of our charts and you’ll get the hang of it, I did so much reading the first couple of months.

Hope you have a nice easy shift and no difficult calls :hugs:

I think it's starting to make a little more sense now, thank you for your patience :lol:
That sounds right so I expect my temp to be up again tomorrow which will confirm ov yesterday along with the opks.

Been trying to read up but I went to sleep like a light went out last night.

First job today was a cardiac arrest. I am a sh#t magnet

Sounds like a few are in the tww now and me too. No blueberry nipples yet, I hope that doesn't happen this cycle as it was agony :shock:
Congrats on the house stuff Vespa! (Delayed response, sorry - I'm back on shift).

I got so excited at the positive opk yesterday. Need to test again when I get home tonight to see what's happening. I've got low cramping and pulling happening so maybe it is today but my temp dropped (only from 36.17 to 36.1) so I didn't get 3 increased which is throwing me but I took the temp a bit earlier so I wonder if that makes a difference. Dunno.

Dreading spending the next 2 weeks on shift shitting myself if I get overruns or hard jobs and lots of lifting. The day I find out I'm pregnant ( whenever that may be) I'm coming straight off the road. Balls to waiting to 12 weeks, we have to stop ambulance shifts and work on station when pregnant for safety. I'll literally be telling them the moment I see a digi!

I am at exactly same point, but I been vomiting (TMI, sorry) this morning, felt like s**t and I rang sick for the first time in one year and half I work there. On the hard job point of view, nothing for us (carer) but I will tell them straight away as our job it is lifting, rolling, pushing wheelchairs.....I don't want to risk it, I don't want go through another miscarriage.
(Took half an hour to write this with my broken screen, sorry for mistakes)

There is no change to your job role of pregnant? For us the lifting is one part, they also take us off the road due to long hours, crazy shit times and lengths plus lack of meal breaks and generally the fact the job has lots of unsocial parts to it. It's more to cover their arse really but I'd rather not be in a case where I had to do something and later regretted it. It's because we work as a 2 but carers often work alone?

Hope the D&V goes away
Not sure what happened there, posted but it disappeared. Gist of it was, I did the reading so you don’t have to Radleycat. My brain wouldn’t function at all after a 13 hour shift!!

Blueberry nipples :lol:
Hi everyone. Im back!
My positive was a false positive and AF arrived like clockwork on the 17th. I was on the verge of giving up on this journey but after our week in turkey (with no baby talk) i feel refreshed and ready to start again. So heres to October. Can i have the 17th please x
I’m sorry Stacey89 :hugs:

Glad to here you’re in a good place after your holiday. Let’s do this!!
Congrats on the house stuff Vespa! (Delayed response, sorry - I'm back on shift).

I got so excited at the positive opk yesterday. Need to test again when I get home tonight to see what's happening. I've got low cramping and pulling happening so maybe it is today but my temp dropped (only from 36.17 to 36.1) so I didn't get 3 increased which is throwing me but I took the temp a bit earlier so I wonder if that makes a difference. Dunno.

Dreading spending the next 2 weeks on shift shitting myself if I get overruns or hard jobs and lots of lifting. The day I find out I'm pregnant ( whenever that may be) I'm coming straight off the road. Balls to waiting to 12 weeks, we have to stop ambulance shifts and work on station when pregnant for safety. I'll literally be telling them the moment I see a digi!

I am at exactly same point, but I been vomiting (TMI, sorry) this morning, felt like s**t and I rang sick for the first time in one year and half I work there. On the hard job point of view, nothing for us (carer) but I will tell them straight away as our job it is lifting, rolling, pushing wheelchairs.....I don't want to risk it, I don't want go through another miscarriage.
(Took half an hour to write this with my broken screen, sorry for mistakes)

There is no change to your job role of pregnant? For us the lifting is one part, they also take us off the road due to long hours, crazy shit times and lengths plus lack of meal breaks and generally the fact the job has lots of unsocial parts to it. It's more to cover their arse really but I'd rather not be in a case where I had to do something and later regretted it. It's because we work as a 2 but carers often work alone?

Hope the D&V goes away

I will probably go to the medication side more (I am a senior medications administrator) and less care side, but as you said, lack of meal break and a lot of stress, doesn't help! I will try to protect me and the baby as much as I can and tell them straight away xx
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Welcome back Stacey, sorry for your chemical though...

Been following the thread, are you both working in the health sector or something? Crumble and Radley?

I've just done my opk (first time I ever tracking ov) I only started on cd13 since I wasn't able to get any sooner. I got a dark line yesterday afternoon, then a but lighter in the evening.
I had to wake up at 3am for work this morning and they say not to test with fmu since the urine can be too concentrated. But i've just gone to the loo and tested and I hadn't been for 7 hours straight. Could that influence the testing?

I have a screenshot of the opk but does that mean that OV is today??


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Possibly, looks like you might have missed the peak and caught the surge on its way down. Do you temp as well? What day do you normally ovulate on?
I do my OPK in the morning (fmu) and one in the afternoon and I can see the line progression and usually what starts to be in the morning get darker in the afternoon
Around ov time, I do my OPKs 3 times, fmu, mid afternoon and about 8pm.

I want to fast forward a week to ov time, feels like longest wait at the moment, CD4 today! x

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