****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Yeah I got two little pictures, but it’s not much to see. Will upload later :)

I got my appointment so early because I paid up-front out of my own pocket... :whistle:


Oh the pictures are brilliant! <3

I hadn't actually considered paying myself - maybe that's the way to go! Is it expensive?
It&#8217;s a bit expensive :( £55 (where I got it done)

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Hi everyone

Congratulations to you all!

Can I join your October thread please? Can&#8217;t believe I&#8217;m back here already, decided to try for baby number 3 in the new year and bam - Here we are! I&#8217;ve been on here during my pregnancies and I honestly don&#8217;t think I could have got through it without the help of everyone. I have 2 boys already 5 and 1.. here&#8217;s hoping we&#8217;re team pink! My EDD is Oct 15th.

Look forward to sharing this amazing journey with you all xx
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Hi everyone

Congratulations to you all!

Can I join your October thread please? Can’t believe I’m back here already, decided to try for baby number 3 in the new year and bam - Here we are! I’ve been on here during my pregnancies and I honestly don’t think I could have got through it without the help of everyone. I have 2 boys already 5 and 1.. here’s hoping we’re team pink! My EDD is Oct 15th.

Look forward to sharing this amazing journey with you all xx

Welcome and congratulations :dance:

First time mum here, we're also (tentatively) hoping team pink since there are SO many boys in the family. However we are more than satisfied with any kind of baby as long as they're healthy.
I am so miserable... You won't believe what has been triggering my nausea :( BREAD. Beautiful beautiful bread. What am I going to eat if I can't eat bread?

Have any of you seen this: https://datayze.com/miscarriage-chart.php

I hope the statistics on this site are true because in that case I already have almost a 90% chance of birth :D

Hi everyone

Congratulations to you all!

Can I join your October thread please? Can’t believe I’m back here already, decided to try for baby number 3 in the new year and bam - Here we are! I’ve been on here during my pregnancies and I honestly don’t think I could have got through it without the help of everyone. I have 2 boys already 5 and 1.. here’s hoping we’re team pink! My EDD is Oct 15th.

Look forward to sharing this amazing journey with you all xx

Congratulations! :)
How have your symptoms been 3rd time around?
I am so miserable... You won't believe what has been triggering my nausea :( BREAD. Beautiful beautiful bread. What am I going to eat if I can't eat bread?

Have any of you seen this: https://datayze.com/miscarriage-chart.php

I hope the statistics on this site are true because in that case I already have almost a 90% chance of birth :D


I’m starting to go off bread you know! I just look at it and don’t want to eat it!

Ooh that’s a reassuring link. I’m at 85% chance of a live birth. Sounds like good odds.
Thanks Cornish girl and to you too! It&#8217;s been very similar actually, as in no symptoms. If I hadn&#8217;t seen my test positive (and there&#8217;s been a lot!) I wouldn&#8217;t have a clue I was pregnant. No nausea, sore boobs etc I&#8217;m only 4w 6 so I&#8217;m sure there&#8217;s plenty of time. Just makes me think it&#8217;s another boy!

Were you ladies trying long to conceive?

Will you find out what you&#8217;re having?

Hi everyone

Congratulations to you all!

Can I join your October thread please? Can’t believe I’m back here already, decided to try for baby number 3 in the new year and bam - Here we are! I’ve been on here during my pregnancies and I honestly don’t think I could have got through it without the help of everyone. I have 2 boys already 5 and 1.. here’s hoping we’re team pink! My EDD is Oct 15th.

Look forward to sharing this amazing journey with you all xx

Oh my goodness your story is almost identical to mine!
We have 2 boys (although mine are 5 and 3) and decided to try for baby number 3 in the new year and fell straight away, EDD 13th October! Good luck to yo and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x
Thanks Cornish girl and to you too! It’s been very similar actually, as in no symptoms. If I hadn’t seen my test positive (and there’s been a lot!) I wouldn’t have a clue I was pregnant. No nausea, sore boobs etc I’m only 4w 6 so I’m sure there’s plenty of time. Just makes me think it’s another boy!

Were you ladies trying long to conceive?

Will you find out what you’re having?


We managed to conceive second month trying both times so stupidly lucky!

We’ll definitely be finding out. What about you? :)
3 for Me - how strange! Lol how you feeling?

CG- oh wow how lucky is that! It&#8217;s such a minefield you really never know how it&#8217;s going to go. I&#8217;ve always assumed it will take ages to fall pregnant. We will defo find out will probably do a scan at 16 weeks privately (think it falls on my birthday) I&#8217;m sure it will be another boy! Do you have a preference?

3 for Me - how strange! Lol how you feeling?

CG- oh wow how lucky is that! It’s such a minefield you really never know how it’s going to go. I’ve always assumed it will take ages to fall pregnant. We will defo find out will probably do a scan at 16 weeks privately (think it falls on my birthday) I’m sure it will be another boy! Do you have a preference?


We already have a little boy so it would be nice to have a little friend for him but at the same time a daughter would be lovely so I really don’t have a preference.
I’m considering a scan around 16 weeks around my husbands birthday.

Need to get to the 12 week scan first! :)
Omg my levels of exhaustion today are really something else. And I had 8.5 hours sleep last night! I think that&#8217;s the first time my son has ever allowed me so much sleep.
Half 5 wake up tomorrow though for work. :(
Hi just catching up....how&#8217;s everyone feeling? The sickness has well and truly started this last week! Been sick a few times and felt sick for most of the day the last few days, only relief really is when I&#8217;m asleep! Also had to go to walk in centre today as I have a UTI which I&#8217;ve been given antibiotics for. I think working nights didn&#8217;t help with the symptoms and the UTI. Just one more week of nights then I&#8217;m on annual leave for my birthday week then back on days for a bit.
When I said “half 5 wake up” I apparently meant “4 am wake up”. :cry:
Thanks toddler. :(

No idea how I’m going to get through today. :(
3 for Me - how strange! Lol how you feeling?

CG- oh wow how lucky is that! It’s such a minefield you really never know how it’s going to go. I’ve always assumed it will take ages to fall pregnant. We will defo find out will probably do a scan at 16 weeks privately (think it falls on my birthday) I’m sure it will be another boy! Do you have a preference?


Congrats! Thatg was super quick for you to fall pegant! how old are you other boys?

Also when is your DD?
Hey guys! I had some brownish/reddish discharge last night and got a little panicky. Called my midwife this morning and she said all is probably ok. Despite this I went and got an early scan (I’m 6w1d).

My little ladybug is perfectly fine :D HR 121/min, CTR 2.5mm, everything else looks normal. It was so beautiful to see, as soon as the little bean popped up onto the screen his/her heartbeat was so strong, CLEARLY visible. I started crying, it was so beautiful. DH and I are thouroughly elated. :love:

If you are worried about spotting, don’t be. Things have a good chance of turning out ok.


Oh wow how amazing is that! Im so jealous I want to see my jellybean!

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