****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Welcome Lottie :)

I saw my midwife today as GP said I needed to after having high blood pressure and protein in urine. She checked it all again for me and all back to normal now so that’s good. She said that I was probably dehydrated from being so sick which is why it’s all fine again now it’s under control with anti sickness tablets. I also explained that I had swapped from prenatals to just folic acid and vitamin d as I think the prenatals were making my sickness worse. She said that’s fine and said that the iron does make some people sick. She also said that the majority of people don’t need all the extra vitamins so should be fine. She said when the sickness has completely gone and don’t need anti sickness tablets it may be worth giving them another go as when we’ll into second trimester and third it can be helpful to take supplements as body is doing a lot more. I will definitely try this when further along but will just stick with folic acid and vit d for now as it’s nice not having nausea for a whole day and only being sick once if at all! Although still dry heaving a lot which isn’t great.

I’m counting down the days until my scan now just want it to be here now! 3 more days to go
Glad to hear things getting batter Kazz1n. Fx for your scan

Welcome Lottie :)

My nausea is kicking up a notch, which is making train/tube journeys really rough. Thankfully I'm an early bird, so at least I can get a seat on the way in.
Morning ladies. I got to work early so i am enjoying a rare large gingerbread latte and teacake in Costa before I start to feel sick! Mornings are my best time and it highlights how rotten I feel from lunchtime onwards when I feel so perky and not sick now! Only I could have morning sickness backwards ffs

I'm also have terrible ligament pain in my lower abdomen when I move suddenly or stretch. Gives me a huge jolt on the left or right depending on how I move. Rolled over in bed last night and fuck me it hurt! Like I've pulled a muscle! Had a good Google and seems normal. I've got the mw tomorrow so I'll mention it to her too!

Hope everyone is doing OK x

That sounds like round ligament pains netty. Ugh not nice but a great sign. :)
last night in bed i twisted round to face my OH and pulled my right side and it reaaaally hurt for a good 5/10 seconds

totally gone now! I thought you didnt get those pains until tri2 :shock:
Anybody have a symptom where you feel you're coming down with something? That's probably been my main one mixed with nausea. But yesterday I didn't feel sick just hot with a headache and abit achy and bad taste in my mouth. Was wondering if I really was coming down with something but today feel alot better again.

Scan is in 1 week (well im going private so I've decided its in 1 week) Anybody else nervous?
[FONT=&quot]Writergem, yesterday and today I have had chills. Like a shudder come over me which feels like the ones you get when you’re ill/ have flu/cold[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I feel fine however, I googled it like a prick and it wasn’t worth the effort and I am going to put it down to my hormones/ body temp increasing and trying to regulate PLUS it is snowing here atm![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I also feel juddery yesterday like I had had a fright or something but I think my bloodsugars were down from vomiting Sunday! MW tomorrow so I am feeling ok about it and I am sure if anything is up she will see it in my bloods[/FONT]
I know exactly what you mean about the abdomen pain Netty, I constantly feel like I've done an intense abs session :(

Weird that you get your morning sickness back to front, I feel positively awful in the mornings (I have to keep jumping on and off the tube on my way to work for a bit of respite) but it seems to ease up over the course of the day and then return with a vengance as soon as I get home.

Has anyone else noticed a bump forming yet? My bloating has really gone down over the past week or two, I'm naturally quite thin so can definitely see a small 'bulge' appearing which is super exciting. I've started on the Palmer's cocoa butter oil in preparation like a proper eager beaver.
Writergem, I've had the sniffles for a couple of days and feeling like I'm about to get ill but it comes and goes. One thing I've really noticed is that the exhaustion is getting - albeit mildly - better each day which I found to be the most annoying symptom!
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Anybody have a symptom where you feel you're coming down with something? That's probably been my main one mixed with nausea. But yesterday I didn't feel sick just hot with a headache and abit achy and bad taste in my mouth. Was wondering if I really was coming down with something but today feel alot better again.

Scan is in 1 week (well im going private so I've decided its in 1 week) Anybody else nervous?

I’m right behind you and I have a headache and a kind of metallic taste in my mouth. No matter what I drink it doesn’t shift. If I felt fine I’d worry more so trying to accept i’ll Have a symptom of something daily 😂
last night in bed i twisted round to face my OH and pulled my right side and it reaaaally hurt for a good 5/10 seconds

totally gone now! I thought you didnt get those pains until tri2 :shock:

It’s more common in tri2 but you can definitely get them before that. It’s caused by everything stretching!

I’m starting to feel much better now as I creep up towards the 12 week point. Some days I actually feel normal again so I worry there’s no baby there. But I guess the absence of af is reassuring. :lol: The whole of tri2 is like this so maybe I’m edging towards that golden time?
It's been a godsend having all you ladies to talk to. Can't wait until we are all in Tri 2 x
Me either writergem I was just saying to oh that atm I'm not taking any joy from it all due to my worries.
I've a lovely pattern to crochet for a cardigan and I'm dying to do it but darent ugh

Met my bf for dinner who hasn't seen me for a month and she said I am glowing. The power of make up lol! had a headache all day and nausea, but was actually nice to get out.
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Yeah think it's 13 weeks but perhaps we can all start moving over after we've had our scans? Or 13 weeks if scan is late x
Ahhh I'll be nervous to move across but super excited. This tri has really dragged. My exhaustion in the first few weeks was horrendous and my mood hasn't been that great either. As you don't look pregnant in the first tri I've just felt like a big fat ugly moody blob.
Ahhh I'll be nervous to move across but super excited. This tri has really dragged. My exhaustion in the first few weeks was horrendous and my mood hasn't been that great either. As you don't look pregnant in the first tri I've just felt like a big fat ugly moody blob.

Hear, hear! Bring on tri 2! X
Hannah, I am so sorry sweetheart. Be kind to yourself and seek all the support you feel you need <3

Lottie, welcome, look forward to getting to know you!

It sounds like we've all got the same worries at around the same time, it is very good that we've got a place to voice them and can reassure each other. Tri 1 really is a horribly worrying time, especially when so many of us have had it go wrong before or know someone who has.

I'm constantly convinced something has gone wrong, even 2 seconds after being sick! My stomach seems to not be able to handle the smell of food (well, the fridge) first thing in the morning and so I've been bringing up lovely burning bile which leaves my throat sore for the rest of the day.

Gem, I have that same yuck taste in my mouth and have done for weeks, mostly at night and feel like I need to keep sipping on something with taste so it goes away for seconds at a time. And I want to drink anything but water when I've pretty much been only drinking water for years, need the flavour so should really just put some diluting juice.

My scan was supposed to be 5th April (12+6) but I called on Monday and managed to get one on 30th March which is exactly 12 weeks, I feel so much better that its only next week. And guilty at saying that when I had one at 9 weeks but that reassured me for all of 3 days!
Sorry for such a long post after being offline for a few days xx

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