3 year old british girl abducted in Portugal

noones arguing hun it is just a case of bad luck, that they werent there but they SHOULD have been there. i can understand them believing they wouldbe ok to go for the meal and believe their child was safe, and i really do feel for them but that said I also cannot put myself in their shoes as i can honestly say hand on heart if i post a letter alfies in front of me, if im in a shop im constrantly watching, i know that the world we live in is not a safe place and worry constantly of this happening so take the precautions to make sure it doesnt happen.
Lindsay said:
Reading my post back sounds as though I am being argumentative with you pip, I didn't mean it too :hug:


It's okay Lindsay i didn't read it like that. :D
It really is awful. I pray that the little girl is returned safe and sound :pray:
just watched this on the news and couldnt believe that they left the kids alone whilst they went out to dinner there is no way i would ever leave my kids alone you just cant do it. i just really hope they find this poor little girl its such a horrible thing to happen and :pray: that she is safe and well. :(
...they're saying they could see the apartment from the restaurant, so how come they didn't notice somebody breaking in through the window? or leaving with the child.

It sounds odd to me.

I hope that little girls is OK, it sends shivers down my spine. I know they were irresponsible but I do feel for the parents, those poor people :cry:
I hope to god that this little girl is found, and I agree I think she may have been taken for her looks and have been chosen and proberly watched a while before she was actually taken.

I maybe be looking into it too much but It reminds me too much of a scene I saw in a mini series called human trafficking, if I was this little girls parents I'd be absolutly terrified for her.

god i do feel really bad for them it was a big mistake leaving her alone but im absolutley sure they are in bits , girls have been taken from there homes as well really ur not safe anywhere but i agree leaving all three children alone in a stange place was irresponsable to say the least.
xSuzx said:
I hope to god that this little girl is found, and I agree I think she may have been taken for her looks and have been chosen and proberly watched a while before she was actually taken.

I maybe be looking into it too much but It reminds me too much of a scene I saw in a mini series called human trafficking, if I was this little girls parents I'd be absolutly terrified for her.


That's exactly what i thought Suz, it reminded me of the American girl being stolen. Its so scary isnt it :( I'm pretty sure id need to be under sedation if anything like that happened with Thea.
i hope they find her, the police seem confident so....

i dont think the parents were unreasonable to leave her asleep in the room while they were dining opposite. i often go out the front to clean the car or have a drink with the neighbour in the garden. you dont expect that someone will break in and steal your child.
they felt it was safe they were in a family holiday park which probably had lots of parents and children walking around the room was locked, you would think that if someone was breaking in the window someone would have saw?
A close friend of mine stayed in this resort last September & she said the restaurants are at least 200 yards from any rooms not the 40 the media are saying :think:

I can't imagine what they are all going through & hope to God I never find out but then again I wouldn't have left my children alone. I hope they find her soon, the poor little mite must be so scared :(
I really hope they find her, it is terrifying to think it could happen! I read that the police have an idea who the abducter was and the fact the leics police are over there makes me think it is someone they knew, but that is just my opinion!

I personally think that the children should never be left alone. The fact that they were on a family holiday means that they should all be dining together, it may have been past their bedtime but hey they were on holiday. If the parents wanted to eat separately from their children they should either order room service or go self catering where they could eat in their apartment knowing that their children were asleep in the same building.

My sister lives opposite a pub. If she went over the road and left her baby in the house and kept checking on her every half hour/hour she would be breaking the law and everybody would be calling for her to have her baby taken away from her - whats the difference?

However, as I don't know the full facts of everything and the media have a wonderful habit of embellishing I don't want to sound too harsh as not anyone deserves to go through what those poor parents must be going through!

Doesn't it make you squeeze your little one just that little bit closer?
missac said:
My sister lives opposite a pub. If she went over the road and left her baby in the house and kept checking on her every half hour/hour she would be breaking the law and everybody would be calling for her to have her baby taken away from her - whats the difference?

EXACTLY! Opposite my house is 40 yards opposite a beer garden where i can see my front door. If i decided to go have a drink with my friends and sit in the beer garden leaving alfie alone locked in the house it would be completely wrong. The point is even if i can see my front door Im not there to supervise and its exactly the same with them.
NM i can see what your saying but being in your garden or washing your car outside your house is completely different in my oppinion to being in a restaurant or a pub or a beer garden or even nipping to a shop around the corner. My neighbour often leaves her 3 yr old and 1 yr old in her house once theyve gone to bed, locks the door and goes to my other neighbours house taking her monitor with her so she can hear them to me even THAT is wrong
I dont believe for a second the parents deserve this and i pray the little girl is safe and well and be returned soon but as soon as they left whether they were aware or not they put all their childrens safety in jeopardy because THEY WERENT THERE!
havent heard anything else on the news, i wonder whats happening, does anyone know yet if they have any clues as to where or whom she is with...

so sad, i hope she is ok, reminds me of that ben that was snatched from a beach over 11 yrs ago, he still hasnt been found has he! :cry:
apparently the police have a good idea who has taken her but are keeping tight lipped with media because they dont want to endanger her life even more by letting the sicko know they are on to him. hopefully she will be found safe and back with her family soon. xxx
I cant stop thinking of her, and keep switching to Sky news for updates....I just cant even imagine how frightened she must be and her parents too :cry: :cry:

I feel they were wrong to leave their babies while they ate, but my heart breaks for them seing their anguish and pain..I couldnt function without Ruby and I dont know how you get up and face each day not knowing where she is :cry: :cry:

I pray she is found SOON I really do :pray:
i started to cry tonight when Bethany (my 3 year old) came and gave me a goodnight cuddle. I looked into her eyes and it made me so sad that that woman can't give her LO a cuddle tonight :cry: :cry:
:hug: :hug: Budge, for you :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: For Maddys mummy :hug: :hug:

:cry: I have sat by Rubys cot for half an hour, watching her sleep, and wanting to hold her.
i had exactly the same thought wen my DD was eating her dinner today i dont know wot i wud do wiv out her. my heart really does go out to them. xxxxxx

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