Hey ladies. So I woke up to some bleeding this am. Not heavy and no pain. Still freaking out tho. Waiting speak to my midwife. Due a 12week scan tom. Hoping all is ok and I can join you lovely lot in tri 2. Havent had any since about 6am trying to take that as a positive. Its awful seeing bleeding at any stage. Fingers crossed baby is ok x
Oh hun, its horrible isnt it! Have you had any previously?
Last week I had a massive amount of bleeding, honestly I have never seen so much blood, went on for about 18 hours but all was fine! I did have a big hematoma though and it was that coming away, so perhaps youve got something like that but it hasnt shown until now. Honestly try not to panic too much. Hopefully the midwife can reassure you. Ive also read its common to bleed around 12 weeks as thats when your period would normally be. Got everything crossed for you. Glad youve got a scan tomorrow xx
Awk thanks yes its really not nice. I spoke with a midwife and she said she was reassured that the bleed has gone to brown spotting now and I had no pain with it. She said if I did get pain I was to be brought in and scanned. I thought Id get one today with the bleeding but she seemed confident enough tomorrow was time enough. It the wait now. Hope all is ok. Im glad all was ok when you experienced bleeding its a terrible frightening time xxx