****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Has anyone heard from Surveyor? She seems to have gone very quiet recently
I know it’s still very early but I received my free baby box in the post today and am very impressed. Got the box with mattress and fitted sheet, a blanket, hat, mittens and socks. <3 It’s so cute.
I love the idea of the Finnish baby box and this isn’t as good, but it’s nice to have.

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Hopefully it’ll be a good luck charm for this pregnancy. :)

I've not seen these...how do you get them? Do you have to apply for them? I know there's the Emma's diary stuff, but they were crap last time. Nothing like these!!


If you search baby university on google you should find it. You have to complete a mini course and quiz on safe sleep guidelines to be eligibile. Then if you’re close enough to a hub you can collect for free or pay something like $7 for delivery which works out just over £5 which isn’t bad for what you get. I paid for delivery as our closest hub is Bristol.
I am going to bow out of this thread as I feel a bit invisible in here. Good luck with your pregnancies ladies.

Feel free to stay and pop back when you have worries. You’re always welcome even if you can’t get on enough to keep up with everything. :)
Morning! Day off work for me as I feel positively rotten after yesterday. I'm so tired and I feel absolutely wiped out with a stinking headache!
I think a lot of it is due to me worrying myself stupid too so today I'm biting the bullet and starting to crochet a lovely little Cardigan I have a pattern for

Lulla I used to be a body piercer too! I have no issues with needles and I am covered in tatts and piercings myself so I don't know what my fricking issue was

On the subject of piercings I have both my nipples done and was wondering about the logistics of breastfeeding. Obviously I'll have to remove then but I just wondered if anyone else had this piercing? I'll probably do another thread on it tbh

Good luck today Kazz, post pics after your scan! Xx
Totally missed that part of your post kazz good luck!x

I'm feeling really short tempered and emotional today and feel like I need to rant.

OH made a comment this morning about how much sugar there was in the hot chocolate I was making and his 'horrible' comment made me burst into tears. I'm finding him really annoying to look at at the moment, everything he says or does is irritating me. I know it's just the hormones but I'm feeling really drained and miserable. I'm really not enjoying being pregnant at all (I think a combo between my best friends negative reaction, the exhaustion, hormones and nausea) and I really hope things improve over the coming weeks because I'm not sure I can go on feeling this way for the next 6/7 months. Please don't judge me for saying this as I already feel awful about it but I don't currently feel I have any emotional attachment to baby (although midwife assured me this was normal in 1st tri) which is also really confusing and stressing me out as I have wanted to be a Mum for as long as I can remember. Please tell me this is going to change???

My OH is vegan and has always been very strong on his opinions with regards to me eating meat, fish, dairy etc. and he seem's to be even more fanatic now that I'm pregnant. He made a comment the other week about how the only thing he was going to be really pushy about was that our child will grow up vegan. ERMMMMM....!?!?! His Mum had to intervene the other day as he doesn't like me cooking anything non-vegan in the house, it's driving me bonkers!
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Wow kj1. Your rant sounds very well founded. I&#8217;d be irritated by that if I wasn&#8217;t pregnant!

I&#8217;ve felt a similar annoyance with my husband with even him facing me while we sleep. It&#8217;s definitely been hormones as it&#8217;s starting to ease now and I&#8217;m starting to miss him. He can come and give me attention again now! :)

Your child&#8217;s diet should also be a JOINT decision. I&#8217;m vegetarian and we&#8217;re bringing our son up vegetarian but I was more than happy for him to eat meat with his dad. It was my husband who said we&#8217;ll bring him up veggie and let him choose for himself as soon as he&#8217;s old enough to understand which could be as early as 4. I liked that so we&#8217;ve gone with it.
You are very lucky to have such an understanding husband CornishGirl - I also feel that the child's diet should be a joint decision. I have no problem whatsoever with my child being a meat eater, veggie, vegan etc. but I do feel that this should be a choice they make when they are old enough to make that decision.

I already try my best to fit the cooking around OH's diet and as a general rule cook only vegan dishes at home and opt for whatever I fancy when eating out. This usually results in an unimpressed raise of the eyebrow which I'm used to now, but the problem arises when any meat, fish or dairy (or sugary items - which are completely unrelated) are brought into the house.

He had the day off work today as his Father is in town and staying with us for a few days and he was up early ready to make breakfast for the three of us. I had bought some bacon the other day (which I had purposely hidden at the back of the fridge) and asked if I could pretty please have some bacon and egg with my avocado on toast and he full on refused to cook the meat or eggs for me. I went to work on an empty stomach and ate when I got into the office. I'm getting really fed up of constantly accommodating his diet but not getting the same level of respect in return...team that with the hormones and I'm an up-and-down mess.

I'm not really sure what I can do as it's the one thing he is so serious and passionate about but I'm worried it's going to cause some serious issues/arguments between the two of us further down the line.
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Hmmm that&#8217;s a hard one. I&#8217;m happy for my husband to have/cook meat at home. We have a separate pan but that&#8217;s it. He chooses not to eat meat at home and eats whatever when we&#8217;re out like you.
So I&#8217;m kinda the one in your partners shoes. But I know my husband would be upset if I forced my views on him. Might be worth having a word with him and telling him how you feel. If he carries on then he&#8217;s being a dick.

My cousins husband is Muslim and didn&#8217;t want her to eat bacon/pork when she was pregnant. She actually just made sure she had it when he wasn&#8217;t around. What you eat seems to crop up a lot in pregnancy for many reasons for everyone I think but it&#8217;s very annoying.
I've been doing the same as your cousin and just eating what I want when he isn't around which suits me fine, but I also feel like I shouldn't have to be sneaking around and hiding what I eat in an effort not to upset him.

I've never had a lot of dairy in my diet as it doesn't tend to agree with me and I'm very into my greens so generally I'm happy to join him with the vegan dishes. I think this is why I get so upset when he comments as I make an active effort to only cook meat or fish in the house once every 2-3 weeks which I feel is fair.

I think you're right, I will just need to sit down with him and discuss my concerns although given my past attempts I'm not sure we will come to any sort of agreement!
Hi all, I&#8217;m not sure how to upload an image but my scan was really good :) baby was really wriggly and also jumping a little bit. Was really nice to see and saw the heart beating away. They&#8217;ve dated me at 13+2 which makes my due date 25th September! Little earlier than we expected. Was so nice seeing the baby and also a bit weird as s/he is really active but obviously at moment have no idea that wriggling around so much
Kj1 you&#8217;ll have to let us know how it goes.

Kazz1n that&#8217;s fantastic news! :D Yay! Are you going to stick around this group?
Kj1 you’ll have to let us know how it goes.

Kazz1n that’s fantastic news! :D Yay! Are you going to stick around this group?

Yeah I think so. Il join the September one as well but stick around to see how everyone’s doing
Ladies... my little one :) I am so in love. I had to go in 3 times as baby was fast asleep then the had his back to camera stretching but he/she finally woke up for us. The midwife said she thought it was a girl as does my sister inlaw who is a midwife.

It was the best day of my life!


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Ladies... my little one :) I am so in love. I had to go in 3 times as baby was fast asleep then the had his back to camera stretching but he/she finally woke up for us. The midwife said she thought it was a girl as does my sister inlaw who is a midwife.

It was the best day of my life!

I absolutely love your announcement! <3
Gorgeous pics Tara, you must be over the moon! Will you be using this picture for your announcement? x
Gorgeous pics Tara, you must be over the moon! Will you be using this picture for your announcement? x

Yes - my phone has been going mental today! I am well and truly on cloud 9 after a horrible few weeks!

Good news about your scan! Congrats trimester 1 is over now!!

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