.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Thanks Wilson :) he is 17 months, turns 2 24th September :) x
Morning ladies! Just found out yesterday that I'm expecting again :D not sure what my due date will be but I done the due date calculator on NHS website and its around 10th October :) :) lovely as my sons birthday is september! Joint birthday parties!!!! :D

Hey and welcome to the thread!

I will add you in for the 10th we can always change it.

Keep us posted with any MW or scan dates and Ill note them at the front ;)

Congratulations :)

Thanks Wilson :) he is 17 months, turns 2 24th September :) x

your going to be busy then lol.....
my lo is 3, he'll turn 4 a month after the baby is born.

Is anyone having lots of dull aches on one side? i am and its going into my back, is this normal xx
I know very busy! Haha! It's still not sunk in to be honest, I'm soooo excited but I never in a million years thought it would happen as quick as it did and 1 month ago I was at the doctors getting bloods as my cycles were 50 days so I thought there was something wrong! Crazy! :)
Good morning everyone!

Hospital couldn't find the reason for the pain, although they did lose my urine sample so probably a bad water infection. My bloods came back fine, I'm back at the hospital on Sunday morning for assessment at the early pregnancy clinic for a professional assessment and hopefully a scan! So keeping everything crossed everything is okay.
Can someone reassure me please, ive been looking online and it says if I've still got a 2-3 on clear blue digi my hcg is less than 2000 ... and at 6 weeks the lowest is 1080. So really low. I've been crying for the last hour as it says possible miscarriage. :cry:
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Peanut please put them diggy tests in the bin and enjoy the beauty of pregnancy, stop looking at numbers, the book says that but everyone is different xx
Good morning everyone!

Hospital couldn't find the reason for the pain, although they did lose my urine sample so probably a bad water infection. My bloods came back fine, I'm back at the hospital on Sunday morning for assessment at the early pregnancy clinic for a professional assessment and hopefully a scan! So keeping everything crossed everything is okay.

O hun that is good news keeping everything crossed for you xx
Can someone reassure me please, ive been looking online and it says if I've still got a 2-3 on clear blue digi my hcg is less than 2000 ... and at 6 weeks the lowest is 1080. So really low. I've been crying for the last hour as it says possible miscarriage. :cry:

If your wanting an accurate HCG reading, get your bloods done.

I also wouldnt believe everything online.

Your digi gave ypu a 2-3 week based on the sample that you provided. Which I imagine differs greatly from peoples comments online. Everyones body processes hormone and urine different, everyone drinks diff amounts. The answer your after wont be online..

Ive seen ppl do a digi and get a 1-2 at 5-6w and all was well.

I dont think Id worry unless you start bleeding or if ur super worried ask your practice nurse to organize bloods for you.

It is just a stick with a battery and sensor afterall, I think we expect too much from a CBD :lol:

Can someone reassure me please, ive been looking online and it says if I've still got a 2-3 on clear blue digi my hcg is less than 2000 ... and at 6 weeks the lowest is 1080. So really low. I've been crying for the last hour as it says possible miscarriage. :cry:

Remember this happened to me through the week. I re did it late that night and it said 3+. Also are your date 100 percent accurate? For example based on my lmp I'm further along than I am. I do it based on when inovulated. I have a 34 day cycle so I don't ovulate until about day 19. So even though I'm meant to be 6 weeks something I know I'm still 5 weeks something. This also happened with my second baby. I thought I was 6 weeks went for a scan and no heartbeat but I was actually only 5 weeks. Went back following week and all was well. Don't panic. I know easy me saying that but that's where I was literally a few days ago. And we know we shouldn't be doing it to ourselves xxx
Morning ladies! Just found out yesterday that I'm expecting again :D not sure what my due date will be but I done the due date calculator on NHS website and its around 10th October :) :) lovely as my sons birthday is september! Joint birthday parties!!!! :D

Hey and welcome to the thread!

I will add you in for the 10th we can always change it.

Keep us posted with any MW or scan dates and Ill note them at the front ;)

Congratulations :)


Thanks! Iv got my booking in app on March 22nd :) x
My doctors don't do bloods, they'd send me to the hospital to get them done and would need to wait a week for results ... but aren't they supposed to do it 2 times 48 hours after ? I've been looking into getting bloods done privately.
Booked me in for a super early viability private scan as well on sunday. I just don't feel the same, i don't know if it's because I'm panicking so I'm just assuming the worst. My hubby's being a prick to me as well cos he's worried, we going to his parents house tonight for my bday so they can give me presents and stuff but after today I don't wanna go, but he went in a strop saying we've already organised it and I don't wanna tell em what's really going on... so it's just my birthday, and I'm worried that I'm about to miscarry but to keep his parents happy were going. Ffs I'm just in bed and gave up on everything today. Just in a fuck everything mood. Tbh what ever I read now isn't going to help, the scan is the only thing that'll reassure me now. I think I just don't want the heartbreak again so assuming the worst already just from that stupid 2-3 ughhhh
Deffo sure of dates was using opks...and had awful ov pain... so there's no way I'm less then I am...
Pretty sure I'm out guys =( Bleeding and pregnancy test gone lighter, can you take me off the list?

Hope all your pregnancies go well xxx
Step away from the digi's! They cause nothing but worry, just because it hasn't got 3+ honestly means nothing. Try not to worry yourself too much over it.

So sorry Laura! :hugs:

Today is the first day I've felt sick, and I've literally felt sick all day!! Hoping this is positive and my pregnancy is progressing. Nervous for Sunday's appointment.
Stress is t good for a pregnancy peanut....if your not bleeding please stop worrying.

Laura big hugs, i hope your ok xxxx
I have my specialist appointment on monday feeling so relieved

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