****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

I’ve not experienced any cramps as such.. maybe keep an eye on it, warm bath? I’ll be honest the only thing similar cramp like related has generally been followed by some rather ... loud.. wind.. much to my partners amusement!

CG- glad you dtd! When’s yours husbands birthday? Was looking to do the 16w gender one for my birthday I’m april 13th xx

His is the 26th April. :)
We’re having a long weekend in France so I’m wondering if I could fit a gender scan around that?
Is anyone else quite crampy?? Please tell me this is normal

I think feeling mildly crampy is normal. I can feel a lot of stretching but in my first pregnancy I took this as feeling crampy. It’s possibly that?
Yes I’m hoping it’s maybe stretching although I am only 5 weeks .... I’m only though so hopefully it is just my body trying to make room
Hi Ladies I am new, I just got my bfp on Valentine’s Day we are not telling anyone yet so would love to join here! I’m just 4 weeks, feeling crampy, nausea on and off, no appetite but starving all the time, and yes I have been going to the toilet a lot too since 1dpo...I have been going 3 times every morning! Haha! Congrats to everyone!! Xx
Hi Ladies I am new, I just got my bfp on Valentine’s Day we are not telling anyone yet so would love to join here! I’m just 4 weeks, feeling crampy, nausea on and off, no appetite but starving all the time, and yes I have been going to the toilet a lot too since 1dpo...I have been going 3 times every morning! Haha! Congrats to everyone!! Xx

And congratulations to you too! Lovely to see you in here! :)
So far Ive had the food aversions, Which isn't a bad thing, for me, And the headaches, Plus im sooooo thirsty all the time, Normally I have to remind myself to drink.
Also the Constant poops stopped and now im feeling bunged up! Which is normal in my pregancys!
I haven't had any cramps yet, But I usually get them around week 5-6 as My uterus is Retrovert so It feels like someone is opening a umbrella up my arse! And im off sex! Usually were at it every day, But Im just not in the mood!
Which he isn't best pleased about ahah
So far Ive had the food aversions, Which isn't a bad thing, for me, And the headaches, Plus im sooooo thirsty all the time, Normally I have to remind myself to drink.
Also the Constant poops stopped and now im feeling bunged up! Which is normal in my pregancys!
I haven't had any cramps yet, But I usually get them around week 5-6 as My uterus is Retrovert so It feels like someone is opening a umbrella up my arse! And im off sex! Usually were at it every day, But Im just not in the mood!
Which he isn't best pleased about ahah

That’s all really promising. :D This bean is definitely sticking around.
They sound just like my symptoms were earlier on.
Hannah the cramping is definitely normal! I worried about it loads when I was pregnant with my little girl coz even from really on I would sometimes wake up in the night with cramps that were so bad they made me feel sick. This time around I’ve got it again but it’s less intense which I guess makes sense as things have already stretched down there. I found using a hot water bottle helpful xxx
Hi ladies, I've been lurking on this forum for a while but as others have said I've been afraid to join in case I'm tempting fate!! I'm due on the 3rd October although my cycles are irregular so I'm expecting that to change. So far feeling good, I was nauseous very early on but I'm not sure if that was nerves. No nausea since really unless I'm hungry, my breasts are killing me though!! I have always had big boobs but it feels like they've gotten bigger already, is that even possible? Meeting midwife on Monday for booking appointment but it still doesn't feel real!!

Edit: I'm actually really tired too, I'm off work at the moment recovering from pilonidal sinus surgery but hoping to go back to work next week & I'm not sure how I'll handle it, I tip my hat to any of you ladies with other children!!
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Thank you so much for the reassurance Lola!! Mine don’t cause me any pain they are just uncomfortable, will definately try the hot water bottle!!!
Hi and welcome to everyone who recently got a BFP :) Lorri we’re due date twins, although I think mine may change as well. My cycles were still quite long after coming off the pill so think dates may be a little off.

I have a pre booking appointment on Monday and then actual booking appointment 2nd March. The pre booking appointment is a group thing and none of my friends who know that I’m pregnant have ever heard of it! I then met someone who had a pre booking appointment and she said you’re in a room full of people and the midwife just goes through what you can and can’t eat and to take vitamins etc. That seems a bit late to be going through all that to me and I’ve already looked up about food and already taking vitamins. Hopefully they’ll be something usueful though. I’m hoping I get my date for first scan soon as can’t wait!!
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Hy I got my BFP after Valentine's day.. I'm now 3 weeks and 5 days (22nd january last period) I made apoitment at mine gynecologist but I don't want ultrasound that early.. Can I tell her to give mi only blood exam and other things and ultrasound at week 7
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Hy I got my BFP after Valentine's day.. I'm now 3 weeks and 5 days (22nd january last period) I made apoitment at mine gynecologist but I don't want ultrasound that early.. Can I tell her to give mi only blood exam and other things and ultrasound at week 7

Its your body you can do wha ever you like! Congratulations and welcome to the clan :)
Anyone else still testing even though they promised themselves they would stop?
I even got rid of all my tests and ended up buying more!
I think its easy to say Im a addict!
Wellllllllll the sore Nips have started..
And having my first day off in 2 weeks today, so I'm planning on a onsie day and movies on the sofa.
Just been to the toilet and zipped myself up and caught my nipple. It made me hit the deck and screamed so loud my dog started Barking.. hahah!
My lordy the paiiiiin
Feel weird today.. feel tired. just a bit ‘off’ can’t put my finger on it. Feel a bit anxious if anything. Off food but other half has ordered me a Chinese as it's the only thing I remotely fancied. Also can’t stop drinking freezing cold drinks. Hoping a good nights sleep will sort me out. I really want to enjoy this pregnancy as I know it will be my last but I get in my head sometimes and think all sorts of negative things :( sorry for the down post.. hope you enjoy your night xx
Feel weird today.. feel tired. just a bit ‘off’ can’t put my finger on it. Feel a bit anxious if anything. Off food but other half has ordered me a Chinese as it's the only thing I remotely fancied. Also can’t stop drinking freezing cold drinks. Hoping a good nights sleep will sort me out. I really want to enjoy this pregnancy as I know it will be my last but I get in my head sometimes and think all sorts of negative things :( sorry for the down post.. hope you enjoy your night xx

Don't be sorry. That's what we're here for. The sounding board for your thoughts and feelings! I have eaten like a pig today...an actual pig!! Now I look 3 months pregnant :preg: mainly food baby bloat than actual baby bloat!! Hope you start to feel better soon!
When do you book in with the doctor/midwife? I feel like I've forgotten everything from last time round. Is it around 10weeks? Or should I do it earlier so I know scan date? I just honestly can't remember!!
When do you book in with the doctor/midwife? I feel like I've forgotten everything from last time round. Is it around 10weeks? Or should I do it earlier so I know scan date? I just honestly can't remember!!

I think it's around 8 weeks if I remember rightly? I spoke to my doctor the other day and they just said they would let the Midwives know? So I'm guessing in the next few weeks I'll hear something?
Hey guys! I'm 7 weeks and 3 days. Experiencing what seems like round ligament pain... But isn't it too early for that?

Went to my first midwifes appointment yesterday, at 12 weeks I'll be getting my bloodwork done at my GP. Midwife said that I have "perfect" health and body type for baby labour which is a relief. She reassured me that so far, I am in the most "low-risk" group of first time mums. Blood pressure was 122/60. :dance:


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