Famous Faces amongst us?

Even with my old avatar with a close up of my face I could get away with saying I was Jodie Marsh as we have the same complexion! Lol
Ive been told by lots of people that i look like frankie from the saturdays .... thats the best i can do im afraid!! I meet lots of famous faces in the restaurant at work though x
If we are going off who we look like ive been told i look like Roxy from eastenders a few times.
But apart from look alikes no claim to fame here x x

haha ahh this has kept me amused! what a sad little life i have...

some people say i look like rhianna........... x
Ok, ok, the games up, I am really Cheryl Cole (my avatar was just to throw you all):shock::oooo::shock::oooo::shock::oooo::shock:
Not famouse but A model :) Love it I do know a few faces you may or may not know depending on music taste I know the cast of cradel of filth Name bases Loveley guys.
Oooh we should have a doppelgangers thread! I may well start one later!

On a serious note though, I doubt if we did have any celeb mums on here that they would reveal themselves - after all, isn't that sort of the point? X

Hey Hun

What's a doppelgängers? Xx
I love this, there seem to be so many pregnant celebs at the moment that it's always a possibility ;o) x
Wow thank u! Learn something new everyday xxx
Ive been told by lots of people that i look like frankie from the saturdays .... thats the best i can do im afraid!! I meet lots of famous faces in the restaurant at work though x

That's funny you said that cherelle coz i actually thought that when i first joined and seen you in TTC! x
have been told i look a bit like rene zelwegger (when she got fat for bridget jones diary)

although with the brown hair and bloating, funnily enough it's not quite the same resemblance now

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