****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Hi guys,

I'm coming over to join you after receiving my BFP 9dpo on Friday, confirmed on Saturday AM with a FRER! According to FF and NC I'm due around 25th October :)

I was absolutely shocked to get a positive so early, but I had had a week of really strange mild cramping which was new to me so I just sort of instinctively 'knew' it was time to test. I have an appointment with the GP on Wednesday for 100% confirmation but so far all tests have been positive. AF due tomorrow so still feeling slightly cautious...

Question - my tests are still very very faint. I have only done one FRER which was quite obviously positive but have also done a FirstVue (Poundland's finest) each morning since 9dpo which haven't been as clear. I know they are a lot less sensitive than a FRER at 20 mIU. At 9dpo it was an absolute squinter (OH couldn't see it), then continued to get very marginally darker over the next three days (OH could just about see it) but still really really faint...should I be worried or is this quite normal at 12dpo? I was going to take another FRER tomorrow for peace of mind as I don't want to spend the next week fretting!

So excited for you KJ!! I am also going to doctors Wednesday, my first was an internet cheapie which was a squinted since the. I have done two frers the first was clear but the in the second the test line was darker than control line! The FRERs do seem to be more sensitive as I have done internet cheapies since and they have definately not come up as dark as the FRER!
Thanks Hannah, I'm also ridiculously excited but won't be able to fully believe it's real until I am past AF due date! How long did you leave it before testing with another FRER? My first one was Saturday so was thinking of taking another one tomorrow AM (so 4 days later), then if no AF tomorrow a CBD on Wednesday so I can see it in writing :) such scary but exciting times! x
Hi guys,

I'm coming over to join you after receiving my BFP 9dpo on Friday, confirmed on Saturday AM with a FRER! According to FF and NC I'm due around 25th October :)

I was absolutely shocked to get a positive so early, but I had had a week of really strange mild cramping which was new to me so I just sort of instinctively 'knew' it was time to test. I have an appointment with the GP on Wednesday for 100% confirmation but so far all tests have been positive. AF due tomorrow so still feeling slightly cautious...

Question - my tests are still very very faint. I have only done one FRER which was quite obviously positive but have also done a FirstVue (Poundland's finest) each morning since 9dpo which haven't been as clear. I know they are a lot less sensitive than a FRER at 20 mIU. At 9dpo it was an absolute squinter (OH couldn't see it), then continued to get very marginally darker over the next three days (OH could just about see it) but still really really faint...should I be worried or is this quite normal at 12dpo? I was going to take another FRER tomorrow for peace of mind as I don't want to spend the next week fretting!


Yay congratulations! There’s someone on the September board who got really faint lines and even negative tests way past AF was due. It was eventually confirmed at the doctors with a blood test but she’s very happily pregnant now. :)
I got my first bfp on a frer on the Wednesday and did another FRER on the Saturday! Is anyone else experiencing AF type cramps on a daily basis, I’m so aware of everything my body is telling me at the minute
So happy to see this thread starting to fill up with October mummies :love:

Anyone got any tips to fight fatigue? Been really sleeeepy lately.

So happy to see this thread starting to fill up with October mummies :love:

Anyone got any tips to fight fatigue? Been really sleeeepy lately.


My tip is to sleep more! :lol:

I’m so earth shatteringly exhausted. Last night my son was really struggling to sleep because of a cold. I’d gone to bed at 9 through sheer exhaustion and still wasn’t asleep by 10 because my son my moaning constantly but not getting up or crying. It was like a limbo. I got up about 4 times to head in to him and he’d just fallen back to sleep so I lay back in bed. It got to 11 and I was so frustrated I had a bit of a breakdown. My husband told me to turn the baby monitor off and then he went in with our 18 month old to sleep. I had an amazing sleep after that but feel like an awful mother. :(

I feel like I don’t have enough energy to be a good mum at the moment.
I got my first bfp on a frer on the Wednesday and did another FRER on the Saturday! Is anyone else experiencing AF type cramps on a daily basis, I’m so aware of everything my body is telling me at the minute

AF like cramps are very common and normal. I had them a lot in my first pregnancy. Not so much in this one but I think it’s because everything has stretched before it is probably just growing with less resistance.
I got my first bfp on a frer on the Wednesday and did another FRER on the Saturday! Is anyone else experiencing AF type cramps on a daily basis, I’m so aware of everything my body is telling me at the minute

I’ve had them since 4dpo they’ve really been freaking me out! As CornishGirl says though I’ve heard they’re completely normal. AF due today, took another FRER this AM to calm my mind and it’s a lot darker than Saturdays :)
I got my first bfp on a frer on the Wednesday and did another FRER on the Saturday! Is anyone else experiencing AF type cramps on a daily basis, I’m so aware of everything my body is telling me at the minute

I’ve had them since 4dpo they’ve really been freaking me out! As CornishGirl says though I’ve heard they’re completely normal. AF due today, took another FRER this AM to calm my mind and it’s a lot darker than Saturdays :)

That’s a great line! :D
I have an early scan today at 7 weeks as I have had soe back pain! really hope ikt all goes well and nothing is wrong.
Good luck Tara.

Is anyone else having bad morning sickness? I constantly feel sick and yesterday was sick so much. It’s definitely gotten worse recently as before that it was just a feeling. It then progressed on to almost being sick but just dry heaving and now full blown sickness :( in one way it’s good because it’s a symptom but it’s starting to really bug me as it’s just constant. It’s an all day thing for me as well. Usually if I’m eating I don’t feel sick but as soon as I stop the feelings back again. I’m on nights again this week and don’t know how I’m gonna get through them. Last week on my last night shift I kept having to run to the toilet but fortunately wasn’t actually sick at work. The only good thing is I only do 3 shifts due to doing such long hours 7:30pm-8am. I have next week off for my birthday and then I’m back on days. I do the same hours 7:30am-8pm on day shifts but hoping il feel better on days than nights. I have a pre booking appointment on Monday as well which I think is just being given some information and leaflets and then my actual booking appointment on 2nd March. Can’t wait until appointments start as it will feel more real as well. At my booking appointment il be about 10 weeks so hopefully I won’t have to wait long until my first scan which is supposed to be at 12 weeks. Can’t wait to see the scan
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Scan went well! got to see my little baby it was so cute! It even came up andominally but they couldn’t see enough so went internal still crampy but my mind is at ease
Thank ou for the replies! I’m 5’1 and 7st 10lbs so im not the biggest! I’m hoping that explains the cramps as I’m going to have a lot of stretching to do to make way for a baby! Went bridesmaid dress shopping for my friends wedding which is in December, I still haven’t told her yet that I’m pregnant as I’m worried it’s too soon!! Got measured for a dress but they aren’t being ordered until April so thinking I’ll need to tell her I’ll need a slightly bigger size
Scan went well! got to see my little baby it was so cute! It even came up andominally but they couldn’t see enough so went internal still crampy but my mind is at ease

That’s really lovely to hear. I’m so jealous of all you girls with early scans!
Dipping my toe in.
No idea what DPO I am hahah!
But I got these today, SMU loads of water before hand because ive been sooooooo thirsty!
If I go by My LMP id be due on the 25th of October.
I have a scan booked for the 1st of march so I guess Ill have a better understanding then <3


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Dipping my toe in.
No idea what DPO I am hahah!
But I got these today, SMU loads of water before hand because ive been sooooooo thirsty!
If I go by My LMP id be due on the 25th of October.
I have a scan booked for the 1st of march so I guess Ill have a better understanding then <3

Yay! So happy to see you over here! :dust: :D
Let's hope I have the chance to stick around &#55357;&#56845;

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