****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

I’ve had an absolute hell of a few days. Wednesday I was absolutely fine, full of energy, and positively spritely! Then overnight I became really unwell. It was as if a death-eater (Harry Potter) had been in my room and sucked the life out of me. I had a banging headache, sore throat, earache, aching muscles and cough literally overnight. I appealed to my husband but I knew he had to go to work. We have no family and friends around to help me with our toddler so I had to force myself to battle on.

Friday I woke up feeling even worse and literally cried because my husband had booked overtime and had to leave early and wouldn’t be back until late. I had to battle on again and do literally everything. By around 1pm I was shaking like a leaf and very dizzy. By the time my toddler was in bed I couldn’t believe I’d survived.

This morning I woke up at 4am feeling worse again. Now it feels like there’s a tonne weight sat on my chest. Twice I’ve had to lie down because I’ve felt so dizzy.

I have help today but tomorrow my husband is away all day again. I don’t think one day will be enough for me to recover. I’m really worried about little bean. :(

I just feel so alone.

To top it off HMRC are asking for over £200 for an underpayment of tax from 2015 they have openly admitted was caused by their mistake. I was earning over twice the amount back then before my son. Now I’m not even a tax payer and they want the cash by the 10th April.

I really hope my scan on Monday is the shining beacon in this darkness. :cry:
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Oh CornishGirl you poor thing, you sound really under the weather and stressed out. Try and nap as much as you can today.

Have you called the Dr? Might be worth it if you’re feeling so rotten. I really hope Monday brings you a pick-me-up. Massive hugs xxx
I’ll definitely go to the doctors on Monday if I’m still not recovering.

Today has been okay. My husband took our toddler in the morning so I could have a shower on my own. Then he did the swimming lesson. In the afternoon we did a light stroll on the beach where my husband did all the chasing and picking up of a now wet, sandy toddler. This evening he went out and got me a non-alcoholic cider and milkybar buttons before ordering us Chinese.

All of this is really lovely but I don’t yet feel much better and tomorrow I’m back to being on my own doing everything. Hmmm maybe a good sleep will help although not sure how good it can be with this cough. Wish me luck.

And thank you for the virtual hugs kj1. :) When I read that I accidentally said out loud “someone does care” :blush:
Gosh cornishgirl that sounds awful I definitely think you should see the gap!! Glad hubby has picked up some of the chores etc and let you rest massive hugs not what you need right now

As for hmrc surely there is a repayment option?I'd check that out xx

I'm feeling much better than I have been but anxiety has kicked in for my scan tomorrow! Really clinging onto my pma right now
CornighGirl that sounds awful. Hopefully you start to feel better soon.

Good luck for your scan tomorrow Netty can’t wait to hear about it.
I’ve felt marginally better this morning waking up. Hopefully today doesn’t knock me back. :)

Massive good luck for your scan today netty!
Hope you carry on getting better Cornishgirl - sounds like you've had a rough few days

Good luck netty

Thanks lovelys it's at 11:20!

Yesterday I had the lightest tinge of brown when i wiped but it's gone now. We did dtd yesterday morning so I wonder if it was that?

So nervous!

It will prob be that Netty. Fingers crossed for your scan let us know how you get on xx
Hey ladies had my scan and everything is absolutely fine

Baby has grown from 3.4mm to 17.4mm and heartbeat gone from 117 to 165bpm

On the pic you can just make out two dots above baby's belly and they are it's little hand and leg buds!!!


So glad it went well Netty, happy Sunday! X
Thanks lovlies! Just tucking into a carvery now!

Just said to DH 'oh best see how Netty got on today at her scan' he's like 'who?' Haha so glad all's ok xx
Just said to DH 'oh best see how Netty got on today at her scan' he's like 'who?' Haha so glad all's ok xx


I'm still struggling to let go of the worry but it's getting easier!

Tmi alert.... I mentioned I was having a bit of light brown discharge earlier. When wiping now I'm getting like brown mucus / strings. Not loads but it's really not what I want to see

Anyone else having any unusual discharge or spotting?

Such a worry wart
Brown discharge can be perfectly normal. I had it in my first pregnancy for almost the first 8 weeks. I also know DTD can cause a bit of bleeding that would make its way out in a couple of days. If you’re concerned though make an appointment to be checked for peace of mind. You already know your little baby is okay. :)

I’ve had four and a half hours of sleep after a night of constant coughing. Shattered is an understatement.
My scan went absolutely amazingly! :D :dance:

I’m super low risk for everything. Baby was moving around, stretching and rolling away from the sonographers pokes. <3

We had such a lovely somographer. She went slowly through everything for us and described each part of the baby. She really gave us the time of day. It was such a lovely experience.

what a fab pic!!:yay:

thanks for the advice re the brown yuck! its actually stopped today so i feel ok again lol!

hope you manage to recharge after your crappy night sleep, maybe try somthing soothing for your throat. Microwaved lemonade is great , sounds wierd but it stays fizzy and is soothing when warm with some added lemon x

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