~~October 2015 mummies and babies~~


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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As our October babies are insisting on arriving early, let's get this party started!

I'll update this cover based on tri3 and fb so tell me if any info wrong.

Flisstebbs: :boy: Xander 7lb 10oz 22.9.15

Staceymo: :girl: Sophia 9lb 1oz 26.9.15

Shelley1812 :boy: Callum 8lb 28.9.15

Georgesmum :boy: Edward 4 lb 2 oz 5.10.15

Sharmon :boy: Cillian 7lb 11oz 6.10.15

Clairethehair :boy: Rafferty 10lb 6 oz 7.10.15

KHTW: :girl:Nina 9.10.15

Laurajcole: :girl:Florence Beau 6lb 8oz 9.10.15

Littletwix: :boy:Patrick 7lb 7oz 13.10.15

Cas2015: :girl: 7lb 14.10.15

Bonfirebride::boy:Rowan 8lb 20.10.15 Born on his Mummy's birthday :love:

Petchy: :girl:Leonora 4070g 24.10.15

MrsS143: :boy:Elias 8lb 2oz 25.10.15

Mumagain@37: :boy:Antonio7lb 12oz 25.10.15

Bunnykins: :boy:Sawyer 9lb 2oz 10.11.15
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Xander and I been very up and down so far. Day 5 today. Already had to go back on day 3 as no milk in and Xander was getting dehydrated. Today found he has a tongue tie so we're booked in tomorrow to have it snipped. He's dropped 8% of weight which they're saying is ok but close eye on it and once the tongue tie sorted hopefully this will resolve. I'm beyond sore now in the nipple department and poor Xander getting frustrated. I'm now pumping and feeding him with sippy cup as well as giving him 20mins on each side. It's time consuming and hard on jess as she's not seeing much of me and struggling with this.

I had a raging temp up at the clinic today, not clear what from but I'm on antibiotics now too.

Local hospital have been amazing though.

Hope you are okay after your section Stacey. Look forward to hearing your birth story.
Awk fliss
Sorry to hear hes not feeding well
At least you know why now and hopefully in next couple of days itll right itself
Is your milk coming in now? X
So exciting to see this thread!

So sorry to hear you and xander aren't great, hopefully he start to gain the weight back on soon. Sounds like your doing well with feeding especially as his tongue tied, hopefully things will get better after tomorrow x Hope Jess is enjoying being a big sister and adjusting well xx
Can't wait to join this thread!!! :dance:

Fliss, fingers crossed things will only get better for the two of you. You are doing great x
Thanks for doing this Fliss. Sounds like you're having a tough time. Think it took about 6 days for my milk to come in as I thought it was never going to happen. Glad they have spotted the tongue tie...I'm sure it will be fine once that has been snipped.

Are you using Lanisoh to ease the pain in your breasts? Keep an eye out for any sore spots as potentially could be linked to the temp? xx
Lansinoh has been in constant use so far, but hopefully now not needed for too much longer! The tongue tie is gone and suddenly this is all seeming much easier. It's not that painful anymore and xander getting plenty of milk so not needing to express.

Xander definitely didnt like his little snip but its done now.

My temp is still up and down. Feel better on the antibiotics though. If still spiking fever by end of the week got to have a scan to check no placenta stuck in there.

Shelley, hope you are having cuddles and on your way here now. X
Having thought all the woes would be over with tongue tie snip, it was a hit disappointing to be told yesterday that they think I have supply issues bf. And overnight now xander won't latch at all! He hasn't pooped now for 5 days. :wall2:
I'm expressing and sip feeding still. Get 1-2 oz off both sides which he seems happy with for now but I can't keep this up.
Back to hospital for us today due to the poo problem. X
Poor wee mite
Cant they give anything to stimulate supply at all?
Maybe the fever is linked to retained placenta cos it coming away is what makes you release prolactin is it not? X
Greetings! Thought I'd mosey on over here tonight. Sorry to hear things aren't settling as quickly with feeding Fliss. It's not easy is it, how did things go at the hospital?

My little mite has jaundice and we had to go for tests yesterday and today, it appears to be increasing so back in again tommo and for 5 day check. I feel totally wiped out, like I've been ran over. I thought I was doing really well but it appears to have caught up with me and my limbs feel so heavy, roll on two weeks later when I should start to feel a bit more normal. I burst into tears this morning probs a combination of things...I don't feel sad just odd, kind of spaced out and shattered.

I'm expressing milk now, it's just started to come through properly yesterday and topping up with formula as I can only produce 5 mls each time at the mo. Little one appears to be drinking well and weeing and pooing regularly we have sat her out in the garden today too to try and improve her jaundice. She is so sleepy most of the time (but rousable so not a concern) she makes little squeeky grunting noises but has hardly cried! She has tended to perk up and have a look around about 10pm-2am hehee so having to be nocturnal for a bit but thats ok o/h allowing me to catch up on sleep in the morning x

Baby cuddles are the best :sling1::baby:
Yay hi Stacey & Sophia!

Yes the spaced out feeling sounds familiar. I had lots of weepies last week too. You had a much more traumatic delivery too so don't beat yourself up here! I hope the jaundice clears up soon. Preferably without hospitals! As good as mine has been, I'm fed up of being up there most days now!

Still no poo here ! Paeds not worried until fri though. Weigh in again tomorrow. I'm pumping and feeding, managing without formula atm which is good. Doing skin to skin in bed which is helping :lol: poor hubby in spare bed!
Newborn babies are not easy are they? Hope things settle for the both of you ASAP! You think it's hard in the last few weeks of pregnancy and then there are a whole host of other things to contend with once they're here...

That being said I'm looking forward to joining you both in the next couple of weeks :)
Still think it's easier than end of pregnancy tbh. I had to pee every 1-2 hrs for the last month! Now getting 3-4 hrs at a time and baby cuddles! Much better all round! Hope you get on over here soon littletwix.
Poohy. Had to come back to hospital today as Xander lost weight and more sleepy. Waiting to see doc. I was so hoping that the tongue tie was the issue.
That's v stressful being in and out of the hospital. Have you thought about switching to formula yet? I really want to give bf my best shot but all that to-ing and fro-ing would test my mettle :)

Hope you get it sorted today x
Bless him x hope you get well soon little fella. Just when you want to be settling in at home :( I'm doing a combination of expressing and formula as I doubt mine would be getting anywhere near enough if not. I'm now finally producing 30 mls in one sitting and she's nearly a week old! I saw the midwife today for 5 day check up and we don't need to be seen again until day 10 so thats good. I'm still having on/off moments but it's only to be expected..midwife reckons that the crying outburst most likely coincided with milk production and is all..yep you guessed it, completely normal

Looking forward to the next October baby news! Hope no one goes too over! I agree last days of pregnancy are really tough.
Yes, looking like main issue is bf supply and yes, I have really done what I can. Topping up with formula for now to get him more awake and then see if can get supply up when he's feeding better. Still putting him on boob first but then pumping and topping up as needed.
Monitoring bloods etc, but no other treatment as such atm, jaundice level below the treatment line. He just needs more grub!!

Aw Stacey I feel your pain on the pumping. My stupid boobs!
Fliss hope things improve for you soon, I used to find pumping at night I would get more. I supplemented with my BF with my little girl & my milk supply really improved after about 10days, then she started to put on weight. It's so tough initially & the pumping & feeding takes up so much time. Hope Xander improves soon.
Stacey sounds like everything is settling down for you now, the weenies always come with the milk prodn as far as I remember, hopefully you will feel a bit more normal soon.
Hoping to join you really soon 3 days to edd!
aw ladies...sorry to hear you've been having a tough time. Oliver had jaundice too which is quite uncommon with well overdue babies. They've probably told you this but I was told to put Oliver's moses basket in the sunlight (like a little plant)...it helps them break down the baby blood.

Don't beat yourselves up on the breastfeeding Fliss..they can prescribe something to increase levels but if you need to move to formula completely then it doesnt mean you have failed. It's tough for them to bf so if they're feeling super sleepy, it's going to be difficult. I have a feeling that i'm going to have problems with Rowan due to the GD.

Have just expressed my 3rd syringe of colostrum ready for his birth.

Cannot wait to join you and your little ones in this thread xx
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Home now and Xander much more alert for some bottle feeds. He's just rubbish at sucking for himself! Still pumping and putting him on boob and hoping when he wakes up a bit it might work out but I've given this every chance and I can't fault the local hosptial for the support I've had too (and the advice from petchy!)
I did pump 50mls this lunchtime so a bit more hopeful.
I am taking domperidone I had left over from last time too now.

Hoefully things will be a bit more settled now. Back for a weigh in tomorrow to hosptial but just praying to get some time off for good behaviour then!!

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