So last night I had a spot of bright red blood...
I'm terrified and sobbed myself to sleep. Woke up and nothing this morning...
TMI: it was one drop of red blood in the toilet, and then 2 wipes of blood on the tissue and then nothing since. But in my mind blood can only be bad?!
No cramping. Sore boobs remain but I didn't really have any other symptoms so I haven't noticed that anything else has changed.
I don't know if I contact anyone, and if I do - who? GP? I've called a number at my local 'early pregnancy assessment clinic' and left a message asking them to call me back. There's an emergency number on there also, but I'm not sure if this would be classed as an emergency.
I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today - I've been paranoid anyway without this happening. Trying to keep positive. Any happy experiences/ outcomes with bleeding welcome.