******November Mummies 2018******

So I had my booking in appointment today, bloods, weight, height etc. Got my little Bounty folder with lots of info in. Should receive a scan date over the next couple of weeks. My next appointment is at home a week today, just to go through my notes and family history etc. Xx

Oh how interesting. Where I live you just get one super long appointment where they cover everything. Two seperate ones might have been nice, fills the first trimester wait a bit more :lol:
So I had my booking in appointment today, bloods, weight, height etc. Got my little Bounty folder with lots of info in. Should receive a scan date over the next couple of weeks. My next appointment is at home a week today, just to go through my notes and family history etc. Xx

Oh how interesting. Where I live you just get one super long appointment where they cover everything. Two seperate ones might have been nice, fills the first trimester wait a bit more :lol:

yeah its the same here. The booking-in appointment I had last year (just before I miscarried) was 1.5 hours in length !!!!
Melanie - Ah I probably haven't helped saying I had a bad recovery last time.... That's just cos I'm huge though lol I'm sure you'll do fine. It'll be nice to have a specific date that our babies will arrive be though won't it?

My booking appointment was 1 hour for everything. I wasn't given a Bounty pack this time but I think that's because I bought myself (and funded one for another mum) a MAMA Academy wallet this time so she just gave me the stuff to put in my MAMA one.

My 12 week scan date came through today for May 3rd!
My booking appointment was nearly two hours... but that’s because my midwife is one of my friends. We basically just gossiped the whole time. Afterwards my husband said he felt like he didn’t need to come as really we were just having a general chit chat and catch up :lol:

No bounty pack here... did you get any good freebies?

We have a bet going on between me and my husband about when the letter with the scan appointment will arrive. I think it will be tomorrow. He thinks Monday. Either way, the midwife said it should be here by Tuesday and if not to phone them as I’ll be ten weeks by lmp then. It’s really silly how excited I am about receiving this letter. Basically stalking the postman
Ladies that have had scans - I’ve booked a scan for when I’m 9 weeks - is this likely to be an internal or abdominal?

I am still waiting to here from the midwife about my booking appointment date - I’m hoping it will be soon!
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I had a scan at 6weeks and saw heartbeat. That one was transvaginal. Then one at 8 which was just normal. I'd assume it'll just be over your tummy.

Good luck! How exciting

I got my letter with my 12 week scan through today. 2nd May. But I’m going to have to change it as I’m working that day. Hoping to speak to them tomorrow and see if it’s possible to change it
Ladies that have had scans - I’ve booked a scan for when I’m 9 weeks - is this likely to be an internal or abdominal?

I am still waiting to here from the midwife about my booking appointment date - I’m hoping it will be soon!

I had a scan at 7w 2d to rule out an ectopic pregnancy and that was external (I thought it would be internal as I'm a size 18/20 but they found baby easily via external)
Bloody horrid vivid pregnancy dreams. I’ve just woken up in a panic after a dream that my husband got killed in a car crash :(
Bloody horrid vivid pregnancy dreams. I’ve just woken up in a panic after a dream that my husband got killed in a car crash :(

I dreamt that my nephew was poisoned and kidnapped! He was on my mind because it was his birthday lol
Hey! How’s everyone feeling?
I’m still sooo sick ... had my head down the toilet at 4am this morning :(
I might book a private scan next week as I’m 9 weeks tomorrow... anyone else planning a reassurance scan? xx
I’m just over 7 weeks and nausea kicked in on Monday. It has stopped me in my tracks that’s for sure - don’t want to eat anything apart from dry toast. Need to figure out a way to control it!
I wasn’t planning on having a scan as will wait until 12 weeks xx
I feel your pain girls... nausea has hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s constant and unrelenting and miserable. Cannot WAIT to get past this stage! Keep strong! I know it’s a bloody struggle xx
I found that when I get sick I have to eat. It helped me. But it’s very plain food like toast crackers etc. I feel like it’s an on going hangover that never ends mixed with exhaustion! X
Hey! How’s everyone feeling?
I’m still sooo sick ... had my head down the toilet at 4am this morning :(
I might book a private scan next week as I’m 9 weeks tomorrow... anyone else planning a reassurance scan? xx

I’m 9 weeks and finally talked my Hubbie into an early scan. Couldnt wait until week 12 x
Hey! How’s everyone feeling?
I’m still sooo sick ... had my head down the toilet at 4am this morning :(
I might book a private scan next week as I’m 9 weeks tomorrow... anyone else planning a reassurance scan? xx

Oh no sorry to hear you sick... I'm ok as long as I eat often. Otherwise I feel wooly - like a hangover.

After my early scan (at 6wks) due to bleeding, and now we are passed where we were last year (when we miscarried) we were keen for another scan.. as waiting til 12-13 wks is just too long. So we've paid for a private scan - next Monday - I will be 10 wks...
Thanks...It really is miserable... never had morning sickness like this. Even though I’m so sick I just want to eat all the time! And not just small snacks... lol I have to really fill my tummy up or I feel so much worse.

All the best for your scans girls!! I’m going to book one for mid next week I think when I’ll be 9+5.
Take care of yourselves lovely ladies and I’m looking forward to your scan updates xx
Thanks...It really is miserable... never had morning sickness like this. Even though I’m so sick I just want to eat all the time! And not just small snacks... lol I have to really fill my tummy up or I feel so much worse.

All the best for your scans girls!! I’m going to book one for mid next week I think when I’ll be 9+5.
Take care of yourselves lovely ladies and I’m looking forward to your scan updates xx

You too x
Hey! How’s everyone feeling?
I’m still sooo sick ... had my head down the toilet at 4am this morning :(
I might book a private scan next week as I’m 9 weeks tomorrow... anyone else planning a reassurance scan? xx

I’m 9 weeks and finally talked my Hubbie into an early scan. Couldnt wait until week 12 x

Oh that's so exciting!! I'm really glad as I would definitely recommend it. It just helps make things feel more real. I haven't even got a 12 week scan date yet and I think I would have been feeling really impatient by this point but I'm actually quite chilled. Have you got a date yet?
Ladies that have had scans - I’ve booked a scan for when I’m 9 weeks - is this likely to be an internal or abdominal?

I am still waiting to here from the midwife about my booking appointment date - I’m hoping it will be soon!

The date I booked I thought I was 7+6 but was actually 8+3. It was abdominal and they could see everything easily. Gook luck with your scan!

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