****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Oh wow twins is exciting, i keep hoping for them myself purely because of how fat and bloated i look so i have an excuse :rofl:

I had a scan at 6 weeks and there was only one in there though! can it be missed that early? They dont run in our family but i did catch whilst on the mini pill and i read that due to me having the progesterone led pill this can increase chances? I am also 33 so the older you get the higher the chance too apparently!
Hello New Ladies! Congrats to you all! <3
Had my 2nd scan today
Measuring 7+5
All looking lovely and plump!


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Oh wow twins is exciting, i keep hoping for them myself purely because of how fat and bloated i look so i have an excuse :rofl:

I had a scan at 6 weeks and there was only one in there though! can it be missed that early? They dont run in our family but i did catch whilst on the mini pill and i read that due to me having the progesterone led pill this can increase chances? I am also 33 so the older you get the higher the chance too apparently!

I don’t think it can be missed no. I haven’t had any scans yet so will have to wait and see. Although I like the idea of twins I would be quite concerned over how we would cope financially....this baby was planned but it happened earlier than expected and one baby will prob be a strain. Although I know we will manage I just get worried when someone mentions twins haha. I am starting to show slightly already though....if you didn’t know me you wouldn’t be able to tell though and would just think I have a bit of a belly! I’m 29 so don’t think my age would make me more likely to have twins although I dunno what is considered ‘older’ for pregnancy haha. I’ve heard of 35 year olds being classed as a ‘geriatric pregnancy’ which seems weird to me. I think more and more people are having babies later on.
I’m 38, 39 when the baby is due and I am classed as geriatric &#128546;
whaat geriatric sounds a bit extreme haha :shock:

im pleased with just the one! i am the breadwinner money wise in our household so it will be OH that will end up doing majority of childcare when i go back to work after mat leave and i think he would have a meltdown with two !
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whaat geriatric sounds a bit extreme haha :shock:

im pleased with just the one! i am the breadwinner money wise in our household so it will be OH that will end up doing majority of childcare when i go back to work after mat leave and i think he would have a meltdown with two !

You’re the same as me. I’m the breadwinner as well. I’ve already been thinking that we may have to do shared parental leave and I have 6 months off and DH the last 3. I have good occupational maternity pay for the first 6 months and the last 3 is just SMP. I don’t know how we would pay everything with just that. I understand that I’m very lucky though and SMP is all some people get. Nothing set in stone will sort out logistics nearer the time. DH is happy to do that but he’s also worried as he’s never looked after a baby before. I did tell him though if we do end up having to do that then he will have had around 6 months to get used to looking after them so not like he’s just gonna be thrown in the deep end.
I’m 38, 39 when the baby is due and I am classed as geriatric &#128546;

Oh that’s awful :( I thinks it’s an extreme term. So many people having baby’s later now for a variety of reasons. I’m sure the midwives even think it’s a bit silly but have to follow policy
KAzz1n yep exactly same as me i get full pay for 4 months, half for 4 months and then SMP( i am allowed to take a yr off as long as i go back full time )

I have options such as using my 28 days holiday to take off every friday so i go back 4 days a week for a few months, OH can work weekends to have 2 days off in the week which cuts down childcare costs.

I wont split my Mat leave as there is little point, i work in health insurance and get £800 in total payout from work and scheme when baby is born so that will tide me over.

To add to the mix we are having a house built for us as we speak so we have load sof work to do for that ( well...OH does haha! ) if i try and think about it all i have a mild heart attack!

I am sure it will all work itself out, we have a close family support network in the village so i know it will be ok FX!
How long is everyone thinking of taking for MAT leave? I'm self employed and this pregnancy has gone down like a lead balloon with my business partner who seems to be under the impression that I am just going to work up until EDD and then take 3 months max. before returning to work! :shakehead:
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Jeez 3 months! are they for real !

I am toying with 1 year and 8 months, finances depending
I'm only entitled to 90% pay for 6 weeks and it then goes down to 140pw
And I work for Mencap... The most 'caring' company out there...
I'm shitting my pants &#55357;&#56877;&#55357;&#56877;
I'm quite honestly shocked with her behavior to be honest. She is supposed to be one of my best friends (it was her hen I attended last weekend) and when I told her my happy news she called me 'selfish and attention grabby', despite knowing all the medical hurdles I have had to overcome the past couple of years with my PCOS. I think she is - fairly - a little concerned about the business but it's put a bit of a downer on everything and I don't feel like I can talk to her about anything to do with the pregnancy which isn't much fun. I wonder how my 'I'm thinking of taking a year MAT leave' will go down!
Oh Lulla thats mean of them, i have worked with my co for 7 years and this is thier enhanced maternity scheme. Plus we work in health and wellbeing/ occ health so they are pretty good with taking care of us which is very fortunate for me.
I'm quite honestly shocked with her behavior to be honest. She is supposed to be one of my best friends (it was her hen I attended last weekend) and when I told her my happy news she called me 'selfish and attention grabby', despite knowing all the medical hurdles I have had to overcome the past couple of years with my PCOS. I think she is - fairly - a little concerned about the business but it's put a bit of a downer on everything and I don't feel like I can talk to her about anything to do with the pregnancy which isn't much fun. I wonder how my 'I'm thinking of taking a year MAT leave' will go down!


selfish and attention grabby!!!!! i would have kicked her right in the vagina!

Thats awful, is she maybe a little green over your prgenancy?

At the end of the day take what you need hun! She will live
I know, I honestly couldn't believe it! We had a huge argument about it and it has taken her a few weeks to get used to the idea but she seems to have come around a bit now thank God. It's hard when you work with someone everyday that can't be pleased for you!

I have secretly been thinking that perhaps she is a little green...it's the only real explanation for her behavior.
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Thats sad though with her being your friend, i have a friend who has recently MC and she was over the moon for me even though she is still having issues with retained tissue and all sorts of stuff. I was dreading telling her tbh

hopefully she sorts her head out and supports you x
I'm sure it will all work itself out. She has been like this with a few of our other pregnant friends over the years so it's nothing new really. Her reaction has made me even more nervous about telling everyone else!

That's really lovely of your friend to be so supportive when she is going through such a tough time herself. The marks of a true friend! x
Oh no kazz1n, that doesn't sound good - hope its just a temporary blip on the protein
I'm sure it will all work itself out. She has been like this with a few of our other pregnant friends over the years so it's nothing new really. Her reaction has made me even more nervous about telling everyone else!

That's really lovely of your friend to be so supportive when she is going through such a tough time herself. The marks of a true friend! x

That’s awful. I’m sure everyone else will be so excited for you. Maybe your friend is having difficulties becoming pregnant, especially if she’s been like it with a few other people as well. Seriously 3 months though that’s awful! Take as long as you want and are able to do, there’s nothing she can do about it if you want longer. Hopefully over the next few months she will start to become excited for you

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