****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Massive congrats and welcome Hannah! Do you have any idea of what your EDD is?

Tara: Could you update EDDs on front page to include Rosie and Hannah (if they want to be included)?


Yeh I'd love to be added please, it'll make it feel more official :lol:
Sorry if it’s tmi but what is everyone’s current cervix position?

Hi and welcome - congratulations :-D

Hehe I've been stubbornly avoiding googling just to keep myself sane (this trimester is way more worrying than I expected it to be?! I'm constantly fretting and just desperate to reach the 12 week scan and finally have a bit of peace of mind) so I don't know what this means... can you fill me in??
I don’t understand what the cervical position should be in early pregnancy I’m not even sure I have been able to properly identify mine lol
They say your cervix in pregnancy is usually really high and hard to reach. For some women this happens straight away and some it happens after an unknown time.
So I really don’t think knowing the position would help much? Hmm
Thank you! Feel like I’m just panicking too much, still doesn’t feel real
Sorry if it’s tmi but what is everyone’s current cervix position?

Hi and welcome - congratulations :-D

Hehe I've been stubbornly avoiding googling just to keep myself sane (this trimester is way more worrying than I expected it to be?! I'm constantly fretting and just desperate to reach the 12 week scan and finally have a bit of peace of mind) so I don't know what this means... can you fill me in??

Rosie when is your due date?
Sorry if it’s tmi but what is everyone’s current cervix position?

Hi and welcome - congratulations :-D

Hehe I've been stubbornly avoiding googling just to keep myself sane (this trimester is way more worrying than I expected it to be?! I'm constantly fretting and just desperate to reach the 12 week scan and finally have a bit of peace of mind) so I don't know what this means... can you fill me in??

Rosie when is your due date?

4th October by the NHS calculator :)
So last night I had a spot of bright red blood... :(

I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...

TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!

No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.

I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.
So last night I had a spot of bright red blood... :(

I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...

TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!

No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.

I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.

I had breakthrough bleeding in my first pregnancy at 6 weeks. It was brown and lasted a week but maybe you’re having a version of this?

You’re doing the right thing to get reassurance. Possibly they might give you a scan so keep at it!

If you’re not in pain and there’s no more red blood it’s probably all okay.
I’ve had the morning from hell today. I’m exhausted despite a good amount of sleep and my toddler is determined to break me. I said no to blowing bubbles because I needed to do his nappy and oh my god the tantrum! Screaming, snot, tears, back arching... he was dragging this 1litre bottle of bubble solution around with him.
I was almost in tears too.
He was going for about an hour.

I eventually put the bubble machine on for him and literally it was like a switch flicked and as if he’d never cried at all.

Brb. Going to rock back and forth in a corner.
I’ve had the morning from hell today. I’m exhausted despite a good amount of sleep and my toddler is determined to break me. I said no to blowing bubbles because I needed to do his nappy and oh my god the tantrum! Screaming, snot, tears, back arching... he was dragging this 1litre bottle of bubble solution around with him.
I was almost in tears too.
He was going for about an hour.

I eventually put the bubble machine on for him and literally it was like a switch flicked and as if he’d never cried at all.

Brb. Going to rock back and forth in a corner.

Oh gosh... its times like this you need a drink but guess what we cant! gave a nice cup of tea and biscuit and relax : )
So last night I had a spot of bright red blood... :(

I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...

TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!

No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.

I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.

I had breakthrough bleeding in my first pregnancy at 6 weeks. It was brown and lasted a week but maybe you’re having a version of this?

You’re doing the right thing to get reassurance. Possibly they might give you a scan so keep at it!

If you’re not in pain and there’s no more red blood it’s probably all okay.

Thanks for getting back to me! I'm hoping no further bleeding and no pain is a good sign. I didn't get a call back from the assessment clinic so far which is annoying. I'm not enjoying the first trimester at all so far! :shakehead:
I’ve had the morning from hell today. I’m exhausted despite a good amount of sleep and my toddler is determined to break me. I said no to blowing bubbles because I needed to do his nappy and oh my god the tantrum! Screaming, snot, tears, back arching... he was dragging this 1litre bottle of bubble solution around with him.
I was almost in tears too.
He was going for about an hour.

I eventually put the bubble machine on for him and literally it was like a switch flicked and as if he’d never cried at all.

Brb. Going to rock back and forth in a corner.

Oh gosh... its times like this you need a drink but guess what we cant! gave a nice cup of tea and biscuit and relax : )

I hid in the kitchen and ate a chocolate cupcake where he couldn’t see me! :lol:
So last night I had a spot of bright red blood... :(

I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...

TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!

No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.

I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.

I had breakthrough bleeding in my first pregnancy at 6 weeks. It was brown and lasted a week but maybe you’re having a version of this?

You’re doing the right thing to get reassurance. Possibly they might give you a scan so keep at it!

If you’re not in pain and there’s no more red blood it’s probably all okay.

Thanks for getting back to me! I'm hoping no further bleeding and no pain is a good sign. I didn't get a call back from the assessment clinic so far which is annoying. I'm not enjoying the first trimester at all so far! :shakehead:

Maybe try another number or go through your gp?

I know what you mean about this trimester though!
Last edited:
So last night I had a spot of bright red blood... :(

I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...

TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!

No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.

I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.

I had breakthrough bleeding in my first pregnancy at 6 weeks. It was brown and lasted a week but maybe you’re having a version of this?

You’re doing the right thing to get reassurance. Possibly they might give you a scan so keep at it!

If you’re not in pain and there’s no more red blood it’s probably all okay.

Thanks for getting back to me! I'm hoping no further bleeding and no pain is a good sign. I didn't get a call back from the assessment clinic so far which is annoying. I'm not enjoying the first trimester at all so far! :shakehead:

I really hope you get some peace of mind
Hey guys! I had some brownish/reddish discharge last night and got a little panicky. Called my midwife this morning and she said all is probably ok. Despite this I went and got an early scan (I’m 6w1d).

My little ladybug is perfectly fine :D HR 121/min, CTR 2.5mm, everything else looks normal. It was so beautiful to see, as soon as the little bean popped up onto the screen his/her heartbeat was so strong, CLEARLY visible. I started crying, it was so beautiful. DH and I are thouroughly elated. :love:

If you are worried about spotting, don’t be. Things have a good chance of turning out ok.

Hey guys! I had some brownish/reddish discharge last night and got a little panicky. Called my midwife this morning and she said all is probably ok. Despite this I went and got an early scan (I’m 6w1d).

My little ladybug is perfectly fine :D HR 121/min, CTR 2.5mm, everything else looks normal. It was so beautiful to see, as soon as the little bean popped up onto the screen his/her heartbeat was so strong, CLEARLY visible. I started crying, it was so beautiful. DH and I are thouroughly elated. :love:

If you are worried about spotting, don’t be. Things have a good chance of turning out ok.


I’ve already commented on your journal but so happy to hear! :)
Hey guys! I had some brownish/reddish discharge last night and got a little panicky. Called my midwife this morning and she said all is probably ok. Despite this I went and got an early scan (I’m 6w1d).

My little ladybug is perfectly fine :D HR 121/min, CTR 2.5mm, everything else looks normal. It was so beautiful to see, as soon as the little bean popped up onto the screen his/her heartbeat was so strong, CLEARLY visible. I started crying, it was so beautiful. DH and I are thouroughly elated. :love:

If you are worried about spotting, don’t be. Things have a good chance of turning out ok.


Yay I'm so glad to hear a happy story! The midwife I spoke to was lovely but not quite so reassuring as yours - she told me while bleeding can be common, it isn't 'normal', and requested to see me on Tuesday (so not as quick as you). It's all been pretty ballsed up though, as I need to be referred via my GP who didn't call me back despite promising to, so I can't see they'll be able to refer me on Monday (when I'll next be able to talk to my GP) and have my appointment by Tuesday (stupid weekend!). It's been a bit of a frustrating day haha.

How wonderful for you to have got to meet you little one early though, congrats X
Yeah I got two little pictures, but it’s not much to see. Will upload later :)

I got my appointment so early because I paid up-front out of my own pocket... :whistle:


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