October 2018 Testing Thread

Flippin eck. Looks like another UTI for me. WTF is wrong with me? Again, I've had lower abdo pain continuing after my period and pressure, generally feeling rough but no fever. Said about it to OH and he said to test for a UTI and bingo :roll: . Wasn't sure about Abx when ttc so called the GP (he's really good) and I'm picking up a short course later on. Normally I'd suck it up and try to flush out with loads of fluid (been drinking loads) but if by some miracle I did catch the egg this week I certainly don't want this BS travelling up to my kidneys.

So I didn't quite pee on a stick, but I dipped - guess that counts towards the addiction right?!

Oh and I had faint lines on opks the past couple of days (negative) but a big fat nothing this afternoon. weird
Oh no Radleycat, I’m sorry.

I went through a phase of UTI’s but it turned out I was allergic to certain condoms, or I think most likely the lube used on them

You’re hardly using condoms but are you using lube?
Oh no Radleycat, I’m sorry.

I went through a phase of UTI’s but it turned out I was allergic to certain condoms, or I think most likely the lube used on them

You’re hardly using condoms but are you using lube?

Nope. No lube. We haven't needed it tbh, lol.
Radley do you leave the swimmers to get there swim on for a while before getting up and peeing/cleaning up after the deed?

Sometimes this can cause UTIs, at least it did for my sister.

Haha the questions we ask random strangers on forums! Wouldn't dream of asking someone this face to face lmao

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Radley do you leave the swimmers to get there swim on for a while before getting up and peeing/cleaning up after the deed?

Sometimes this can cause UTIs, at least it did for my sister.

Haha the questions we ask random strangers on forums! Wouldn't dream of asking someone this face to face lmao

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I dunno, as a Paramedic - you'd be shocked at what people tell me and even worse at what they try to show me. 'I've had bleeding from my rectum, would you like to see?' Um, no ta.

Yeah, i stay put for a bit after but only like 5-10 min or so. It's mainly to check my OH as he gets as irregular heartbeat after (weird) so I check it. It's all romance in our house :shock:
Radley do you leave the swimmers to get there swim on for a while before getting up and peeing/cleaning up after the deed?

Sometimes this can cause UTIs, at least it did for my sister.

Haha the questions we ask random strangers on forums! Wouldn't dream of asking someone this face to face lmao

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This is so true!!! We will never tell people in "real life" we going to BD tonight because I feel I am ovulating and my boobs are like watermelon you know! Uahauahaiah so crazy, but I like what we share and how we support each other, I wouldn't change it for anything <3
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Radley I used to be so sensitive to UTI because my GP told me to pee before and after the deed, which is totally useless! I was barely able to pee after the deed since I had no more urine in my bladder which actually is HELPING the little bacteria go up since you can't flush them out! Another doctor told me to only pee AFTER the deed because then those bacteria who had slowly started creeping up the tract would get expulsed. Ever since I've been doing that, I've had 1 UTI 3 and a half years ago and that's it.
Might not be the same issue with you but it helped me loads!x
Hello ladies, so I’ve moved over from September thread after a short week or so of trying not to think about TTC! Could I have 8th please. I’m really trying hard not to think too much about it this month. Even debating leaving out the opks and just DTD every other day/s. I just feel so disappointed from the previous months that I think I just can’t cope with the constant analysis of my body anymore! However it is great to talk to other ladies in the same position.... it gets a bit hard keeping it all to yourself & work colleagues wondering why your in a grump (or having a cry) just because your period arrives!

Anyway I’m CD11 & now on my 5th cycle since coming of the pill!
Welcome Mandy!

Just got a positive opk, looks like ovulation is back to normal this month. Time to get busy :D :bd:
Hello ladies, so I’ve moved over from September thread after a short week or so of trying not to think about TTC! Could I have 8th please. I’m really trying hard not to think too much about it this month. Even debating leaving out the opks and just DTD every other day/s. I just feel so disappointed from the previous months that I think I just can’t cope with the constant analysis of my body anymore! However it is great to talk to other ladies in the same position.... it gets a bit hard keeping it all to yourself & work colleagues wondering why your in a grump (or having a cry) just because your period arrives!

Anyway I’m CD11 & now on my 5th cycle since coming of the pill!

5th cycle for me too, I am CD6 x
It is Friday!!!!!! And I will be off this weekend :yay:
I am CD 7 and can't wait to start the egg hunt again! Today I am just spotting so AF is going away and this make me very happy because this means I can start to try again :pompom:
Yayyyyy Crumble! :dance:

Didn’t sleep well last night. I think our new house is about to fall through and we can’t stay here so am trying to come to terms with the fact that we’ll have to move back in with my parents and commute until we can buy somewhere else. The way the rental situation is in Dublin at the moment means that that’s the most logical thing to do but I’m so upset we’ve been put in this position by our vendors.

On the other hand I have ovulation pains so should be ovulating in a few hours.

It’s just been a sucky year, mc followed by this crap, seems like all the big things we try to do end in disaster.
Thanks girls. Sorry to hear you feel that way Vespa, & I&#8217;m so sorry about your mc. Sometimes it does feel that way, try to stay positive. I am terrible for letting things get on top of me, stressing & worrying & I&#8217;m really trying hard this month not to let that happen. It&#8217;s very difficult though when your constantly on the go with lots to do! My mind never switches off!
I&#8217;m guessing I may ovulate any time between today & Monday. I&#8217;m on 28 day cycles (I&#8217;ve had 4 since stopping the pill) except one cycle where I ovulated (got my surge) when I was meant to but was 4 days late. Then back to 28 days again! So I&#8217;m trying not to bother POAS this weekend! I was going to temp this cycle but my thermometer didn&#8217;t arrive in time so I&#8217;m just thinking of having a body watch break! Lol defo easier said than done!
Thank goodness it is Friday crumble! X
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Happy Friday ladies! Positive vibes for all of you this month! Enjoy all the BD'ing haha. I look forward to POAS mid October (while also trying not to symptom spot!) Xx
Phew for Friday!

Had to do a presentation at uni today (it was easy really) but felt like I was going to vom on the way in and when I got there. I Think the antibiotics had something to do with that. I remain vom free though but still feel a bit crap. This uti can do one.

I know what you mean about body watching as I am temping for the first time this month (done like 4 so far) and I literally dream about forgetting to take it then wake up and am not sure if I did in my slumber or not. Wtf is wrong with me?!

Opk is neg, only control line which is weird because there was a faint line a couple of days ago - I've heard some say that you can get mini surges so maybe it was that as it seems too early as I expect to ov Monday or Tuesday. I think my brain needs a break!
I will try not to symptom spot either this cycle but it's so hard not too!
I think that when you want something so bad every little cramp and cm is a sign!
I really hope this is the one for us ladies! Fx!x

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