******November Mummies 2018******

Thanks all for your kind words. Hopefully won't be too long before I can be back in the pregnancy section of the forum. Hope you all have great pregnancies.

So sorry for your loss xxx
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Hello ladies.

I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?

I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?

I had no symptoms at all. I only tested because af was late and I'm normally very regular. For me the tiredness has only really started to kick in over the last few days.
It seems like there are similarities in pg and af symptoms, and everyone is different!
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Thanks all for your kind words. Hopefully won't be too long before I can be back in the pregnancy section of the forum. Hope you all have great pregnancies.

Sorry Gingerkitty....good to hear you are thinking positively.
Hello ladies.

I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?

I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?

I had quite strong symptoms before my BFP, sore boobs, nausea, fatigue, stomach cramps and backache. Fingers crossed for you xx

You had it all Kaylip, wow. Theres hope for me!
Hello ladies.

I was hoping you may share your first pregnancy symptoms with me? The days leading up to your BFPs?

I am due AF in two days, but hoping that the tummy and backache I have could maybe be a sign of pg?

This sounds rediculous, but the first symptom I had was I went for an 11 mile run and I found it difficult. Normally I could run it with ease (in fact I had twice the previous week), but it was such an awful run I figured I had to be pregnant :lol: other than that, I had increased discharge and general exhaustion, plus my boobs are killers
Well I’ve just got back from the hospital after a lot of pain and bleeding they did a scan, the sac and yolk was seen, they have told me to go back in two weeks, I’m still bleeding but exhausted from it all, I’ve just got to go slow now, have told me to relax as much as possible xxx
Two weeks will feel like an eternity right now sweetie but take each day as it comes. It was t bad news, keep focused on that xx
Thank you, it’s been such a rollercoaster, I thought it was all over, trying to give myself little milestones at the moment xxx
Well I’ve just got back from the hospital after a lot of pain and bleeding they did a scan, the sac and yolk was seen, they have told me to go back in two weeks, I’m still bleeding but exhausted from it all, I’ve just got to go slow now, have told me to relax as much as possible xxx

Bless you, sounds like you’re having an awful time.
When I had my first scan they could just see the sac and yolk, which I was told was a good sign. Went back 5 days later and there was a heartbeat so fingers crossed for you. I also had bleeding xxx
Well I’ve just got back from the hospital after a lot of pain and bleeding they did a scan, the sac and yolk was seen, they have told me to go back in two weeks, I’m still bleeding but exhausted from it all, I’ve just got to go slow now, have told me to relax as much as possible xxx

Bless you, sounds like you’re having an awful time.
When I had my first scan they could just see the sac and yolk, which I was told was a good sign. Went back 5 days later and there was a heartbeat so fingers crossed for you. I also had bleeding xxx

Same with me - at what turned out to be 5+4... just the sac and yolk... 1 week later and there was the heartbeat...

It’s nice to read positive stories, it gives me hope, I think I’m going to walk on eggshells for the next two weeks, even going to the loo to see if I’m bleeding anymore has stressed me xxx
Oh my god I feel awful! today’s the first day where I’ve truly stopped functioning. My entire family are coming over for an easter lunch in an hour. I haven’t even managed to put the meat in the oven yet. Help!
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Happy Easter everyone. How is everyone doing?

Akua - I'm totally with you. Had leave least week so been busier than usual. Energy levels have been slowly dropping but now I feel like I can barely function. I'm just flat out exhausted and feel like all I do is sleep!! On the plus side, sickness doesn't seem to be an issue. Just nausea if I'm hungry but that's easily sorted lol!! I always thought I'd be sickly so I keep saying it could be worse.

If anyone had any energy boosting tips I'd love to hear them but I know I'm probably just going to have to ride this out!!
Happy Easter lovelies !
I’m with you... feel terrible too, utterly exhausted and feel so sick. Meant to be going out for a lovely country pub roast but still slobbing around in my dressing gown ��
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend xx
It feels a little better that I'm not alone!!

I find my motivation is crap as well though I think I could be tempted by a pub roast lol. I'm eating smaller portions than usual but actually not doing too badly if it's put down to me.

We haven't got any plans today which I'm so glad about. Not back to work until Tuesday but how I'm going to get through the day, I have no idea!!
Happy Easter girlies!!! Going to enjoy my Easter egg before the dreaded nausea begins once more!!
Still feeling rotten but managed to make it through a family lunch. Just a twelve and a half hour night shift to get through...

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