

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Well that had me in tears :cry:

That poor woman, can only imagine what she was goin through :( found myself hugging bump and crying.

Poor love.
Looked horrendous, can't imagine how scary that must be. I've been to my first labour antenatal class today as well so officially scared shitless now! x
It would scare the life out of me. Think I would have a breakdown there and then. She was a chunk tho, 10lb 4oz I think it said.
I wish i hadn't watched it I've scared myself now Im worried this is gonna happen to me i have GD and had scan today and baby is estimated at 8lbs already i dread to think how much she'll weigh in 2-3 weeks. I was scared about her getting stuck anyway now this has made it worse Im thinking of asking for a c-section now

Shoulders getting stuck is really really rare hun xx
I haven't watched tonights but reading on here and facebook thinking maybe I should avoid. Don't want to be a bag ful of tears, maybe watch it when I'm on my own xx
I've read big shoulders are linked to AC measurement and today this measured as over 40weeks already eekk
Glad everything was ok for them tho my brother got stuck and they had to break his shoulder if labour wasn't scary enough! I'm excited about my little man coming but it's scary as hell at the same time!
OMG so scarry but that women coped amazingly xx
I was the same me & mum watched it & both couldn't stop crying was so relieved wen that little chunk let out her first cry x
The story tonight is exactly that happened to me just over a week ago except I didn't get to theatre and had 20 medics in one room hitting panic buttons and pushing my stomach to try release him

Theo arrived with cord round neck too and seeing him lifeless on resuscitation bed was worst moment of my life I thought we had lost him.

I didn't post a birth story Because Of how horrific it was.
Oh god Cazzlou I'm sorry you had such an ordeal like that on the telly :hug: I'm sure you must have been terrified :hug: we should all be thankful that those experiences are far less common than an uncomplicated labour and birth :hug:

I was also crying for her and thought she did amazingly well. So glad the wee baby was alright. X
Omg cazzlou I can't imagine what you went through!! How heavy was your LO? so pleased you and OBEM had happy endings.
I've never cried at OBEM but I was a mess, the look of panic on the nurses and mw faces absolutely petrified me. I was shouting at the tele just cut her ( of course they already had) xx
Oh dear i was just gonna watch this (always record it cos dh dont wanna watch) not sure i should now :s xxx
Well that had me in tears :cry:

That poor woman, can only imagine what she was goin through :( found myself hugging bump and crying.

Poor love.

I was doing same, sat cuddling bump must be such an awful thing to go through! x
I'm not watching this anymore.

That was absolutely terrifying.
Try not to panic girls that is very rare something like that happens but sending big hugs to you all xxx

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