Anyone else still waiting for their scan? I have my appointment on Tuesday and feeling really nervous! Time seems to be passing so slowly.
Just back from my 12 week scan, all is well and baby was very active, waving and kicking away. It won't let me upload a photo for some reason. Confirmed my due date as 20th November, so excited to have a winter baby to go with my summer baby as my son was born in July 2015.
Sickness has eased off lots in the past few days too, hopefully for good!! Xx
It's only cured meat you're not supposed to have ( but I've been eating it anyway! However subway cured meats I'd give a miss)
Have turkey or ham? They're all processed anyway so u highly doubt you'd get anything from that. That shit could survive a nuclear fallout. Failing that if you're really worried...salad sandwich!
I have my scan tomorrow - super nervous and only 11 weeks and 4 days so Im hoping I dont hsve to go back for the screening!
Thanks for thinking of me Rach. Sorry I've left you hanging. It's been a hectic few days! Scan went really well so it's a big relief. We were able to see so much more and it was such a huge leap from the one at 8 weeks. Hope you're doing ok.