****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

When is everyone’s 12 week, and when are you going to spill the beans?
I’ve been feeling so sick :( on a good day I’m only sick twice but that usually only happens if I manage to have a nap in the afternoon. Feel like all I do is be sick and sleep! Hoping it will ease off soon. At the moment I can only eat carbs. I ate some fruit earlier And I’m so annoyed as it was so tasty but it just came straight back up! Just pasta and bread for me at the moment!
When is everyone’s 12 week, and when are you going to spill the beans?

We will be 12 weeks on March 31st. We’ve already told some friends and family though. I’m rubbish at keeping secrets! I’m going to tell everyone else after our scan x
Welcome sunnydays and congrats :) you must be so thrilled after all of this time. Did you have any rounds of IVF before this one?
I'm hoping both of those lovely embryos have stuck for you but know you'll be thrilled if it is only one! Keep yourself busy for the next 4 weeks and hopefully it will fly in. Am I right in calculating you will be 9 weeks by then?

It was our first round so feeling so incredibly lucky. I actually can’t believe it worked first time. I will be 8+4 on the day of the scan so hopefully a good heart beat and decent picture.
Welcome sunnydays and congrats :) you must be so thrilled after all of this time. Did you have any rounds of IVF before this one?
I'm hoping both of those lovely embryos have stuck for you but know you'll be thrilled if it is only one! Keep yourself busy for the next 4 weeks and hopefully it will fly in. Am I right in calculating you will be 9 weeks by then?

It was our first round so feeling so incredibly lucky. I actually can’t believe it worked first time. I will be 8+4 on the day of the scan so hopefully a good heart beat and decent picture.

That's fantastic, time to believe it! :) I'm feeling the same as it was our first round too. Feeling extra lucky for the fact I have low AMH and only 8 follicles that month but a good amount fertilised and 5 made it to day 5 (I am still in shock at that)

Oh yeah that will be a good date for a scan, plenty to see :D
Cant believe Im last on the list hahah!
Although I'm hoping for a October 31st Baby! I bloody love halloween! <3
I&#8217;m not 12 weeks until April 14th! Seems like ages away. Still undecided when to tell everyone, quite enjoying our little secret at the moment. Will probably have to tell someone soon though :D
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Tara, can you update the front page with the EDD's? I'm confuuused without them lol.

Elouise, just think of it as.. we are pretty much in March and as soon as we are, the scan will be next month! :)
2nd April will be 12 weeks but bet I have to wait until after Easter for my scan! Hopefully will get an idea of DD Saturday :) my calculations make it 15th Oct.

We&#8217;ve told our families and I&#8217;ve told my best friend. Our other babies are 1 week apart and she is trying again so hoping she&#8217;ll catch up soon! Xx
Were only 10 days apart Two boys :D
I got my appointment through for my Booking today, 21st of march, Ill be 8+6
Hi, I&#8217;ve had a quick browse of this thread and was wondering if I could jump in?
I&#8217;m currently 4+4 and should be due 28th October
I&#8217;m a mum of 2 boys already one who will be 12 in June and one who will be 5 in July, I also have a step son who was 1 in January.
Me and my other half have only been together 6 months so it was abit of a shock but a very happy one being as though we&#8217;re both in our 30s! We have worked together the last 4 years though so we know each other well enough lol
Got my booking in appointment with the midwife next Thursday 1st March so I&#8217;m guessing that&#8217;s when it&#8217;ll feel properly real!!
So far I have very sore boobs, I get noon time nausea and I keep napping ALOT!
I&#8217;m really excited for this as in 5 years of trying me and the ex only managed to get pregnant once and lo and behold not even trying and get pregnant with the new fella!

Hope you&#8217;re all doing well! I won&#8217;t bore you anymore lol x
My 12 weeks will be 26th March if my dates are right and my booking in appointment is THIS Monday! :D
I’ve already told all close family but will tell everyone else after the 12 week scan. :)

Congratulations Dinkydizzy! :)
Sounds like exciting times for you.
Tara, can you update the front page with the EDD's? I'm confuuused without them lol.

Elouise, just think of it as.. we are pretty much in March and as soon as we are, the scan will be next month! :)

Yes that’s a good way to look at it :D I don’t even have a doctors appointment until Tuesday I think after that it will start to feel more real!
Congrats dinkydizzy! You are due day after me!

I am 5 weeks tomorrow, I’ve had nausea on and off since I found out but feel like it’s turning up a gear now

Can I be added to the expected due dates please! 27th! :D
Can I be added to the front page too please Tara? Sorry I think I forgot to say my due date when I joined- it&#8217;s 22nd October. Hope all you ladies are doing OK! Congratulations to the new joiners. I&#8217;m feeling sick most of the time now but not actually being sick. Also waking up most nights with pain in my left knee. Had joint issues when I was pregnant with my first so it&#8217;s all making me feel a bit more reassured which is good! Xxx
Thanks everyone!

Reading back and I&#8217;ve told all my family, and OHs told his, we work together and have told our boss but that&#8217;s it for now. I had a miscarriage between my eldest 2 at 6 weeks so I don&#8217;t really want to be shouting it off the roof tops until at least after then xx
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This exhaustion is killing me :wall2: Every single day I think to myself 'I genuinely am too exhausted to work today, I need to call in sick and stay in bed'. I keep dragging myself in but I'm struggling now... I'm guessing there isn't much that can be done about this symptom but I just needed to have a moan, I'm barely functioning right now?!:nap:
So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I&#8217;m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx
Oh my goodness - congratulations twoboys! That's amazing! How many weeks are you now? Xx

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