****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

RosiePosie hang in there and definitely don't worry about moaning, thsts what we are here for and sometimes its the only place we can voice these feelings! I also feel pretty knackered at the moment, seem to be able to fall asleep at 8pm without fail but then wide awake by 3, unable to get back to sleep and then knackered again all the next day! Hope you're doing OK xx
They measured me at 6w 2d but will know more at the 12 week... the one time I could really do with a drink! Lol
They measured me at 6w 2d but will know more at the 12 week... the one time I could really do with a drink! Lol

WHHHATTTTT! Im Mega Jealous!!!
TWINNIES ARE THE BEST! How are you feeling? Did you feel like it was possibly a twin pregnancy ?
So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I’m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx

Wow double congratulations! :D
Did you get any different symptoms this time?
Thank you!

Same as my other boys but everything seems heightened. More nausea, VERY anxious, lack of appetite. Thought maybe a girl instead but never thought twins. It’s the first set in both our families!

So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I’m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx

Wow! That’s crazy!!
This is actually my second biggest fear, aside from getting to the scan and finding no heartbeat, it’s gettinf there and finding two!! Haha, only because i was quite fancying the easy life of my two eldest going off to school and just having a newborn to look after! But imagine how amazing twins must be!! A friend for life they’ll have ��
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So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I’m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx

Wow! That’s crazy!!
This is actually my second biggest fear, aside from getting to the scan and finding no heartbeat, it’s gettinf there and finding two!! Haha, only because i was quite fancying the easy life of my two eldest going off to school and just having a newborn to look after! But imagine how amazing twins must be!! A friend for life they’ll have ��

In all honesty I felt the same. My partner said what’s your fear about today I said either no heartbeat or more than one! I was freaking out about having ONE. Now we’re in the need a new car territory it’s surreal!

So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I’m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx

Oh my god congrats! What joy to have twins in the October mummies group :D must be a bit of a shock though. How are you feeling?

I’ve gained almost 1kg each week since implantation. Not overweight yet (as I was quite slim before) but I’m on the cusp. Any tips to control weight gain? Since I’m gaining so fast I might be putting myself at risk for gestational diabetes :( excersizing regularly and what not, just having loads of cravings.

No tips for the weight gain unfortunately. I’m having the same issue so I’ll watch and see if anyone else has tips. :lol:
Has anyone heard from Tara ? I feel like it's been a while ?
Good point. She last posted 4 days ago. Maybe she’s having a great weekend? :)
Ah Okay thought it was longer hahah! Time is slipping away from me apparently ! xx
So... I had my early scan this morning and everything was fine.. she could see BOTH heartbeats.. to say I’m shocked is an understatement! 3 under 2! And a 5 (will be 6) year old!Xx

Wow congratulations :)

I can’t wait for my scan got my booking appointment on Friday & apparently form for first scan will then be sent off to the hospital. Hoping it won’t take too long as just want reassurance that everything’s ok. Also, we’re waiting until after the scan to announce to everyone (close friends & family know but that’s it). Oh and my work know as well but it was just easier as some patients can’t look after if pregnant.

How’s everyone feeling? I feel like my sickness it subsiding a little bit...hoping that it won’t come back full force at work.
Congrats twoboys on your news!

I am 5 weeks now and I’ve been feeling Sick constantly day and night for the last few days. Until today I’ve been able to stomach some food buy today all I’ve managed is 4 crackers since the morning. I’m goig to force myself to eat dinner as my stomach feels empty and I’m sure not eating just makes it worse but it’s horrible. Does anyone have any tips how to cope with the nausea, even water makes me feel sick
Congrats twoboys on your news!

I am 5 weeks now and I’ve been feeling Sick constantly day and night for the last few days. Until today I’ve been able to stomach some food buy today all I’ve managed is 4 crackers since the morning. I’m goig to force myself to eat dinner as my stomach feels empty and I’m sure not eating just makes it worse but it’s horrible. Does anyone have any tips how to cope with the nausea, even water makes me feel sick

Oh no I had really bad sickness as well. I found being hubgry or tired just made it worse (and still does even though it’s getting better). I found eating carbs helped. Veg & fruit just came back up and I switched to flavoured water. For some reason flavoured water was fine! Food that helped me: beans on toast, jacket potato with cheese & beans (sometimes tuna), spinach & ricotta tortellini/ravioli with tomato & basil sauce. Pot noodles were also ok. Also snacking on mini cheddars helped :) good luck. I was still being sick with these but to a much lesser extent.

I can now eat tomato, cucumber, and olives so making a pasta salad for tea! Weirdly on my birthday I had ginger & chicken udon noodles and even though full of ginger it made me sick....don’t think I can ever eat it again :(
I will be 12 weeks on 9th April. Hopefully I'll have my scan that week as I'm off work. I've told my mum this weekend as she was visiting. Then I told my friend as we were going to a spa on Thursday, which meant I couldn't do certain things! Then I've told my July mummy group of friends who I met on here!! Other than that I think we're going to wait for the scan first!

I've had a ridiculous appetite. I am constantly hungry and nothing seems to fill me up. Luckily I haven't put on any weight yet as I've been following slimming world and will do throughout my pregnancy! I guess its just making sure you eat the right things whilst pregnant rather than snacking on things that arent very good for you and baby! I had lots of period-type pains at the beginning of last week and I am 6 weeks tomorrow!!

Congrats to the newcomers to the group and double congrats two boys on the twins news!! Xxx
Hiya. I'd like to join. Due on the 10th Oct so 7.5 weeks today. First baby through IVF. I was pregnant 4 years ago (also an Oct baby) but had a miscarriage so feeling pretty scared this time. Saw baby a few times as IVF but last time was 6.5 and was measuring well with a heartbeat. Nive to meet you all x
Hiya. I'd like to join. Due on the 10th Oct so 7.5 weeks today. First baby through IVF. I was pregnant 4 years ago (also an Oct baby) but had a miscarriage so feeling pretty scared this time. Saw baby a few times as IVF but last time was 6.5 and was measuring well with a heartbeat. Nive to meet you all x

Congratulations! Hope all goes beautifully in your pregnancy :) welcome to the October mummies group :dance:

Very excited as we have an early scan tomorrow! Should be just over 7 weeks. Praying the snow stays away until after tomorrow evening though as I’ve been waiting for this day for ages!!

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