****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Ladies... my little one :) I am so in love. I had to go in 3 times as baby was fast asleep then the had his back to camera stretching but he/she finally woke up for us. The midwife said she thought it was a girl as does my sister inlaw who is a midwife.

It was the best day of my life!

I absolutely love your announcement! <3

Thanks you :) not long to your scan now!!!
Tara your announcement pic is so cute.

We also announced today but just had a photo of me and hubs holding the scan photo. My phones also been going mental ahaha it&#8217;s so nice to finally tell everyone though even if we had already told a lot of people who are close to us
My scan is Monday. I&#8217;m kinda getting excited now seeing these posts. :D
Having a wobble tonight. Mild tummy and back pain, like a period. Definitely mild but worrying. I know ive had this before but not for a good few weeks. Have had some stretching but this is defined more of an ache. Praying all is ok. Being very moody and snappy to hubby bless him
Writergem, I had the same at work this afternoon. Really felt like AF pains. Seems to have dissapeared!
Writergem I've had cramps today but I'm also constipated which is a right literal pain in the ass!

Cramps are normal tho as your uterus expands so try to stay positive! X

I've had a really really rough day I feel like I've had a hangover from hell!!! I've been sick twice and only managed weetabix and garlic bread (not together don't worry)

Currently in bed feeling very sorry for myself! I think I'll probably take tomorrow off work as I. Can't fathom whether I'm ill or my hormones have ramped up and the sickness has properly kicked in. All I've done all day is nap and drink water :(

Hey guys! Long time no see :) Anything new?

I see tara you've already got to know gender! LUCKY. I didn't think it was possible so early. Beautiful announcement :love:

For those of you wondering why I've gone silent: Have been with mum, she has breast cancer and I am her main support. We were in hospital all week, she's doing fine. Also I've been exhausted beyond belief, have even been getting sleep paralysis :oooo:

Welcome back Sev

So sorry about your mum - it must be so tough. Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep soon xx
For those of you wondering why I've gone silent: Have been with mum, she has breast cancer and I am her main support. We were in hospital all week, she's doing fine. Also I've been exhausted beyond belief, have even been getting sleep paralysis :oooo:


Hi Sev - sorry to here about your mum I hope she is recovering well and your pregancy is going well :(

I didnt find out the gender for certain but the midwife seemed pretty certain it was a wee little lady :)
Writergem I've had cramps today but I'm also constipated which is a right literal pain in the ass!

Cramps are normal tho as your uterus expands so try to stay positive! X

I've had a really really rough day I feel like I've had a hangover from hell!!! I've been sick twice and only managed weetabix and garlic bread (not together don't worry)

Currently in bed feeling very sorry for myself! I think I'll probably take tomorrow off work as I. Can't fathom whether I'm ill or my hormones have ramped up and the sickness has properly kicked in. All I've done all day is nap and drink water :(

I feel for you this is how felt before I went into hospital.

Have you spoken to your Midwife? You may need something for dehydation if you are feeling so poorly
Thanks tara I've felt like this since I passed out when I went to see her on Wednesday! I've been drinking plenty and feel marginally better today apart from the headache. I've been told we can have surges of hormones so I'm wondering if it's that because I feel like I used to feel during my break from the combined pill which was due to a change in hormones
I have a scan Sunday so hopefully that will perk me up!

Surveyor so sorry about your mum massive hugs xxx

Also I have this awful sweet taste at the back of my mouth that I can not get rid of....anyone else have similar! It's like right at the back of my tongue

Sorry about your Mum Sev, glad to hear she is doing well xxx
Netty I'm sure it's hormone related as I've felt the same just without actually being sick.
Thanks for the support everyone, pains did go a few hours later and haven't returned. I just get nervous of every little thing. Think I'm getting quite apprehensive now the scan is looming. Obv with my IVF miscarriage last year I didnt find out until I wemt for a private scan at 10 weeks (baby had reabsorbed so I'm thiming.thinking it happened aroumd week 6-7) but obv since then I've had major scan phobia. BUT I have to keep reminding myself that we saw baby at 8+5 and all was perfect x
Dunno why I wrote last year as was 4 years ago!!! Baby brain
Also I have this awful sweet taste at the back of my mouth that I can not get rid of....anyone else have similar! It's like right at the back of my tongue

I've had this. Staying hydrated is helping me, and possibly that I'm drinking favoured squash helps (cant stomach water or most hot drinks).

Im finding it worse in the morning - I think because I've been getting a really dry mouth (I keep waking to find I'm sleeping with mouth wide open - hubs must think I'm a right goon!)
Netty I'm sure it's hormone related as I've felt the same just without actually being sick.
Thanks for the support everyone, pains did go a few hours later and haven't returned. I just get nervous of every little thing. Think I'm getting quite apprehensive now the scan is looming. Obv with my IVF miscarriage last year I didnt find out until I wemt for a private scan at 10 weeks (baby had reabsorbed so I'm thiming.thinking it happened aroumd week 6-7) but obv since then I've had major scan phobia. BUT I have to keep reminding myself that we saw baby at 8+5 and all was perfect x

I'm the same with nerves, and this is my first pg, so I'm sure it's n even harder wait for you. Hang in there x
Also I have this awful sweet taste at the back of my mouth that I can not get rid of....anyone else have similar! It's like right at the back of my tongue

I've had this. Staying hydrated is helping me, and possibly that I'm drinking favoured squash helps (cant stomach water or most hot drinks).

Im finding it worse in the morning - I think because I've been getting a really dry mouth (I keep waking to find I'm sleeping with mouth wide open - hubs must think I'm a right goon!)

Ha ha! I've been drinking squash today and it seems to have sorted it. Makes a change from tasting metal / blood

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