****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

I'm sure it will all work itself out. She has been like this with a few of our other pregnant friends over the years so it's nothing new really. Her reaction has made me even more nervous about telling everyone else!

That's really lovely of your friend to be so supportive when she is going through such a tough time herself. The marks of a true friend! x

I know bless her it was her first pregnancy too so she was obv devastated, shes been such a doll and wants to see my scans etc. I really hope she catches soon
KJ it does sound like a bit of green, and a bit of selfishness on her part. Hopefully she'll come round to it. Now's the time to think of yourself first, so be prepared to assert yourself when it comes to setting mat leave
I will take it over if all is well with me by tri 2 although i am 4 weeks behind you so may not move over with you! We will see :-)

counting down the days until my next scan only 9 to go! only 5 until i see the midwife

when i see the MW will she take bloods and check levels of HCG and things like that?

Netty bloods at this stage are for various infections (e.g. hiv, syphillis), to confirm your blood type and make sure you're not anaemic. They also screen for blood disorders (e.g. sickle cell). Urine test is for UTI.

Then your medical history is used to decide if you need extra care and scans thru pregnancy. My dad's diabetic, so they'll be watching me closely for gestational diabetes
ah thanks Mrsbunny :-)

hopefully the MW will take my MC history more seriously than my GP did :roll: I really should have had an early NHS scan tbh but i have had to pay mainly due to me needed a GP referral for one and then my doctors not letting me have an appt for 2 weeks...whats the point lol. They weren't at all interested!

I asked my MWs assistant when I called to book in and told her about my history and she said to me

'well are you SURE you're pregnant then, i suppose if you dont attend the appointment we know something has gone wrong'

Nice one :thumbup:

Good job i am thick skinned
ah thanks Mrsbunny :-)

hopefully the MW will take my MC history more seriously than my GP did :roll: I really should have had an early NHS scan tbh but i have had to pay mainly due to me needed a GP referral for one and then my doctors not letting me have an appt for 2 weeks...whats the point lol. They weren't at all interested!

I asked my MWs assistant when I called to book in and told her about my history and she said to me

'well are you SURE you're pregnant then, i suppose if you dont attend the appointment we know something has gone wrong'

Nice one :thumbup:

Good job i am thick skinned

Wow some people shouldn’t be in their profession with attitudes like that.
it was as soon as i mentioned the earlier losses, as if they dont count? Good job she wasn't actually my MW and just an assistant tbh otherwise i would have been asking for someone else
There has been a lot of chat here today :) welcome to the 3 newbies, lovely to have you and wishing you great pregnancies.

kj, sorry to hear your friend and business partner is not being supportive, that's really not what you need right now. It can be so difficult to know if others are going through a tough time though, there are only few people we told that we'd miscarried and since then no-one knows we've had infertility issues and IVF, but I certainly would notice if I was being horrible to people I was jealous of.

CG, so glad to hear your husband has started pulling his weight, long may it continue. I wonder if him being ill reminded him of how awful it is feeling crap and then his sympathy came out realising you feel worse!

netty, what the hell? that woman should not work with people, let alone pregnant women. I'm glad you're made of strong stuff and brushed it off. You have another early scan soon, don't you?
Hoping to hear from sunnydays soon, her early scan date is coming up in just over a week I'm sure.

Oh I feel better after coming on here and catching up, I'm having another grumpy afternoon and feel so short tempered, I was quite rude to a girl in the café at work when she wouldn't check if they had milk in the back (I just sighed and walked away).. but I'm sure she was rude to me first :shakehead:

Oh yeah, I'm 10 weeks today :D just 4 days til I'm over the imaginary hurdle in my brain of when I learnt things went wrong last time
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Yes Lyndsey I have a scan next Sunday, which is also when the clocks change again I am so sick of these short dreary days

feeling very tight around the stomach area still, i can only describe it like exercise ache...as if i have been doing sit ups. And unless someone was holding out food for me there isnt a fat chance in hell i am doing any exercise! Watch me end up having a ginormous baby !

Screw the MWs assistant *middlefingeremojineeded*

I've been mardy today too, people really grinding my gears which isnt good when i have a book of about 1500 businesses to keep on top of :roll:

It is friday however! :dance:
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CG, so glad to hear your husband has started pulling his weight, long may it continue. I wonder if him being ill reminded him of how awful it is feeling crap and then his sympathy came out realising you feel worse!

Oh I feel better after coming on here and catching up, I'm having another grumpy afternoon and feel so short tempered, I was quite rude to a girl in the café at work when she wouldn't check if they had milk in the back (I just sighed and walked away).. but I'm sure she was rude to me first :shakehead:

Oh yeah, I'm 10 weeks today :D just 4 days til I'm over the imaginary hurdle in my brain of when I learnt things went wrong last time

Yeah, good point Lyndsey. It could actually be that. Tonight he’s gone out and bought me cookies, ice cream and alcohol free cider. He he. :)

I think I’m permanently short tempered at the moment. I’m sure I wasn’t last time but I probably was and I didn’t notice. :lol:

Omg netty. I can’t believe the cheek of that maternity assistant. I’ve had a bad experience with one too. After I had my son one came around to the house. She was horrible but one thing she said has stuck in my head, “you seem to be acting appropriately”. Then she wrote something down. Why the hell did she say that? We were nervous new parents. Was she assessing us for social services or something? There was just no need for that stupid comment!
Netty I'd be tempted to say something to the midwife about that call - so inappropriate and insensitive! Surely in their line of work they should be hyper aware of the potential sensitivities of the ladies they're speaking with.
I'll drop a not so subtle hint next Wednesday don't you worry. I feel more concerned that I could have been someone more fragile or younger and frightened. As it is it washed over me because she was just the monkey and not the organ grinder plus it's been a long time since my last mc and I've had that many you kind of end up numb to it all

Feeling good this time tho! If not totally exhausted. I've been laid on the sofa since I came in a 6 i am absolutely shattered

Hi all, haven't been on for a while - there's been lots to catch up on! Nice to see others joining and hearing about scans and appointments and potential name choices. I've had a sickness bug then a stomach bug which on top of the nausea has really taken it out of me, I've been totally exhausted and already can't wait for the pregnancy bloom to start! I have my booking in appointment in a couple of weeks when I think I'll be just over 9 weeks can't wait to get a scan appointment then - can't wait to tell my girls then xx
There has been a lot of chat here today :) welcome to the 3 newbies, lovely to have you and wishing you great pregnancies.

kj, sorry to hear your friend and business partner is not being supportive, that's really not what you need right now. It can be so difficult to know if others are going through a tough time though, there are only few people we told that we'd miscarried and since then no-one knows we've had infertility issues and IVF, but I certainly would notice if I was being horrible to people I was jealous of.

CG, so glad to hear your husband has started pulling his weight, long may it continue. I wonder if him being ill reminded him of how awful it is feeling crap and then his sympathy came out realising you feel worse!

netty, what the hell? that woman should not work with people, let alone pregnant women. I'm glad you're made of strong stuff and brushed it off. You have another early scan soon, don't you?
Hoping to hear from sunnydays soon, her early scan date is coming up in just over a week I'm sure.

Oh I feel better after coming on here and catching up, I'm having another grumpy afternoon and feel so short tempered, I was quite rude to a girl in the café at work when she wouldn't check if they had milk in the back (I just sighed and walked away).. but I'm sure she was rude to me first :shakehead:

Oh yeah, I'm 10 weeks today :D just 4 days til I'm over the imaginary hurdle in my brain of when I learnt things went wrong last time

You seem so like me! I too found out it went wrong last time at 10 weeks but baby had passed several weeks before. Started to feel abit better this week so of course that has worried me haha. In Tenerife where I am the equ of NHS scan isnt til I'm 15 weeks! So I'll be paying a week on Wed for the 12 week one x
With my 12 week scan coming up (and the first scan I've had this pregnancy) on the 26th, my paranoia/ pregnancy anxiety has stepped up a gear!

I'm soooo worried baby won't be there/ won't have a heartbeat when they scan me :-(

I'd like to start considering names and maybe buying a few bits but I'm just not even letting my brain go there right now. I'm sure I'm being ridiculous - I'm 11+2 today and still got lots of symptoms (although boobs maybe less tender now), there isn't a reason everything shouldn't be ok...

Anyone else feeling the same/ got some positivity to help get me through these next 9 days?
Evening ladies I’m going to casually drop out of this group and hopefully will be able to join another group at some point in the future! I wish all of you every success over the next 9 months and will continue to read this group! Unfortunately I didn’t have as much success x
Really sorry to hear that hannah. :(
I wish you every luck for the future. <3

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