Now I'm 100% sure my EDD is wrong


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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Well as you may already know I have been pregnant a few times , each time time my cycle has become more and more regular . Now you can set your watch by them 28 days on the dot. Even after my m/c in November they have not changed.
Now I was really shocked when at my dating scan I was altered by a week and 4 days backwards this had never happened before , now I've just used a conception calculator kindly posted by Emmamb and I'm amazed by the results .

My LMP was 23rd January
so first missed was 19th February

I know for a fact that the deed was only done on 30th Jan, !st Feb and 5th Feb (This was my 14th day) not again since .

When I put my LMP date in it all lines up perfect Ov-6th Feb.
Con- between 2nd and 10th Feb.

But when I put in EDD ( as per the dating scan ) it's all wrong it states a LMP of 2nd Feb which is impossible if I was doing the deed on 1st and 5th and even more impossible to ovulate on the 16th Feb. or con- between the 12th and 20th.

Now this is an issue for me as my babies are usually very fast labours and OH works some 30 miles away my last birth was around an hour and was bang on her EDD. I'm really worried that I can not change these dates or make them work out , what do you think ? should I plan birth around my dates to be on the safe side ? I'm really confused xx
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I think the scan is going to be more accurate than online calculators hun!

You could well have implanted very late, hence being moved back.

Online calculators are so generic, whereas the scan is based on how you baby is measuring!

Scans can be out for about a week, i am quite sure on the date.i conceived as i was charting and doing opks and had 3 early scans. All 3 scabs gave me different results.

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Really, do you think see I was so suprised when they changed it and then I was convinced they'd change it back at the 20 week scan, but they wouldn't even except there could be a mistake , do you really think it's realistic that I missed a period before I got pregnant and that I conceived 7 to 15 days after the deed , it's just doesn't sound right to me at all . Thanks Carnat but I'm not convinced they're right xx
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Scans can be out for about a week, i am quite sure on the date.i conceived as i was charting and doing opks and had 3 early scans. All 3 scabs gave me different results.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Yes see due to my surgery being rubbish I didn't get a scan at all til by my dates I was 16+4 and they measured him at 15 cms so put me a 15 weeks how can that really be more accurate than my factual record of dates. :oooo: hhhmmm xx
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IMHO dating scans are the biggest load of bullshit ever invented!!! A baby starts to grow when sperm meats egg...not at implantation, and therefore is conceived within 48 hours of you ovulating and having sex. For century's before dating scans, mothers were given 40 weeks after their last period as their due date, and millions of healthy babies were delivered two weeks after being induced if they had failed to arrive before this. Babies all grow and even develop at different rates, and very few ladies have ever gone to EDD, even since they have started this dating scan business. I think dating scans are fab for ladies who have no idea when their last period was or how long their cycle was, but I am freaked out by the thought of being put back by some electronic device when I know when I had sex.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm awaiting my scan, and am getting myself more and more worked up on this subject on a daily basis :-(
I think your right Sunshine ,do you think I should go ahead and plan birth to be around my dates rather than EDD then? it's a homebirth so need to plan child care and make sure OH is near by too. xx
Good for you, they can move mine as much as they like, but I'll be expecting Blob around the 20th of Jan. All that really worrys me is DD was induced 13 days overdue, if they put me back, I could go horrifically overdue....I will be kicking up a stink lol. Hope it all goes well for you hun
My Dating scan put me at 11 + 2 which would have made me due 25th November but Midwife just took my due date as 40 weeks from my LMP which put my Due date as 21st November, shes quite old fashioned. At my 20 week scan baby was measuring dead on for 21st November due date so Dating scans are not always accurate. xx
Well, let's just hope my midwifes do take me seriously when/if I phone in labour at 38+4 or it will just be my OH delivering this one , OOOOoo alittle bit scary xx
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Scans can be wrong as babies grow at different rates! There is no exact science to it. Some babies can be small, other can be big it doesn't mean that your dates should change each time the baby has a growth spurt. You know your body and if you are certain about your dates I would go with them :)
Have you spoken to your MW about this? I found this when I googled accuracy of ultrasound scans which is quite interesting:

"Evidence suggests that, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, due dates generated by the first ultrasound may the most accurate tool for predicting your baby's birth. But ultrasound due dates have a margin of error of roughly 1.2 weeks, so doctors will usually keep the original due date (from your last menstrual period date) if the ultrasound due date is within that margin of error."

"If your first ultrasound returns a due date more than 1.2 weeks away from what was expected, there is a good chance that everything is still fine. You may have simply conceived earlier or later than you thought you did (which can happen if your cycle is at all irregular or if you remembered your last menstrual period date incorrectly)."
My doctor went by my lmp as well. Our baby measured a week ahead based on the scan, but there is a lot of human error involved in scans. I would go by your dates really especially since you already have children.
To be honest, whether u go by ur own date or the doctors date, its very unlikely that ur baby will arrive on its due date anyway so I wouldn't stress about it too much x
No Doob I've still not made a midwifes appointment since I had the scans booked it didn't seem worth it , gonna make an appointment around 28 weeks as that's when she asked me . But seeing as the hospital have changed all my paperwork to their new dates I have no idea if she can alter them again or not .
Thanks for all your views, I do think that sometimes the 'professionals' rely on their technology too much and that it is at the cost of their common sense . Thanks again xx
This is true Jay, but no 4 was 1 day early , no 5 was bang on her due date so with my cycle being so regular it's more likely no 6 will be a lot closer to my date of 29th October than the scan predicted 8 th November , wouldn't you say ? xx
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This is true Jay, but no 4 was 1 day early , no 5 was bang on her due date so with my cycle being so regular it's more likely no 6 will be a lot closer to my date of 29th October than the scan predicted 8 th November , wouldn't you say ? xx

I couldn't say hun, each pregnancy is different x
Since your oh works fairly far away and your other children were born so close to their due dates with fast labours, I would go by your dates. I'm assuming you just want your oh to be a little bit more prepared for when you go into labour. Xx
Yes I sometimes have scary thoughts that I'll be home on my own with a 2 year old and OH is stuck in traffic ,no 4 arrived in 20 minutes that's from the first contraction so yeah I do worry if we're not prepared in time . xx
I'd get them to keep an eye on you as you may not be measuring right for dates, they want to make sure baby is growing properly x

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