****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Really struggling tonight. Feel so sick and my lower back
Is aching. Left OH downstairs as I need to lie down. I’ve also noticed a sensation of pins and needles in my right thigh which comes and goes.
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Babywomble I feel the same with sickness. I've just been nibbling ginger biscuits :(

Its been busy in here! Some lovely name ideas ladies. We agreed to hold off on names until we have the scan on 3rd Apr - for me it wont feel real until I see a little bean. I don't think I can handle the suspense of not knowing gender, so am sure we'll opt to find out if/when we can

I love hot hot hot baths, so I'm missing them. I was also really enjoying a local yoga studio until my bfp, but all of their classes are hot :(
Talking about baths, my husband had his third bath in a row today. He had this instead of picking me up from work so I had to collect out toddler from nursery and do the 45 minute walk home in horrendous rain. I walked through the door soaking and even though he came to the door to help me he was very quick to ask why I was in a mood. Hmmm I wonder why?
Wtf! I'd really suggest telling him your gp has said to rest more. The implications can be serious! He needs a good kick in the penis! Hope you're OK x

Oh he knows what the GP said yet he’s not done anything extra to help me. It’s frustrating and I’ve told him I feel alone and like I’ve got no support. He’s apologised lots and bought me a big Thorntons Easter egg which is lovely. :(
It’s not quite there with the support I need though.
I’m really hoping the 12 week scan marks a change for him as it becomes more real.
Let's hope so hun! Something needs to change!!!

I've got nausea with fricking acid indigestion tonight fml! Bed soon for me

CornishGirl, I’m shocked! He needs an intervention!!!! Would he pick up the slack if you plonked yourself down and waited for him to take some initiative and help out? I really hope something changes for you soon xxxx
Has anyone had their flu jab yet? I’m booked in for Saturday, I hate needles so much I’m going to be the worst pregnant person EVER! :shakehead:
I had mine before Xmas I get it free with work
It really wasn't bad at all I didn't even feel a thing honest! Had a bit of a dead arm afterwards but that's it :)

I’ve refused to have the flu jab so far. I just have a massive mental block. I have the screening blood test today too and I’m terrified. It’s at 09:10 so wish me luck.

And as for my husband I’m not entirely sure what would help. I’m just really hoping on the scan doing something. So far I think he just sees me like I’m not pregnant and I can do everything easily.
Oh please do have your flu jab it's so important! It's over in seconds and it could potentially save your life and your baby's.

GL for the blood test hun xx
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Have the flu jab please! I had mine from my GP at 5 weeks pregnant, she offered it and I thought I don’t need it, but my baby needs me to protect them so agreed. Was over in seconds and I’ve not had anything, not even a cold since. Seriously take that and whooping cough later - I never had this as a child, but I’ll be having it for the baby, it’s so important.
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the sickness is definitley gearing up for me, even snacking isnt taking it away!

i feel constantly starving! this morning i have had a banana/plum/satsuma and an apple 2 pints of water and i still have a bottomless pit feeling in my stomach!

Oh...and I am 7 weeks today :-) not brave enough for a ticker yet though!
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My midwife told me that I don’t need the flu jab yet and will probably be later in preganancy now that I have it. I hate needles and am such a wuss crying and feeling faint! I always have to lie down but just let them do what they gotta do. Being rhesus negative means that I need extra anyway.

I’ve also been really wanting fruit but unfortunately it comes straight back up :( hopefully soon I can eat it.

All your name suggestions are really nice. We have a small list that we started compiling before got pregnant but none are a definite yet. We like Irish names especially as my hubs is Irish. I think I wanna find out the gender but DH not so sure!

I also finally got my scan appointment....it’s for next Thursday I’m so excited. Just counting down the days now
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Oh Em Gee Kazz how exciting! How far along will you be? I feel like these weeks have really dragged, I just want it to be April already...
Oh Em Gee Kazz how exciting! How far along will you be? I feel like these weeks have really dragged, I just want it to be April already...

I think 13 weeks that day which would put me due end of September. My dates aren’t 100% though as when I came off the pill I was having long cycles. On NHS due date calculator I put in how long cycles were and that put me due 3rd October, which would make me 12 weeks on Thursday. The midwife said the scan will be the most accurate way to tell and she’s counting me as 12 weeks now so that’s what I’m going with unless scan says otherwise
Upload a pic when you can!

I'm stressing a bit.

I have my (other) best friends hen do in Marbella the second weekend of September when - going by my dates - I will be 33 weeks pregnant(!!!). She doesn't know I'm pregnant yet...I'm one of three bridesmaids and am going to be 35 weeks at her wedding so obviously I'm pretty terrified of telling her - hoping my happy news doesn't go down like a shit sandwich!
I KNOW I conceived on 31st Jan as I was charting so know when ovulation date was but midwife wouldn't listen and has based my EDD on my LMP (as Kazz said, she said that the scan will be most accurate at calculating due date) which puts me nearly two weeks forward on what I know I am. I'm hoping the sonographer will put my dates back at the dating scan to what I know them to be as I will be counting on that doctors note to allow me to fly at 33 weeks...36 is too late. Everyone says that a hen do in Marbella at that stage in pregnancy will probably be the last thing in the world I want to do but there is just no way I would/can miss it. None of the girls are big party animals or drinkers (that was always my job haha) so I'm actually quite looking forward to some relaxing sun and away time with the girls before baby comes. Am I stupid to even be considering it?
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Hey ladies I hope you are all well! I have been in hospital for 5 days with extreme sickness and dehydration just so glad to be home. How is everyone?

Scans start next week I believe exciting!

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