Here's a strange symptom. Before my first pregnancy I'd had a knee joint injury that required physio. It had pretty much healed but when I was pregnant that knee was really bad again, but the other one wasn't perfect either. I put it down to it having to take extra strain from the injured knee.
Over the pregnancy I got to a point where I couldn't have my legs bent for any period of time as it was so painful. After my son was born the knees remained like this almost for 12 months, but then miraculously, they were both perfect again. I thought they must have healed!
Well now I'm pregnant again it's back!!!!
I've been doing some research and when pregnant your body releases a hormone called relaxin and if you breastfeed the effects from this can continue for a good 12 months after birth. This hormone must be relaxing my knee joints and is causing this! I've also been getting aching in my hips which I got last time too.
I'm glad I know it's not permanent but I'm only 7 weeks and already can't bend. I feel infirm.
Another strange symptom I had last time was I grew maybe 3 or 4 new moles/skin tags. I ended up going to the doctor because I thought I had skin cancer. Instead I found out this was NORMAL in pregnancy and just to keep my eye on them!

Once my son was born, one shrank but the others either disappeared or actually fell off.
Honestly no one tells you this stuff!