Hey just thread hopping to say good luck with your scan moomin so excited for u xx
Thanks Rach. Scan went really wellGot lots of pictures and was measured at 8+3 so my new EDD is 15th Nov
I hope all is ok sunflower.
My midwife has just text me saying that my appointment at 10.30 has been double booked and can I go in at 11.20 instead? I know these things happen but I already felt bad about being out of work most of the morning and now Im going to be out until early afternoon. If theyd let me know yesterday I could have gone in this morning and finished early for the day. I was looking forward to this first appointment and now Im all wound up about it!
Mine got completely canceled this week at the last minute. I think this happens alot with midwives. Can you take it as a day of leave?
Its so last minute that Im still expected to go in really. Im just glad that I told my manager even though its so early so at least she knows Im not pulling a fast one. Its just frustrating.
How are you this morning?
Just waiting for my scan on monday morning now to see if I'm still pregnant. Hope it goes well with the midwife. x
Sorry I've been quiet ladies... Been a bit of busy week!
Had my booking in appointment last Wednesday. I am officially high-risk, due to my BMI being 44 (embarrassing!) and my previous birth being an emergency caesarean. I'm going to be consultant led as well as midwife-led, which isn't too bad as it means I get a few more appointments and extra scans. I am however worried about the increased risk of gestational diabetes!
I've been prescribed a higher dose folic acid to take until I am 13 weeks and a higher dose vitamin D/calcium tablet, which I have to take every day for the remainder of my pregnancy.
I tried to discuss the likelihood of a natural labour, with the way my previous birth went, but the midwife kept brushing me off saying "you'll probably have a planned section" which is really disappointing as if there was no real medical reason why I couldn't birth naturally, I did want to try and have a VBAC. I'm really scared of having another section, as it took me 5 months to heal last time and mentally, it destroyed me.
Symptoms have been mild, which has left me a little paranoid like most of us when our symptoms lessen! Odd light cramping/stretching feeling, I've had a slight headache over the weekend but I think that's because I've gotten lazy with drinking water and I seem to be getting MORE nauseous. Still not being sick, but the sick feeling is getting worse.
Just waiting to find out when my dating scan is now!
Is anyone else on their second pregnancy who had a c-section last time? Will you be trying for a VBAC?
I had a scan today. I've had a miscarriage.
I had a scan today. I've had a miscarriage.
Sorry I've been quiet ladies... Been a bit of busy week!
Had my booking in appointment last Wednesday. I am officially high-risk, due to my BMI being 44 (embarrassing!) and my previous birth being an emergency caesarean. I'm going to be consultant led as well as midwife-led, which isn't too bad as it means I get a few more appointments and extra scans. I am however worried about the increased risk of gestational diabetes!
I've been prescribed a higher dose folic acid to take until I am 13 weeks and a higher dose vitamin D/calcium tablet, which I have to take every day for the remainder of my pregnancy.
I tried to discuss the likelihood of a natural labour, with the way my previous birth went, but the midwife kept brushing me off saying "you'll probably have a planned section" which is really disappointing as if there was no real medical reason why I couldn't birth naturally, I did want to try and have a VBAC. I'm really scared of having another section, as it took me 5 months to heal last time and mentally, it destroyed me.
Symptoms have been mild, which has left me a little paranoid like most of us when our symptoms lessen! Odd light cramping/stretching feeling, I've had a slight headache over the weekend but I think that's because I've gotten lazy with drinking water and I seem to be getting MORE nauseous. Still not being sick, but the sick feeling is getting worse.
Just waiting to find out when my dating scan is now!
Is anyone else on their second pregnancy who had a c-section last time? Will you be trying for a VBAC?
I had a scan today. I've had a miscarriage.
I had a scan today. I've had a miscarriage.
I had a scan today. I've had a miscarriage.