******November Mummies 2018******

Just catching up on this thread. My week has pretty much been work, eat, shower, sleep!! So glad it's the weekend!! I've been waiting since Tuesday!!

For those that are feeling crappy and wondering about telling work, I've had to as my job has a lot of risks in pregnancy and there's a lot I can't do so I always accepted that I'd need to come clean far earlier than I'm comfortable with. I've confided in a few colleagues for now but will feel happier about telling others as I get further along. It's been totally fine and I've been so well supported and had a risk assessment etc. As others have said, they need to support you so hopefully you will find it to be a positive thing if you feel that it's something you have to do. I know it's never going to be something you want to do.

Sunflower - I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I hope you're ok and that the scan goes well on Monday. Thinking of you as it must be such a worry!!

As for me I'm still feeling much the same. Totally exhausted most of the time though I'm now finding I can't sleep through the night. This is not sitting well with me as I'm normally a person who would sleep through an earthquake!! I wish there was actually a reason but I just find myself awake!! Lots of random, vivid dreams though which are making OH laugh. I'm sleeping in the spare room (entirely my choice) as OH is a much lighter sleeper than me and I see no reason why we should both suffer. Means I can have a bed to myself and he had no idea I was up at 5am this morning eating breakfast cereal before finally getting back to sleep!! He's been so lovely at looking after me when I've been shattered all week so he deserves it.

I'm still finding that I only get nausea when I'm hungry so eating little and often seems to do the trick. Still can't handle big meals and I'm totally off sweet things!! I can eat it but I don't enjoy it if that makes sense so I told OH all the Easter stuff is his as it feels wasted on me. He was like I can so get on board with this lol!! He got me some nice crisps instead as that feels so much more up my street right now!!

Also managed to get in to see the GP this week. She was so lovely especially in light of our well documented struggle!! I've left a message to get booked in with the midwives in the next few weeks and I should get dates for scans etc soon. We have our private scan booked for tomorrow so feeling excited and nervous all at the same time!!

How exciting!!! I’d love a private scan hubbie doesn’t want one yet which is weird. I’m tellin my boss this week coming as I flaked at work the other day. Was so tired. On my feet all day it can be heavy work so think it’s best. X
Also managed to get in to see the GP this week. She was so lovely especially in light of our well documented struggle!! I've left a message to get booked in with the midwives in the next few weeks and I should get dates for scans etc soon. We have our private scan booked for tomorrow so feeling excited and nervous all at the same time!!

A private scan how exciting! I keep toying with the idea but hubby thinks we should just wait for my 12 week one to come through
Just catching up on this thread. My week has pretty much been work, eat, shower, sleep!! So glad it's the weekend!! I've been waiting since Tuesday!!

For those that are feeling crappy and wondering about telling work, I've had to as my job has a lot of risks in pregnancy and there's a lot I can't do so I always accepted that I'd need to come clean far earlier than I'm comfortable with. I've confided in a few colleagues for now but will feel happier about telling others as I get further along. It's been totally fine and I've been so well supported and had a risk assessment etc. As others have said, they need to support you so hopefully you will find it to be a positive thing if you feel that it's something you have to do. I know it's never going to be something you want to do.

Sunflower - I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I hope you're ok and that the scan goes well on Monday. Thinking of you as it must be such a worry!!

As for me I'm still feeling much the same. Totally exhausted most of the time though I'm now finding I can't sleep through the night. This is not sitting well with me as I'm normally a person who would sleep through an earthquake!! I wish there was actually a reason but I just find myself awake!! Lots of random, vivid dreams though which are making OH laugh. I'm sleeping in the spare room (entirely my choice) as OH is a much lighter sleeper than me and I see no reason why we should both suffer. Means I can have a bed to myself and he had no idea I was up at 5am this morning eating breakfast cereal before finally getting back to sleep!! He's been so lovely at looking after me when I've been shattered all week so he deserves it.

I'm still finding that I only get nausea when I'm hungry so eating little and often seems to do the trick. Still can't handle big meals and I'm totally off sweet things!! I can eat it but I don't enjoy it if that makes sense so I told OH all the Easter stuff is his as it feels wasted on me. He was like I can so get on board with this lol!! He got me some nice crisps instead as that feels so much more up my street right now!!

Also managed to get in to see the GP this week. She was so lovely especially in light of our well documented struggle!! I've left a message to get booked in with the midwives in the next few weeks and I should get dates for scans etc soon. We have our private scan booked for tomorrow so feeling excited and nervous all at the same time!!

How exciting!!! I’d love a private scan hubbie doesn’t want one yet which is weird. I’m tellin my boss this week coming as I flaked at work the other day. Was so tired. On my feet all day it can be heavy work so think it’s best. X

That's a shame he's not up for it. We both totally agreed as hopefully it will help us believe as I still don't think we're fully there yet.

If you're struggling at work, it's probably best. Even if it just means people are making sure you get your breaks and stuff. Also they can reduce the heavy work for you.
Also managed to get in to see the GP this week. She was so lovely especially in light of our well documented struggle!! I've left a message to get booked in with the midwives in the next few weeks and I should get dates for scans etc soon. We have our private scan booked for tomorrow so feeling excited and nervous all at the same time!!

A private scan how exciting! I keep toying with the idea but hubby thinks we should just wait for my 12 week one to come through

I think if we had fallen easily, we wouldn't have even thought about it. After everything we went through to get to this point, we truly had given up on the dream which I think we needed to do to truly accept IVF as the next step for us. As we were taken completely by surprise, it's been so much harder for us to actually feel like this is all real if you know what I mean. Also my vague symptoms (I'm not complaining!) aren't really helping me 'feel' pregnant. Hopefully it will help us along in that respect.
As for me I'm still feeling much the same. Totally exhausted most of the time though I'm now finding I can't sleep through the night. This is not sitting well with me as I'm normally a person who would sleep through an earthquake!! I wish there was actually a reason but I just find myself awake!! Lots of random, vivid dreams though which are making OH laugh. I'm sleeping in the spare room (entirely my choice) as OH is a much lighter sleeper than me and I see no reason why we should both suffer. Means I can have a bed to myself and he had no idea I was up at 5am this morning eating breakfast cereal before finally getting back to sleep!! He's been so lovely at looking after me when I've been shattered all week so he deserves it.

Don’t worry, I’ve also exiled myself to the spare room, so it’s not only you. I don’t sleep well at all (which is not fair as I’m so tired!) because I wake up to pee once or twice plus I have such vivid dreams. I’m also full of cold which isn’t helping
Also managed to get in to see the GP this week. She was so lovely especially in light of our well documented struggle!! I've left a message to get booked in with the midwives in the next few weeks and I should get dates for scans etc soon. We have our private scan booked for tomorrow so feeling excited and nervous all at the same time!!

A private scan how exciting! I keep toying with the idea but hubby thinks we should just wait for my 12 week one to come through

I think if we had fallen easily, we wouldn't have even thought about it. After everything we went through to get to this point, we truly had given up on the dream which I think we needed to do to truly accept IVF as the next step for us. As we were taken completely by surprise, it's been so much harder for us to actually feel like this is all real if you know what I mean. Also my vague symptoms (I'm not complaining!) aren't really helping me 'feel' pregnant. Hopefully it will help us along in that respect.

Although it only took about 4 months for us I know exactly what you mean about it not feeling real, even with the symptoms. I had no idea what to expect but I don’t feel any different yet. I think it will be better once we’ve had the scan and can start telling people and talking about it properly
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I don’t think it feels real, even when you feel rubbish �� I just feel generally hungover all the time as opposed to pregnant
I think what has taken me most by surprise was that I was totally expecting to be very sick. I've always been a sicky person so it just seemed obvious that I would be the sort to suffer in pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I'm so pleased it's just nausea when I'm hungry but I know what you mean when you say it feels more like being hung over. I'm hoping it will feel a lot more real after the scan tomorrow.
Hey just thread hopping to say good luck with your scan moomin so excited for u xx
Anyone any tips on coping with stress and pregnancy. A close family member is extremely sick in hoptial. Happen very suddenly. We are visiting everyday staying at her bedside. I felt so sick yesterday. It’s all very stressful and praying for a full recovery soon. It’s an extremely hard and emotional time for us all x
Anyone any tips on coping with stress and pregnancy. A close family member is extremely sick in hoptial. Happen very suddenly. We are visiting everyday staying at her bedside. I felt so sick yesterday. It’s all very stressful and praying for a full recovery soon. It’s an extremely hard and emotional time for us all x

No tips as such but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you as it must be such a tough time. We have a few things going on right now but I try and just deal with things one step at a time and try and stay as positive as possible though I know it's hard. Look after yourself and I hope your relative gets better soon.
Anyone any tips on coping with stress and pregnancy. A close family member is extremely sick in hoptial. Happen very suddenly. We are visiting everyday staying at her bedside. I felt so sick yesterday. It’s all very stressful and praying for a full recovery soon. It’s an extremely hard and emotional time for us all x

No tips as such but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you as it must be such a tough time. We have a few things going on right now but I try and just deal with things one step at a time and try and stay as positive as possible though I know it's hard. Look after yourself and I hope your relative gets better soon.

Thank you xxx
Hey just thread hopping to say good luck with your scan moomin so excited for u xx

Thanks Rach. Scan went really well :) Got lots of pictures and was measured at 8+3 so my new EDD is 15th Nov :)

Fantastic moomin! O I am so pleased for u, I bet it seemed so surreal seeing it there on the screen x

It really was. It was just so lovely to see the little heartbeat flickering away. We were taken really late so I was bursting for the loo by the time we were done. I let them off though as I think the lady before me found out she was having twins!! The look of relief on OH's face. He was like 'we only ordered one!!' Haha.
Hey just thread hopping to say good luck with your scan moomin so excited for u xx

Thanks Rach. Scan went really well :) Got lots of pictures and was measured at 8+3 so my new EDD is 15th Nov :)

Fantastic moomin! O I am so pleased for u, I bet it seemed so surreal seeing it there on the screen x

It really was. It was just so lovely to see the little heartbeat flickering away. We were taken really late so I was bursting for the loo by the time we were done. I let them off though as I think the lady before me found out she was having twins!! The look of relief on OH's face. He was like 'we only ordered one!!' Haha.

Hahaha I'm sure he had a big sigh of relief. I'm so pleased it went well for u, u truly deserve this wee miracle

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