Thanks all for your kind words. Hopefully won't be too long before I can be back in the pregnancy section of the forum. Hope you all have great pregnancies.
So sorry for your loss xxx
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Thanks all for your kind words. Hopefully won't be too long before I can be back in the pregnancy section of the forum. Hope you all have great pregnancies.
Hello ladies.
I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?
I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?
Thanks all for your kind words. Hopefully won't be too long before I can be back in the pregnancy section of the forum. Hope you all have great pregnancies.
Hello ladies.
I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?
I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?
I had quite strong symptoms before my BFP, sore boobs, nausea, fatigue, stomach cramps and backache. Fingers crossed for you xx
Hello ladies.
I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?
I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?
Hi ladies,
Sorry to be so quiet - I've sadly had a miscarriage, so please take me off the list. Best of luck and baby dust to you all.
Well Ive just got back from the hospital after a lot of pain and bleeding they did a scan, the sac and yolk was seen, they have told me to go back in two weeks, Im still bleeding but exhausted from it all, Ive just got to go slow now, have told me to relax as much as possible xxx
Well Ive just got back from the hospital after a lot of pain and bleeding they did a scan, the sac and yolk was seen, they have told me to go back in two weeks, Im still bleeding but exhausted from it all, Ive just got to go slow now, have told me to relax as much as possible xxx
Bless you, sounds like youre having an awful time.
When I had my first scan they could just see the sac and yolk, which I was told was a good sign. Went back 5 days later and there was a heartbeat so fingers crossed for you. I also had bleeding xxx