******November Mummies 2018******

Hi girls, sorry I’ve not been active. Been a stressful few weeks, had a LOT of bleeding Friday night too, I have never seen so much blood in my life, so booked a private scan yesterday (12+3) and everything was perfect. It turns out it was just the hematoma I have bleeding out. Could see the baby wiggling about and sucking it’s thumb which was lovely. Have my actual scan on Wednesday.
Just for a little reassurance for a few of you, my symptoms also disappeared I 9-10 weeks.
Good luck to everyone who have scans coming up! Xx
Hi girls, sorry I’ve not been active. Been a stressful few weeks, had a LOT of bleeding Friday night too, I have never seen so much blood in my life, so booked a private scan yesterday (12+3) and everything was perfect. It turns out it was just the hematoma I have bleeding out. Could see the baby wiggling about and sucking it’s thumb which was lovely. Have my actual scan on Wednesday.
Just for a little reassurance for a few of you, my symptoms also disappeared I 9-10 weeks.
Good luck to everyone who have scans coming up! Xx

yeah my symptoms were the same... and then returned at 12wks. Although feel a little brighter today thankfully... x
Hi girls, sorry I’ve not been active. Been a stressful few weeks, had a LOT of bleeding Friday night too, I have never seen so much blood in my life, so booked a private scan yesterday (12+3) and everything was perfect. It turns out it was just the hematoma I have bleeding out. Could see the baby wiggling about and sucking it’s thumb which was lovely. Have my actual scan on Wednesday.
Just for a little reassurance for a few of you, my symptoms also disappeared I 9-10 weeks.
Good luck to everyone who have scans coming up! Xx

Awe that’s so cute!!! So happy all is well with the baby xx
So glad everything turned out ok Megmog.

My symptoms are definitely improving. Still tired but I'm sleeping better so hopefully that will help. Still about a week and a half til my scan.
Has anyone gone from nausea to eating none stop!! I’m hungry all the time. Every minute of the day!
I've found my appetite is still less. I'm still eating 3 meals but definitely less than usual. Nausea has pretty much gone so hopefully appetite will pick up soon.
Has anyone gone from nausea to eating none stop!! I’m hungry all the time. Every minute of the day!

ME!!! Dear lord help me...I am eating so much that's insane :(

Can't wait for my next scan which is the 16th of May and should be exactly 12 weeks and 3 days. I don't know why but I am so scared of hearing bad news. I'm trying to rest as much as I can because I feel constantly ill but somehow gotta go to work...
Has anyone gone from nausea to eating none stop!! I’m hungry all the time. Every minute of the day!

ME!!! Dear lord help me...I am eating so much that's insane :(

Can't wait for my next scan which is the 16th of May and should be exactly 12 weeks and 3 days. I don't know why but I am so scared of hearing bad news. I'm trying to rest as much as I can because I feel constantly ill but somehow gotta go to work...

I think it’s just something at the back of your mind. I’m the same just want to get to Friday to make sure all is ok. I had a 9 weeks scan but it settled me for a few days only lol. I’m just eating all the time now. Small amounts but very often! lol loving the salt and vinegar crisps at the moment!! Why can’t I love something healthy like melon! Good luck for the 16th I’m sure everything will be fine xxx
However everyone feeling? I’m ten weeks now and my symptoms have disappeared, did that happen to anyone else?
Thank you Liz! Fingers crossed!

I had a terrible night. Woke up at 3am and could not go back to sleep. I was feeling so ill and then this morning my last nights dinner waved hello to me :(

I'm going to have my second breakfast now...not going to make it until my break!

Hope everyone is fine :D
Feeling a bit brighter today, after the return of the headaches and sickness over the weekend. I had hoped at almost 13wks... to be over the worst.. .but it still comes n goes... xx
Evening ladies....I’m 12 weeks tomorrow and still feeling awful :( throwing up every single morning and nausea all day long since 6 weeks.
Has anyone had any issues with acne? My face has literally broken out everywhere! Tiny pimple spots, mainly on my checks, chin and forehead.
7 more days til my scan x
Well I believe us November mum's are now starting to step into Tri 2!!! Had a quick look on the front page and noticed a couple of you have reached that 13 week point, how exciting :dance:

Lots of scans coming up over the next few weeks :)

I got some spots as well...of course this week when I fly over to Italy to be a godmother. My spots are gonna make me look just like a princess xD

Had the worst cramps ever last night but then I woke up so freaking hungry...I think I bought everything from the tiny bakery this morning xD
Every time I start to think I’m feeling better I wake up the next day sick as a dog. Been feeling like crap for days now. Starting to feel like I’ll be one of those unlucky women who are ill all the way through :-(
I hit the 13wks mark tomorrow - so I will set up the NEW thread for November Mums in the Trimester TWO section... eek!

Keep an eye on your due date on the first page - if it's wrong, or has moved let me know...

Also the rather insensitive subject - if I need to remove anyone from the due date list - if anyone can private message me - if they know of anyone, or if you see this, and would like me to remove you. Sending best wishes to you.. xx

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So I have been flung right back to that awful hungover feeling today.... I am wondering if it's because I had takeaway last night? I seem to be noticing a pattern of if I have processed foods and not a cooked-from-scratch meal, I feel really off after...

I have my dating scan tomorrow afternoon, so nervous!
I'm still feeling generally ok. Still tired but sleeping better so shouldn't complain. Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Hey ladies. So I woke up to some bleeding this am. Not heavy and no pain. Still freaking out tho. Waiting speak to my midwife. Due a 12week scan tom. Hoping all is ok and I can join you lovely lot in tri 2. Haven’t had any since about 6am trying to take that as a positive. It’s awful seeing bleeding at any stage. Fingers crossed baby is ok x
Hey ladies. So I woke up to some bleeding this am. Not heavy and no pain. Still freaking out tho. Waiting speak to my midwife. Due a 12week scan tom. Hoping all is ok and I can join you lovely lot in tri 2. Haven’t had any since about 6am trying to take that as a positive. It’s awful seeing bleeding at any stage. Fingers crossed baby is ok x

Oh hun, it’s horrible isn’t it! Have you had any previously?
Last week I had a massive amount of bleeding, honestly I have never seen so much blood, went on for about 18 hours but all was fine! I did have a big hematoma though and it was that coming away, so perhaps you’ve got something like that but it hasn’t shown until now. Honestly try not to panic too much. Hopefully the midwife can reassure you. I’ve also read it’s common to bleed around 12 weeks as that’s when your period would normally be. Got everything crossed for you. Glad you’ve got a scan tomorrow xx

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