****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Hiya. I'd like to join. Due on the 10th Oct so 7.5 weeks today. First baby through IVF. I was pregnant 4 years ago (also an Oct baby) but had a miscarriage so feeling pretty scared this time. Saw baby a few times as IVF but last time was 6.5 and was measuring well with a heartbeat. Nive to meet you all x

Big congratulations! There’s other IVF mummy’s in this group so you should get lots of understanding support. :)
twoboys that is excellent new, congrats!!

writergem, welcome and congrats, glad to hear everything is going well :). We would likely have started our cycles at the very same time, I had to take stimms for a few extra days due to low follicle count but all has worked out very well. We had a 7 week scan on Fri and all was perfect, I was a blubbering mess seeing a little heart beating away.

My 12 week scan isn't until 12+6 (5 April) and I have a feeling I might have to book a wee private one in the meantime to keep me sane.. :roll:
I'm 8 weeks today and went for my booking in appointment. We spent a long time in there. I think I was in for about an hour and 10.

A weird thing they did was take my carbon monoxide levels with a breathalyser. I'm not a smoker and apparently they do it for everyone. My score was really low showing only what would be in the atmosphere. Has anyone else had to do this?

I also filled in the form for my NHS exemption card for prescriptions, and made an appointment for in two weeks time for the blood tests. I was also told I'll get the appointment for my scan by the end of this week! It's all feeling very real now. :)

Oh and she REALLY pushed getting the flu jab. She actually told me to book in for one on the way out but I didn't. :(
I might consider it after the blood test. With my needle phobia I don't like knowing there are too many needles in my immediate future!
Hey, Yeah I had to do the smokers tests back in April last year, apparently its common practice.
Eeee Not long till the scan then! Bet you're excited!!
Hey, Yeah I had to do the smokers tests back in April last year, apparently its common practice.
Eeee Not long till the scan then! Bet you're excited!!

I'm super excited! :D

You have one at 6 weeks though don't you? I bet you can't wait to see your little bean. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you that it goes well.
Oh no I had really bad sickness as well. I found being hubgry or tired just made it worse (and still does even though it’s getting better). I found eating carbs helped. Veg & fruit just came back up and I switched to flavoured water. For some reason flavoured water was fine! Food that helped me: beans on toast, jacket potato with cheese & beans (sometimes tuna), spinach & ricotta tortellini/ravioli with tomato & basil sauce. Pot noodles were also ok. Also snacking on mini cheddars helped :) good luck. I was still being sick with these but to a much lesser extent.

I can now eat tomato, cucumber, and olives so making a pasta salad for tea! Weirdly on my birthday I had ginger & chicken udon noodles and even though full of ginger it made me sick....don’t think I can ever eat it again :(

Thank you I managed to eat some lasagne last night and a bit of garlic bread, still felt sick after but needed food in me. Today hasn’t been as bad but I had work for a few hours so that distracted me and I was really hungry when I finished so had some more lasagne, I didn’t take my folic acid and vitamin d this morning just b12 so maybe that has helped too, will start taking them in the night instead and see if that’s helps. I used to just drink water but it tastes like blood now haha so I prefer cold apple juice can’t drink my morning tea anymore :(

Got my doctor appointment tomorrow so hopefully will get booked to see the midwife in a few weeks
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I had a private scan booked for this evening as reassurance and because I’ve been having some pains I wasn’t happy about, and they cancelled it due to the weather warnings! We have zero snow left so it’s a bit frustrating that is was cancelled! I saw my GP though and because of the pains she has booked me in for a scan tomorrow, I’ll be 7+3 so hoping everything is ok!
Hey, Yeah I had to do the smokers tests back in April last year, apparently its common practice.
Eeee Not long till the scan then! Bet you're excited!!

I'm super excited! :D

You have one at 6 weeks though don't you? I bet you can't wait to see your little bean. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you that it goes well.

Yep got one booked on Thursday... :D I cant wait.
I had my first lot of morning sickness today too. ❤️
I had a private scan booked for this evening as reassurance and because I’ve been having some pains I wasn’t happy about, and they cancelled it due to the weather warnings! We have zero snow left so it’s a bit frustrating that is was cancelled! I saw my GP though and because of the pains she has booked me in for a scan tomorrow, I’ll be 7+3 so hoping everything is ok!

Good luck.
Don't forget to show us pictures xx
I had a private scan booked for this evening as reassurance and because I’ve been having some pains I wasn’t happy about, and they cancelled it due to the weather warnings! We have zero snow left so it’s a bit frustrating that is was cancelled! I saw my GP though and because of the pains she has booked me in for a scan tomorrow, I’ll be 7+3 so hoping everything is ok!

Good luck.
Don't forget to show us pictures xx

Will do!! Feeling very nervous as not really feeling very pregnant at the moment! Will update tomorrow afternoon x
Hi Ladies,

Please can I come and join in the fun? My ‘surprise’ bean is due around the 9th October I think. I am having a dating scan tomorrow so hopefully I will know for sure then.

Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies!!

Welcome Bean! And congrats!

Has anyone taken cyclizine for pregnancy nausea before? I had my doctors appointment today, I told her I’ve been feeling sick constantly for days and struggling to eat and drink so she prescribed me this. I’m a bit worried about taking it :/
Hi Ladies,

Please can I come and join in the fun? My ‘surprise’ bean is due around the 9th October I think. I am having a dating scan tomorrow so hopefully I will know for sure then.

Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies!!


Congratulations and Welcome! :)

My due date was the 9th October but the Midwife changed it to the 8th at my booking appointment. It will probably change again at the dating scan. Either way our little beans are pretty much due at the same time! :)
twoboys that is excellent new, congrats!!

writergem, welcome and congrats, glad to hear everything is going well :). We would likely have started our cycles at the very same time, I had to take stimms for a few extra days due to low follicle count but all has worked out very well. We had a 7 week scan on Fri and all was perfect, I was a blubbering mess seeing a little heart beating away.

My 12 week scan isn't until 12+6 (5 April) and I have a feeling I might have to book a wee private one in the meantime to keep me sane.. :roll:

Mine was a FET. Congratulations to you! I too saw HB at 7 weeks but I've had a blood clot so things not so simple. I'm thinking of going for another scan in the next few days to check on the clot and baby. It's so scary though isnt it? You look to that positive test but really that's just the beginning xx
Hey Ladies! I have been away for a week moving house it has been crazy!

Any new additions to the DDs so that i can update the front page?

Has everyone got their 12 scan date yet? mine is the 22nd March!

I hope you are all well and the pregnancies are going swimmingly!!!
Sorry I've been MIA for a week too, for some reason my permission to post had been removed! Back in action.

I have my first/dating/nucal scan on 6th April (seems like ages away!) when I should be 11 + 2. I'm a little nervous as aside to being absolutely exhausted (I keep falling asleep on the tube home!) and having slightly tender breasts I have absolutely no symptoms. No nausea or weight gain at all! Is this normal at 5 + 6???

Congrats to all the new additions and welcome to October mummies :)
Welcome and congrats to all the new BFP’s!

Still sinking in for us.. twins, 2 babies? Woah!

No idea when my DD will be! I’m 7 weeks tomorrow and have my midwife app next Tuesday :) feels like I’ll never get a 12 week scan date, it’s ages away!

Welcome and congrats to all the new BFP’s!

Still sinking in for us.. twins, 2 babies? Woah!

No idea when my DD will be! I’m 7 weeks tomorrow and have my midwife app next Tuesday :) feels like I’ll never get a 12 week scan date, it’s ages away!


I feel the same! I won’t get my date until a couple of weeks after my booking appointment on Friday. I would like to know when it is! x
Sorry I've been MIA for a week too, for some reason my permission to post had been removed! Back in action.

I have my first/dating/nucal scan on 6th April (seems like ages away!) when I should be 11 + 2. I'm a little nervous as aside to being absolutely exhausted (I keep falling asleep on the tube home!) and having slightly tender breasts I have absolutely no symptoms. No nausea or weight gain at all! Is this normal at 5 + 6???

Congrats to all the new additions and welcome to October mummies :)

I'm the same. Super tired and hungry but that's pretty much it. Took another test yesterday and it came up straight away...didnt even have to wait! I was the same with my son too!! X
Hey Ladies! I have been away for a week moving house it has been crazy!

Any new additions to the DDs so that i can update the front page?

Has everyone got their 12 scan date yet? mine is the 22nd March!

I hope you are all well and the pregnancies are going swimmingly!!!

No, not yet. Haven't booked my booking in appointment yet. I'm going to ring on Friday to book it I think! I'm only 6+1 today though, I don't think my surgery book them in until 8 weeks anyway! X

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