I'm new advise needed please x


Nov 14, 2011
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hi ladies I just need a bit of advise I am currently 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant my EDD is 26th nov, my LMP does not match my due date! The first day of my LMP was 12th feb however I had an early scan on 7th April which give me a due date of 3rd dec, then I had my 12 week scan which put me forward to 26th nov, what where the chances of me conceiving on 19th of feb if my LMP was 12th feb and ended on the 18th feb, lasted for about 7 days as I had a one night stand on the 19th as me and my partner split but we got back together a few days later please help!!!!!! X
I'd post this in TTC or 1st tri, they seem to know a lot about ovulation dates etc. Doesn't sound the most likely date to conceive to me but the body works in weird and wonerful ways hun :-(
My first due date was 7 days ahead of what the scan dated me - meaning I would have conceived on CD8 - but they can be out by 10 days and they wont change the EDD - I am keeping this in mind for when they start talking about inductions - sorry can't advise you and no one will really know when you actually conceived - as jojo says the body works in weird and wonderful ways and not to any set pattern
Just to let you know, my original due date was later in Feb. At my 12 week scan they put my dates forward as bear cub was measuring on the larger side. However this completely puts out my conception date, but there are only two consecutive days my DH and I could have possibly conceived :blush: I think the LO is just on the large side. I don't know if that helps but for me the change in due date doesn't reflect the conception date.
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when i had mt dd i knew the exact date of mt lmp, mw gave me 17th aug but when i went for my scan the hospital gave me 28th aug so it can vary xx dd came on 27th xx
hi ladies I just need a bit of advise I am currently 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant my EDD is 26th nov, my LMP does not match my due date! The first day of my LMP was 12th feb however I had an early scan on 7th April which give me a due date of 3rd dec, then I had my 12 week scan which put me forward to 26th nov, what where the chances of me conceiving on 19th of feb if my LMP was 12th feb and ended on the 18th feb, lasted for about 7 days as I had a one night stand on the 19th as me and my partner split but we got back together a few days later please help!!!!!! X

Hi, my lmp was 12th feb and my first due date was 20/11 which was then changed at the scan to 14/11
My LMP was 21st Jan, was given due date 28th Oct, but when I went for my scan they changed it to 4th Nov. I was really upset as this was another week! Spoke to mw and she changed it back. However, I went into labour on 4th Nov lol and had Millie just after midnight on 5th Nov. So in future will be listened to what the sonographer says, but as far conception, I'm not too sure when that was, as we were doing it all the time lol. Hope this helps :) x x
My lmp was 13 march which would give an edd of 18 December. 3 scans showed that baby measured a week smaller than first edd, this is correct as I ovulated late in that cycle. Any idea when you ovulated?
Rachyryan do you know when you conceived? How long did your period last? Going off my scan date my LMP was 19th feb but it was deffo the 12th, I'm not sure when I ovulated as this pregnancy was a complete surprise x
Rachyryan do you know when you conceived? How long did your period last? Going off my scan date my LMP was 19th feb but it was deffo the 12th, I'm not sure when I ovulated as this pregnancy was a complete surprise x

My period lasted around 6 days i'm sure. I have no idea when i ovulated as this was a surprise for me too. I think i must have conceived around the 19th -22nd of feb for the dates to be accurate. I had a scan at 10 weeks which gave me a date of 14th nov and another at 13 weeks exactly. I was surprised to be moved forward from the 20th nov due date but realised i must have ov'd really early to fall pregnant when i did.
You can't always go on the dates of the scans people have got pregnant on there period as they like to tell you in sex education that even if its unlikley your body can do all sorts of crazy things, i know i though i had Ov'd the week before i conceved but i hadn't according to the dates.
If the sperm makes it to the cervical mucus, then it can live for a day or two there. But some “top survivor” sperm will live even longer, beyond 4 days, So even if you did have sex on the 19th the sperm could have survived up untill the 22nd+. Without knowing exactly when you ovulated there isn't really many ways you can rule out who the baby's farther is from dates.
My first scan on 7th April put me at 5 week 5 days and give me the due date of 3rd dec then at my 2 week scan I was told I was 13 weeks 3 days giving me EDd of 26th nov strange how our LMP are the same but EDD are different haha x
I don't really know how they worked the LMP as the same with different due dates i thought they worked it out just using the weeks to go by, i am often wrong but that sounds incorrect to me they put me a later due date at the scan so the LMP changed to a week later, I wouldn't use these dates as a definite as to who the dad is because if his sperm lived longer and you ovulated early the dates could easily over lap, Like ladies have said the body does what it wants really x

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