could my dates be wrong?


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I had my last lmp 26th Dec 2010 and was told at my first scan i concieved on the 16th Jan 2011 making me 8weeks 1 day this would of been correct to my lmp and when I had sex with my partner. My dates then changed on the 12week scan by 1 week and I was told I concieved the 23rd Jan 2011 and that would of made my lmp 9th Jan 2011 which i know is wrong as my cycle is a 32 day cycle so i wouldnt of had my period again that early. I didnt have sex again from 16th until 5th Feb 2011 so i know i can only be pregnant by these 2 dates. Is there anyway My baby could of been concieved on the 5th of feb but is measuring 2weeks bigger than the actualy date I concieved or would this have been picked up by the scanographer or midwife. I am now 33 weeks pregnant.

Also I never had a period in January due to taking the pill again around the 18th Jan 2011 would I still of had a period as I started taking my pill in the middle of my cycle or would that of meant I was already pregnant.

Thanks for your feed back.
Early scans are pretty accurate. I conceived 6th feb with a due date of 29/10/2010 and she was born 27/10 so near enough!

I think my baby was conceived around 5th Feb, give or take a day or 2 and I had a period in Jan, like you I had a 32 day cycle so I'm guessing your dates are about right. My baby measures a week bigger at the last 2 4d scans I went to as well. They allow for about 2 weeks either side of the due date you were given as ovulation isnt an exact science (sperm can also hang about a week) so I wouldn't worry, your dates are roughly right by the sound of it.
whenever you conceived the doc will always go by the 12 weeks scan says

my lmp was 3rd jan due date should be 11th oct but my scan says due date is 16th oct mking me conceive a week later
Early scans are pretty accurate. I conceived 6th feb with a due date of 29/10/2010 and she was born 27/10 so near enough!

Those are my exact dates!! I def conceived on 6th Feb, they have given my EDD as 29/10/11!! I'm 32+1 today :)
They wont change your dates from whatever you was given on your 12 week scan, my 20 week nhs scan and 28wk 4d both measured me bigger by about a week. even on the graph in my notes im huge compared to what i should be, aslong as baby is healthy and growing they wont change anything x xx

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