****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

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I'm stressing a bit.

I have my (other) best friends hen do in Marbella the second weekend of September when - going by my dates - I will be 33 weeks pregnant(!!!). She doesn't know I'm pregnant yet...I'm one of three bridesmaids and am going to be 35 weeks at her wedding so obviously I'm pretty terrified of telling her - hoping my happy news doesn't go down like a shit sandwich!
I KNOW I conceived on 31st Jan as I was charting so know when ovulation date was but midwife wouldn't listen and has based my EDD on my LMP (as Kazz said, she said that the scan will be most accurate at calculating due date) which puts me nearly two weeks forward on what I know I am. I'm hoping the sonographer will put my dates back at the dating scan to what I know them to be as I will be counting on that doctors note to allow me to fly at 33 weeks...36 is too late. Everyone says that a hen do in Marbella at that stage in pregnancy will probably be the last thing in the world I want to do but there is just no way I would/can miss it. None of the girls are big party animals or drinkers (that was always my job haha) so I'm actually quite looking forward to some relaxing sun and away time with the girls before baby comes. Am I stupid to even be considering it?

Aw Kj1 i have a hen do when i am about 26 weeks but not abroad and whilst i am dreading sharing an apartment with drunken ladies lol i am still definitley wanting to go as i too am a bridesmaid!

There will be a cocktail making class which i reckon i could just have virgin cocktails the only thing i will skip is the nightclub, the rest of it is meals and an escape room!

hopefully you will be able to fly, it will be a nice little last break for you too!
Hey ladies I hope you are all well! I have been in hospital for 5 days with extreme sickness and dehydration just so glad to be home. How is everyone?

Scans start next week I believe exciting!

Aw hun that sounds grim hope you're feeling better now? I have been feeling queasy but not actually been sick!
Hey ladies I hope you are all well! I have been in hospital for 5 days with extreme sickness and dehydration just so glad to be home. How is everyone?

Scans start next week I believe exciting!

Aww tara, so sorry to hear you have been so unwell. I hope you were very well looked after, but there is nothing like your own bed so I bet you are glad to be home x
Awwww tara I really hope you start to feel better quickly. <3

I managed the blood test. I was a shaking, snotty, sobbing mess and apologised 100 times to the midwife. She said she really hopes she didn&#8217;t traumatise me but she was very good with me. I&#8217;ll definitely be having the whooping cough vaccine and I did last time too. I actually didn&#8217;t have the flu jab last time. I need to think about it. Knowing my luck I&#8217;d have it then catch a flu strain not covered by it!
aw bless you cornishgirl, at least its all over and done with now! :hugs:
Thanks Ladies! Much better but this pregnancy is truly traumatising me!!

Well done in the bloods CG when is your Scan?
Hey ladies I am new to this page. My due dates 27th October. I am really suffering from. Audra nothing seems to be helping at all. This is my second I have a little girl called lahla who is 4.
Also I got my blood results from and my platelet levels are “abnormal” 136 when the minimum should be 150. Anyone else had this? I’m a tad worried now I think because I feel so unwell in myself I’m over thinking the low platelets.
Hi guys .. I am just over 7 weeks with an EDD of 30th october .. I have 2 lovely boys , and a step daughter .. So excited for the next few months xxx
Hi ladies! I think I'm going to join you from September mummies, I got my 12 week scan today and due date is October 1st so if you all still have space for me :) will try and catch up on all posts tonight.
Hello new ladies and welcome!

Did a digi today ( I know i know I'm stupid haha) was nice to see its gone up from 2-3 to 3+

I know they're not super reliable but I feel better haha and a tenner poorer :rotfl:


Hi guys .. I am just over 7 weeks with an EDD of 30th october .. I have 2 lovely boys , and a step daughter .. So excited for the next few months xxx

You're nearly the same as me :yay: I'm 7 weeks today

YAY 3 newbies in the space of 2 hours! Fab news - congrats and welcome to October mummies :) xxx
Rachy, I dont know anything about platelet levels but assume that the Dr would have been in touch if it&#8217;s anything to be concerned about. Have you called them to double check?

I just did a quick google search and it mentions that low platelet count can result in your blood not being able to clot effectively. I would assume that because of this they will probably take some extra precautions during your labour to ensure that you don&#8217;t loose too much blood etc. but can&#8217;t imagine that it will cause any problems for you during your pregnancy. I honestly wouldn&#8217;t stress about it too much, especially if the Dr doesn&#8217;t seem concerned enough to call! X
Thanks Ladies! Much better but this pregnancy is truly traumatising me!!

Well done in the bloods CG when is your Scan?

My scan is on the 26th of this month so it’s really not far away! I’m really excited but nervous for that.

Tonight I’ve had a revelation with my husband. He’s been off work ill (not that ill) and when I came hone from my toddlers gymnastics he could see how exhausted I was. Not only did he let me have a long bath, despite being tired himself, he left me to nap! Then he did our toddlers bath. He also apologised for not coming to the blood test with me to support me.

Maybe he did realise how upset I was yesterday when I told him I felt completely alone? Either way I really needed that little chance to recharge and I’m so grateful.

Yay! Three newbies in our team. Welcome Rachyw, LA2018 and MysticTeen. :)

Lovely digi netty! :)
Welcome newcomers :)

Tara, so sorry to hear you've been so ill. Def puts my moaning about nausea in to perspective. Hope you're over the word of it now.

My midwife said they won't give me the flu jab as we're out of season now?
Welcome all newcomers :)
Tara sorry you&#8217;ve been so ill :(
MrsBunny that&#8217;s exactly what my midwife said as well. I think we&#8217;re just on the cusp of it&#8217;s needed or not that&#8217;s prob why some are giving the flu jab and others aren&#8217;t.
Rachyw hopefully you&#8217;re low platelets won&#8217;t cause too much hassle. Did she not say anything else except that it&#8217;s an abnormal level?
welcome to all the new Mummies! I will use my lunch to update the front page! When we move o to second trimester can someone else start the page I am rubbish at updating the DD page!!

CJ how exciting my scan is on Thursday so only 6 days to go I think I&#8217;m 11 weeks and 3 days today over a quarter of the way!
I will take it over if all is well with me by tri 2 although i am 4 weeks behind you so may not move over with you! We will see :-)

counting down the days until my next scan only 9 to go! only 5 until i see the midwife

when i see the MW will she take bloods and check levels of HCG and things like that?
Netty yes I had blood taken and also had to do a urine sample. The rest was just going through bothyou and your partners medical history to see if your at risk of anything or if your baby is. Usually takes about an hour to do it all. She didn&#8217;t check HCG levels it&#8217;s more to see if you are dehydrated or anything like that.

I went to see my GP this morning as my sickness has been getting worse especially when I&#8217;m at work. Doesn&#8217;t help working in a hospital and doing night shifts etc. He made me do a urine test which took me ages to be able to pee even a tiny amount. I don&#8217;t have ketones so I&#8217;m not dehydrated but I do have &#8216;++ protein&#8217; and my blood pressure has risen considerably since I saw my midwife at 10+6 weeks - now 12+1. He was really confused as if I was further along in pregnancy it would be a sign of pre eclampsia but it&#8217;s too early for that. He called the hospital to speak to the on call gynaecologist to ask their opinion. He has said that a doctor will phone me and arrange to see me over the weekend. He has also prescribed me some anti sickness tablets so I&#8217;m hoping they will help. I&#8217;m glad I went now as I was feeling like I was wasting their time going about sickness when I&#8217;m pregnant!! He did ask when my scan was as well as he&#8217;s thinking that increased sickness could be a sign of twins. There&#8217;s no twins on either side of our families but I guess we&#8217;ll find out on Thursday!!

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