October 2018 Testing Thread

Tempted to buy a frer and test early but I’ll try to be good and wait :) I’m almost positive I’m pregnant again but who knows, my body likes to play tricks on me lol, I’ve know the last three times by this stage so I’m 3 for 3 fingers crossed I can make it 4 for 4 lmao
Welcome Abi!
Sorry to hear on AF Mrs woody. Hope your okay.
I agree crumble it’s still very early but I needn’t talk I’ve been in your exact position the last few days feeling as you do. Sending hugs.
Yes and from me Vespa too - hope you are okay.

Fingers crossed still kitana!

I am due AF tomorrow & I still haven’t tested with other than that IC on Friday morning. It was difficult not to test this morning. The cramping and dull ache (especially the dull ache) has eased up yesterday but the cramping is intermittent. Was knicker checking yesterday morning and this morning as felt like AF had arrived again! Lol. Don’t know what to think. Sort of feeling calmer today knowing AF will arrive tomorrow. Also panicking a bit if it’s late and I still get a BFN - which happened that time I was 4days late and sent me a bit loopy! (Hadn’t even contended that could happen lol).
Nips are really bloody sore today but I suspect that is AF. Had a really odd feeling yesterday - something which never happens to me this close to AF and that is I got an increased libido! Yes at OV but not 2 days before AF!

Totally sympathise with the knicker checking Mandy, I hate these last few days when it feels like AF could arrive at any time and dash our hopes again!
It’s all go on here at the moment, few of you are on the final hurdle now, really hope to see some lovely BFPs on here over next few days.

CD14 for me today, no sign of ov yet. Have been getting some minor cramps on and off and windy last couple of days, not sure if that’s unrelated though. X
I'm driving myself mad with symptom spotting and I'm 99% sure they are related to my cold since I'm only 1 day after ovulation, if that. High temperature, blocked nose, joints ache, bloated, cramps. But with the very late OPK positive a part of me is thinking 'what if I ovulated before I started with the OPK and yesterday's was picking up a pregnancy'? I've been more tired than usual for a couple of weeks but it could just have been the run up to my cold. And my boobs look bigger but that could just be weight gain from being too tired to go to the gym and instead laying on the sofa eating biscuits!

Hopefully some positives from the girls testing this week will keep me distracted until I can test!
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Crumble it’s certainly been driving me a bit nuts! I’ve also noticed today I don’t have any break out on my face - v unusual for me as I’m only a day before AF. I did however have major break out last week/straight after ovulation- all over my neck mainly which is unusual for me. I don’t know. Going to forget about it all and go for a nice Sunday roast.I have a mad week at work this week with an early start so plenty to keep me busy tomorrow ... just not sure how I will cope with the rest of the week! lol! Girls you need to tell me off for symptom spotting!!! I said this month I was going to be good!

Same here, not one spot and it is a bit strange lol x

This was the same as me - I would also get one or two new friends appear before AF :roll: thats how I would know the witch was on her way, but nothing the month I got my bfp.

Mandy - Stop symptom spotting :oooo: :lol:
Yea I had really bad break out the week and half after ovulation like really bad. My skin now is actually really good. Weird. Defo not going to test in the morning as I can’t take the disappointment especially before work. I’d love nothing more than a BFP.
My tummy feels weird at the moment. I'm hoping that's a good sign a couple days after ov
My tummy feels weird at the moment. I'm hoping that's a good sign a couple days after ov

Mine feels odd too. Had L sided pain on and off for a day or two and tonight I've got pain in the middle, lower abdomen. Doesnt feel like af cramps as they feel like I'm being Sorn in half. I don't know what to think. Sympton spotting arrrghhhhh!:wall2:
My tummy feels weird at the moment. I'm hoping that's a good sign a couple days after ov

Mine feels odd too. Had L sided pain on and off for a day or two and tonight I've got pain in the middle, lower abdomen. Doesnt feel like af cramps as they feel like I'm being Sorn in half. I don't know what to think. Sympton spotting arrrghhhhh!:wall2:

I promised myself no more symptom spotting! I can't help it though. It is difficult not to notice things when it's your body! I just want this to be the month.
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Morning girls, my temperature is dropping now, today it is 36.50 so I am just waiting for AF to come, I don't feel pregnant, I do feel AF will be here soon. Well, another month, another cycle.....:bored:
Aw crumble! Stay positive-not out until AF arrives. Sympathise massively though as I feel the same - woke up feeling full of disappointment.ugh hate Monday’s.
Try to stay positive Crumble but if you are out does that mean you get 2 chances in November since your cycle is only 27 days? Fx for a BFP soon.
I am fully expecting AF to arrive today too. Would love to see some positives!
Woke up and took my temp, it went to 37.1 I think, highest it's ever been so a second rise after my 'dip'. Wasn't going to test but thought f@ck it, why not.

Came up before 3 min. Please tell me of I'm seeing things? Literally shaking


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Woke up and took my temp, it went to 37.1 I think, highest it's ever been so a second rise after my 'dip'. Wasn't going to test but thought f@ck it, why not.

Came up before 3 min. Please tell me of I'm seeing things? Literally shaking

I didnt even need to open the picture to see that line :dance:

eeeeek congratulations :love:

How many dpo are you?x
Wow Radleycat, that's amazing! BFP!! Congratulations!!! Fx for a sticky bean!!!
I honestly can't believe it. I'm 12dpo. Af due either weds or Thurs. Had a really rough night, couldn't sleep due to being absolutely boiling hot and woke with tummy cramps. Sneaked downstairs to test whilst oh in the shower as I didn't want to disappoint him and I did not expect that line to come up at all. I gave him the test and he said well at least we know now - he didn't see the line! I had to tell him to look again, lol.
I'm due at the gp tomorrow for my back so will mention the test then but don't know if he will take me seriously until I've missed af a couple of days later (assuming I miss it).
I'm really surpised which sounds stupid but I am gobsmacked :shock:


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Woke up and took my temp, it went to 37.1 I think, highest it's ever been so a second rise after my 'dip'. Wasn't going to test but thought f@ck it, why not.

Came up before 3 min. Please tell me of I'm seeing things? Literally shaking

Omg Radley, i am over the moon for you. Congratulations.
Now we can say you wasn't in all that back pain for no reason, you did the right thing not taking the medication for it.
What a beautiful line and omg i love your temp chart. Look at that rise. :love: xx

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