****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Afternoon ladies! Just waiting to go in and see the midwife for my booking in appointment so feeling good today. Hopefully I can say how worried I am atm and see what she suggests because I really want to enjoy this more!!

I've been very teary and emotional yesterday and today over nothing and I am not ever a crier!!! Baby videos makes me bawl lmao I think it's just because I want this so much! And I'm hormonal. I've probably been keeping a lot of it in to try and stay strong tbh so I needed a good cry.

I really feel you netty.

I'm not really a crier but cried yesterday. Also been crying at the story in the news of that little 2 year old who died in the car that went into the river. My husband has told me to stop reading the news.

Saw a little boy fall off a chair in Costa this morning and wanted to cry. He wasn't even hurt but I was so sad for him.

I wasn't this emotional in my first pregnancy!

Hope your appointment goes well. :)
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Ugh hormones eh!

Had my mw appointment and FAINTED when she took blood
I've never fainted having blood taken!!! I can only think it's because I haven't eaten because the appt was at 12 and I had to drive from work which is 45 min away so didn't have time to grab food. Only had a couple of ginger biscuits!
I was mortified!

No way!!! How long did you hit the deck for?

I'm 'that person' that always has to have 3-4 attempts from multiple Dr's because they can't find a vein (no joke, most the time they resort to taking it out of my FOOT!!!) but first jab and straight in at my booking appointment. Apparently your veins are a lot more prominent during pregnancy.

Get a Coke and some Skittles down you!
CornishGirl, I bawl my eyes out at anything backed to acoustic music. Hormones suck!
About a minute so it wasn't too bad im just so surprised. My blood pressure is bit high so I've sacked off work and come home and got on the sofa in my pjs.

I think I'm stressed out tbh I've really been trying to keep it at bay but it's most likely all internalising!

I've got a nice cold bottle of lemon fanta and my cats are looking after me right now haha

CornishGirl, I bawl my eyes out at anything backed to acoustic music. Hormones suck!

Well last night I was watching a random video of babies being surprised by their farts and I was in pieces because it was so cute. I'm talking throat closed up emotional wreck. I had to have a proper harsh word with myself! Fml

Hormones definitely suck! :(

I'm also a fainter with needles too. I was expecting it and was surprised when I didn't faint this time. It's awful though isn't it!
CornishGirl, I bawl my eyes out at anything backed to acoustic music. Hormones suck!

Well last night I was watching a random video of babies being surprised by their farts and I was in pieces because it was so cute. I'm talking throat closed up emotional wreck. I had to have a proper harsh word with myself! Fml

I almost cried with happiness watching a YouTube video on how to put a newborn in a stretchy wrap! :lol:
I just went all weird and hot and cold and my ears were ringing and boom

Mw was lovely though! She also has the same name and surname as my MIL. I remember seeing her badge and thinking it as I went and conked

CornishGirl, I bawl my eyes out at anything backed to acoustic music. Hormones suck!

Well last night I was watching a random video of babies being surprised by their farts and I was in pieces because it was so cute. I'm talking throat closed up emotional wreck. I had to have a proper harsh word with myself! Fml

I almost cried with happiness watching a YouTube video on how to put a newborn in a stretchy wrap! :lol:

:rotfl: hahaha omg this is so me and I'm seriously not an emotional lass at all!! That's really made me laugh!

Before the farting baby's it was baby's having a good old belly laugh. Oh hasn't caught me doing it yet he'll think I've fucking lost my top

Glad you are back at home and resting up netty, that sounds like an awful experience. The only issue I had at mw appt was not being able to summon up any pee for the tube!

I am laughing at you guys crying, I've always been like that without the hormones, usually hide it from hubs OK but at the moment there is no chance as there are also sobs with the tears. He finds it funny, of course!

I'm finding it hard not telling everyone I'm expecting. I had a meeting with someone yesterday who is running an event in October and when discussing dates he said 'are there any that don't work for you?' haha. None of them pal!
I know it&#8217;s still very early but I received my free baby box in the post today and am very impressed. Got the box with mattress and fitted sheet, a blanket, hat, mittens and socks. <3 It&#8217;s so cute.
I love the idea of the Finnish baby box and this isn&#8217;t as good, but it&#8217;s nice to have.


Hopefully it&#8217;ll be a good luck charm for this pregnancy. :)
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I know it’s still very early but I received my free baby box in the post today and am very impressed. Got the box with mattress and fitted sheet, a blanket, hat, mittens and socks. <3 It’s so cute.
I love the idea of the Finnish baby box and this isn’t as good, but it’s nice to have.

View attachment 78091
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View attachment 78095

Hopefully it’ll be a good luck charm for this pregnancy. :)

I got mine last week too!
I love it! And im glad baby has a place to sleep already, we dont have to worry about a cot for a while.

Had my second Booking app today, ( they had to do two as they are short staffed)
Put in a complaint about the last midwife scaring me saying I could be a carrier of turners syndrome.
I got offered cvs testing but ive declined it due to the risks of MC. I Have however been offered another scan at 16 weeks.
Plus im 1 over on the recommended BMI so I get 4 more scans and im being contacted by the healthy eating team, which im very happy with, Im doing rubbish at SW atm as I can stomach anything!

Netty I hate fainting, Im covered in Tattoos and Piercings and I used to be a body piercer, Yet one passed out twice with piercings, Its Normally due to low blood sugar.
I just sip on a orange juice before and during, That helps alot.
Hi everyone, I&#8217;m exhausted from work today! I was also bad having my blood taken but I&#8217;m the worst patient! I always have to be lying down for them to take blood and even then I still feel lightheaded! I haven&#8217;t really been emotional yet which I&#8217;m quite glad about haha

I&#8217;ve got my scan tomorrow so hoping everything is ok. Looking forward to finding out how many weeks I am and whether they will be due September or October. My midwife thinks I&#8217;m 13 weeks tomorrow and due in September so we&#8217;ll see if I&#8217;m in the wrong group or not!

I&#8217;m starting to get the beginning of a tiny bump and it&#8217;s quite noticeable in my uniform at work. All the staff have been saying that I&#8217;m having twins cause of how I have a little bump already. It&#8217;s more noticeable towards the end of my shift but then all the pregnant nurses look more pregnant at the end of 12 and a half hours! I think it&#8217;s all the standing and being on our feet all day.

I&#8217;m feeling really excited about my scan but also a little apprehensive, I just hope everything&#8217;s ok
I know it’s still very early but I received my free baby box in the post today and am very impressed. Got the box with mattress and fitted sheet, a blanket, hat, mittens and socks. <3 It’s so cute.
I love the idea of the Finnish baby box and this isn’t as good, but it’s nice to have.

View attachment 78091
View attachment 78093
View attachment 78095

Hopefully it’ll be a good luck charm for this pregnancy. :)

I've not seen these...how do you get them? Do you have to apply for them? I know there's the Emma's diary stuff, but they were crap last time. Nothing like these!!

Hi everyone, I’m exhausted from work today! I was also bad having my blood taken but I’m the worst patient! I always have to be lying down for them to take blood and even then I still feel lightheaded! I haven’t really been emotional yet which I’m quite glad about haha

I’ve got my scan tomorrow so hoping everything is ok. Looking forward to finding out how many weeks I am and whether they will be due September or October. My midwife thinks I’m 13 weeks tomorrow and due in September so we’ll see if I’m in the wrong group or not!

I’m starting to get the beginning of a tiny bump and it’s quite noticeable in my uniform at work. All the staff have been saying that I’m having twins cause of how I have a little bump already. It’s more noticeable towards the end of my shift but then all the pregnant nurses look more pregnant at the end of 12 and a half hours! I think it’s all the standing and being on our feet all day.

I’m feeling really excited about my scan but also a little apprehensive, I just hope everything’s ok

Good luck for today...Hope everything goes well. X
I am going to bow out of this thread as I feel a bit invisible in here. Good luck with your pregnancies ladies.
Hi everyone, I’m exhausted from work today! I was also bad having my blood taken but I’m the worst patient! I always have to be lying down for them to take blood and even then I still feel lightheaded! I haven’t really been emotional yet which I’m quite glad about haha

I’ve got my scan tomorrow so hoping everything is ok. Looking forward to finding out how many weeks I am and whether they will be due September or October. My midwife thinks I’m 13 weeks tomorrow and due in September so we’ll see if I’m in the wrong group or not!

I’m starting to get the beginning of a tiny bump and it’s quite noticeable in my uniform at work. All the staff have been saying that I’m having twins cause of how I have a little bump already. It’s more noticeable towards the end of my shift but then all the pregnant nurses look more pregnant at the end of 12 and a half hours! I think it’s all the standing and being on our feet all day.

I’m feeling really excited about my scan but also a little apprehensive, I just hope everything’s ok

Good luck today sweetie. xx

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