.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Got my dating scan appointment :) 24th March! I'll be almost 13 weeks. I hope it comes quickly, thankfully it's at 10am so I don't have to wait around all day.

Also told my manager and work mates and the responses have been good so far.
Hello, i'm Victoria due 23rd october :)

Hello and welcome :wave:

Congraulations! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!

Please keep us posted of any upcoming scan or MW appointments and Ill note these at the front :)

Got my dating scan appointment :) 24th March! I'll be almost 13 weeks. I hope it comes quickly, thankfully it's at 10am so I don't have to wait around all day.

Also told my manager and work mates and the responses have been good so far.

Added your dating scan in love. Im just over 13w when I get mine I think. Hope its nice clear piccies for us.

:yay: Yay for telling the workies, my reveal is Friday, hoping Id get to dinner but found out we are off to the pub before dinner so Ill prb get outed then :lol:

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All so exciting! I wish I could speed up the next Few weeks! I've felt soooo sick today, I'm dreading it getting worse and worse! Will have to let on at work on Monday if I'm still so bad! Trying to stay up for Ronan on Jonathan Ross, but I may need to eat again soon lol
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I was sick today, just once. It was mostly bile bt I think its prob partly my ongoing stomach issues. I had h pylori ages ago and I think its came back, was due to get a barium xray and treated but cant now Im pregnant.

Last pregnancy it was really bad, couldnt eat anything spicy or acidic. The other night I had burgers and woke at 4am in agony. I have some omeprazole that Ill use if and when its really bad. Used to be on 40mg but last pregnancy they dropped me to 20mg because I was so sick I couldnt come off them. I also drunk gaviscon like water. Even the chalky minty thought is making me dread it lol.

Was the first time Jackson seen me sick today. He was all are you not feeling well mummy? Youll be fine. Gave me a pat and off he went. I was glad as didnt like him seeing me like that lol.

Oh no! Sorry to hear that :( I struggle sitting still now i have a toddler, managed to nap when she did today which helped a bit! Awww, little people are so cute! Iris always comes and says 'cuddle' and gives me a hug if I'm crying, bless her. She's never seen me be sick though.. Roll on october xxxx
Sorry to hear some of you are struggling with sickness, I've been lucky so far with not having that symptom.

My boobs however are agony and I've been and bought some pregnancy bras already as they're squishing out of my normal bras and the underwire is leaving a mark on me already. I hope they stop growing soon!

Also anyone else experiencing an upset tummy in the morning? It's happened 3 days in a row now and then I won't go again rest of the day. Not sure if it's because I'm still congested from my bad cold/flu virus last weekend or pregnancy related.
I suffer with my tummy if i eat food cooked in oil more ive noticed, i feel my tummy is very sensitive at the moment xx
Hi not due October but just wondering if any of you could recommend something for the sickness, Being sick three four times a day. Hope you girls aren't suffering with it too much xxx
Is anyone else struggling with tops? Most of mine are fitted and now they're so tight over the boobs. I don't want to go out and buy loads more t-shirts.
I'm living in hoodies and lose fitting tops. I grabbed some cheap ones off ASOS :-)
Hi not due October but just wondering if any of you could recommend something for the sickness, Being sick three four times a day. Hope you girls aren't suffering with it too much xxx

I tend to feel worst around two hours after I eat, if I eat again I then feel better, so I guess I need to eat every two hours lol x
Hi not due October but just wondering if any of you could recommend something for the sickness, Being sick three four times a day. Hope you girls aren't suffering with it too much xxx

Eat little n often and keep your sugar levels up, also look at sickness bands on ebay xx
Hi not due October but just wondering if any of you could recommend something for the sickness, Being sick three four times a day. Hope you girls aren't suffering with it too much xxx

I tend to feel worst around two hours after I eat, if I eat again I then feel better, so I guess I need to eat every two hours lol x

When you eat it takes 2hrs to peak then 2hrs to drop, so your sugar level is at its highest after 2hrs so that will explain why you feel rubbish after to hrs as your sugar level dips. Xx
I've been on the hunt for ginger biscuits and most of my local supermarkets haven't stocked them. I thought it was really weird but sainsburys has a sign up saying they had shortages because of the floods in Carlisle!
That's weird! I've been drinking twinings green tea with ginger, which is surprisingly delicious! Had some ginger been earlier too which helped! It's non alcoholic obv.. X
Touch wood the sickness has stopped physically, still feeling bit queezy but im eating :) xx
I feel ill all the time :(, felt really sick and dizzy yesterday, didn't feel too bad today until I cooked tea and felt really faint xx

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