****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Sorry not been on for a few days. Glad more scans are coming in and Babywomble sorry to hear about your anxiey but its totally normal and with symptoms and no bleeding AND a bump u will be just fine!
I've had an awful few days. Felt so great after my 12 week scan and was starting to really relax then BANG woke up in the middle of the night Sat having a panic attack! I managed to control it but its been so hard since then, constantly trying to keep on top of racing, scary thoughts and keep myself calm. I know ive spent the last 12 weeks worrying (right from ivf transfer) and I've had 5 or 6 very extreme bouts of anxiety before scans and when I bled from the blood clot, I've constantly been googling stuff and filling my brain with negative stuff so im not surprised this has happened. Anyway I've now sorted out a counsellor who does CBT and went today and going each week. Also been very honesr with DH. So yeah still not in the best way but trying to hard for thd baby to keep myseld calm and im happy I've spoken out and got help x
Sorry not been on for a few days. Glad more scans are coming in and Babywomble sorry to hear about your anxiey but its totally normal and with symptoms and no bleeding AND a bump u will be just fine!
I've had an awful few days. Felt so great after my 12 week scan and was starting to really relax then BANG woke up in the middle of the night Sat having a panic attack! I managed to control it but its been so hard since then, constantly trying to keep on top of racing, scary thoughts and keep myself calm. I know ive spent the last 12 weeks worrying (right from ivf transfer) and I've had 5 or 6 very extreme bouts of anxiety before scans and when I bled from the blood clot, I've constantly been googling stuff and filling my brain with negative stuff so im not surprised this has happened. Anyway I've now sorted out a counsellor who does CBT and went today and going each week. Also been very honesr with DH. So yeah still not in the best way but trying to hard for thd baby to keep myseld calm and im happy I've spoken out and got help x

Sending you hugs, lovely. You're on the right track by not holding it in. I found cbt incredibly helpful when I was going through a tough time a few years back. It takes some work, and trying out the various techniques until you find which work for you, so do stick at it. You are stronger than you think you are
The tri 2 post is now up and running! :)

I'm slightly annoyed though because for some reason my capital letters didn't stick! I never don't put capital letters. Why is October not capitalised? :(

Edit: I've remade it! Now there are two but one has capitals! ha ha sorry everyone. :)
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sarahlou me too! unmanagably tired, i literally cannot function and i have felt this way for the last week

i am waking up feeling like i am hungover and just counting the minutes to go back to bed! doesnt help i'm up in the night to pee constantly fml!

i thought it woudl wear off by now given i am nearly 10 weeks, instead its getting worse.

My nausea seems to be stepping down a notch though which is helpful
Sorry not been on for a few days. Glad more scans are coming in and Babywomble sorry to hear about your anxiey but its totally normal and with symptoms and no bleeding AND a bump u will be just fine!
I've had an awful few days. Felt so great after my 12 week scan and was starting to really relax then BANG woke up in the middle of the night Sat having a panic attack! I managed to control it but its been so hard since then, constantly trying to keep on top of racing, scary thoughts and keep myself calm. I know ive spent the last 12 weeks worrying (right from ivf transfer) and I've had 5 or 6 very extreme bouts of anxiety before scans and when I bled from the blood clot, I've constantly been googling stuff and filling my brain with negative stuff so im not surprised this has happened. Anyway I've now sorted out a counsellor who does CBT and went today and going each week. Also been very honesr with DH. So yeah still not in the best way but trying to hard for thd baby to keep myseld calm and im happy I've spoken out and got help x

oh hun :hugs: i hope the CBT helps, its so hard to not worry about something you want so dearly!

Google is the devil!
The tri 2 post is now up and running! :)

I'm slightly annoyed though because for some reason my capital letters didn't stick! I never don't put capital letters. Why is October not capitalised? :(

Edit: I've remade it! Now there are two but one has capitals! ha ha sorry everyone. :)

Yay thank you! I just found it, got excited and replied, then got all confused when I saw another thread underneath it lol. Think I posted on the right one :) xx

Sorry to read that some of you are struggling with anxiety, it really is an awful thing to deal with so sending you lots of love and hugs. I’m sure that as your bump grows and you start to feel little one moving about, you’ll start to feel less anxious. Hoping the CBT continues to work for you too, writergem. It’s something I’ve considered in the past, and quite recently too, but never plucked up the courage to get myself to the doctors, so well done you for making that step :) xxx
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I really feel for those suffering from anxiety. I have diagnosed OCD and it's not like what you see on TV with people obsessively cleaning, although it can be that. My worse symptom is actually the obsessive intrusive thoughts that used to be really uncontrollable. So I'd be happy minding my own business walking home when suddenly, and very vividly, a lorry passing would lose control and mount the curb. I'd see myself in excruciating detail pinned under the wheels and dying alone. I'd come back to reality and find myself crying. It wasn't just this; I'd see people I loved dying in fires, of heart attacks, cancer or other horrible things and it was like my mind had to play out the whole story. It was absolutely horrific. It's a side of OCD no one can see or thinks about but I have amazing coping mechanisms now. When one of these 'stories' start to play I imagine it's on a white board, and then I wipe it all away.

I can tell you all now though, I can write some absolutely fantastic horror stories! I'm working at bringing positives out of this, but I know how horrible anxiety can be.

Oh, and if you want a laugh, my OCD does have some of the funny aspects you see on TV. Leaving my house, only if I lock the door, I need to test the door handle twice, walk away, but then return and test it again! :lol:

I hope you don't all think I'm mad now ha ha. It's good to laugh at yourself when you have something like this.
Aww Gem I am so sorry you have been feeling so anxious and had a scary panic attack. It is so good that you are seeing someone about it though, very proud of you! CBT is fantastic and should definitely help, our minds sometimes need to be reminded of how we should be thinking rather than the path they seem to take.

I came off antidepressants in November after being on them for a year and have had CBT with a counsellor in the past (a good 9/10 years ago). Both definitely have there place and I know I need to remember that as soon as I ever feel like I'm spiralling again. 'Luckily' for me there have been quite obvious reasons for my issues both times but us mere humans do need to watch out for symptoms and get help when we feel we need it.

Cornishgirl, that sounds bloody scary!! Especially since you'd have had no control/inclination of when that might happen. So glad you've got a good mechanism for coping with it and I hope it continues to work. I remember reading about that way of dealing with negative thoughts before too, rub them out and replace them! Big hugs to everyone who needs them xXx
I came on to moan about feeling sick again. Felt so nauseous for a few days now and had the worst throw up session right before dinner last night and I'm pretty certain I could go again right now if I let myself.
I think I literally need to be grazing on food every 5 minutes to feel OK. Got a meeting from 2-3 that I chair, hopefully the fact that I have to do plenty of talking means I stop thinking about feeling sick...the main goal is to make sure I'm not actually sick, can you image! hahaha
sarahlou me too! unmanagably tired, i literally cannot function and i have felt this way for the last week

i am waking up feeling like i am hungover and just counting the minutes to go back to bed! doesnt help i'm up in the night to pee constantly fml!

i thought it woudl wear off by now given i am nearly 10 weeks, instead its getting worse.

My nausea seems to be stepping down a notch though which is helpful

Some days are OK and then other days like today I feel more tired when I get up than when I went to bed. Literally felt I could have fallen asleep standing up this morning. No motivation at all to go to work!
Thanks everyone! It has been really scary. Obv I'm more worried about the baby's welfare but feeling like you're losing control isnt good. Cornish Girl, I get you on the writing front. I have a great imagination which is why im an author... but unfortunately it does have its downside. Anyway I won't say im better but I'm keeping the panic at bay as much as possible and trying to give my body chance to heal. The doctor said its all the stress and anxiety actually coming out after a very stressful few months x
Hi ladies :wave: how are we all today?

Writergem I hope you're feeling a little more settled today, anxiety is such a beast of burden! Big hugs to all of you struggling.

I am suffering with extreme fatigue atm, i am not sleeping well as i am uncomfortable at night - tummy is bloated, boobs hurt, need to pee, need a drink, too hot , too cold etc

its driving me nuts, i have a high pressure sales job too with over 1600 accounts to manage so i need my flipping focus!

Counting down the days to my 12 week scan now on the 19th, i have reached 10 weeks today :yay:

nearly into tri 2!
Hi ladies :wave: how are we all today?

Writergem I hope you're feeling a little more settled today, anxiety is such a beast of burden! Big hugs to all of you struggling.

I am suffering with extreme fatigue atm, i am not sleeping well as i am uncomfortable at night - tummy is bloated, boobs hurt, need to pee, need a drink, too hot , too cold etc

its driving me nuts, i have a high pressure sales job too with over 1600 accounts to manage so i need my flipping focus!

Counting down the days to my 12 week scan now on the 19th, i have reached 10 weeks today :yay:

nearly into tri 2!

I feel fucking awful, I just want to cry :(

The nausea has been so bad the past three days it's actually getting unbearable and stopping me from getting on with my work in the office. I haven't slept for days because I can't get comfy and then when I finally drift off I'm waking up every 30 mins because I feel so rotten - I'm also really really really nervous about my scan tomorrow which isn't helping the situation.

I've really had enough already...not even the sun or the surprise visit from OH at lunch has helped. I'm hoping everything goes well tomorrow morning and that seeing a healthy little bean will bring a smile back to my face.
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I had a panic attack just before my scan, and held my breath as she started, but baby popped up straight away wriggling and bouncing as if to say, I’m alright Mum! Baby was awkward doing a headstand so I had to cough to try and move him or her. Everything looks good so just need to wait for my blood results! I’m so happy, my face hurts from smiling so much! Due date has been put back by just two days so now we’re 14th October :)


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Amazing news BabyWomble, glad everything went well! Lovely scan pic <3
Massive congratulations BabyWomble! :)

And I hope you start to feel better kj1. That sounds awful. :(
That's amazing babywomble :) You will be seeing and feeling the same tomorrow kj, I guarantee it! I hope you get a good rest tonight x
Amazing Baby Womble didn't I tell you so! I've been so much calmer today and something hilarious happened in the night! Ive been havin sex dreams off and on well last night I woke up in the middle of a giant O!!! &#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56834; Never happened to me before ever!! X

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