******November Mummies 2018******

Happy Easter everyone. How is everyone doing?

Akua - I'm totally with you. Had leave least week so been busier than usual. Energy levels have been slowly dropping but now I feel like I can barely function. I'm just flat out exhausted and feel like all I do is sleep!! On the plus side, sickness doesn't seem to be an issue. Just nausea if I'm hungry but that's easily sorted lol!! I always thought I'd be sickly so I keep saying it could be worse.

If anyone had any energy boosting tips I'd love to hear them but I know I'm probably just going to have to ride this out!!

sip Lucozade... x
Still feeling rotten but managed to make it through a family lunch. Just a twelve and a half hour night shift to get through...

Oh you poor thing!! So glad my nightshift days are over. I struggled then so I wouldn't have a hope now!! Glad you made it through the lunch. Hope you've had a chance to get some sleep.
Still feeling rotten but managed to make it through a family lunch. Just a twelve and a half hour night shift to get through...

Oh you poor thing!! So glad my nightshift days are over. I struggled then so I wouldn't have a hope now!! Glad you made it through the lunch. Hope you've had a chance to get some sleep.

I’m thinking of asking for a night shift exemption for the rest of this pregnancy. I keep not doing it though as I feel like I’m letting the team down. Plus I’ve always worked mostly nights and therefore it’ll look strange to everyone if I suddenly start doing day shifts. But I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep doing them. The rest of the week I’m in bed by 8pm. Knowing that tonight I have to be up all night on my feet until 8:30 am is killing me :wall2:
Happy Easter everyone. How is everyone doing?

Akua - I'm totally with you. Had leave least week so been busier than usual. Energy levels have been slowly dropping but now I feel like I can barely function. I'm just flat out exhausted and feel like all I do is sleep!! On the plus side, sickness doesn't seem to be an issue. Just nausea if I'm hungry but that's easily sorted lol!! I always thought I'd be sickly so I keep saying it could be worse.

If anyone had any energy boosting tips I'd love to hear them but I know I'm probably just going to have to ride this out!!

sip Lucozade... x

Never been a fan but right now I'll try anything. I have managed to stay awake today without a nap. Go me!! I'll probably be in bed by 9 though haha.
Still feeling rotten but managed to make it through a family lunch. Just a twelve and a half hour night shift to get through...

Oh you poor thing!! So glad my nightshift days are over. I struggled then so I wouldn't have a hope now!! Glad you made it through the lunch. Hope you've had a chance to get some sleep.

I’m thinking of asking for a night shift exemption for the rest of this pregnancy. I keep not doing it though as I feel like I’m letting the team down. Plus I’ve always worked mostly nights and therefore it’ll look strange to everyone if I suddenly start doing day shifts. But I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep doing them. The rest of the week I’m in bed by 8pm. Knowing that tonight I have to be up all night on my feet until 8:30 am is killing me :wall2:

It's really tough when you're this early and you don't want to tell people. People will just know if it's so different to your usual rota. I know I would need the exemption though. It would be that or go off sick. I was always rubbish at nights though. 12.5 hours is a long shift as it is even on days. You need to do what's best for you though.
Hi everyone.

Ended up at the Early Pregnancy Unit today ....

I called for advice as I'd had some pains which didn't feel right and they went through a list of symptoms and came to the conclusion I may have an ectopic pregnancy, so asked me to go straight in.

Did urine test, two blood tests and swabs (like a smear test) and everything came back clear. Thought it may then be a pelvic infection, but tests came back clear.

Originally they were asking me to go back tomorrow morning for a scan but as they were so stumped by my symptoms with all good clear test results, they wanted to scan me today to check if baby was OK.

Scan went great, saw the heartbeat straight away! I thought I was 7w 5d but they said measurements suggest 7w 2d. Got a lovely little scan photo to bring home too!

Least I can stop worrying now about an ectopic. It was so nervewracking having all those tests and the scan, esp as my partner had to stay home with our 2-year-old so I was on my own for it all.
Hi everyone.

Ended up at the Early Pregnancy Unit today ....

I called for advice as I'd had some pains which didn't feel right and they went through a list of symptoms and came to the conclusion I may have an ectopic pregnancy, so asked me to go straight in.

Did urine test, two blood tests and swabs (like a smear test) and everything came back clear. Thought it may then be a pelvic infection, but tests came back clear.

Originally they were asking me to go back tomorrow morning for a scan but as they were so stumped by my symptoms with all good clear test results, they wanted to scan me today to check if baby was OK.

Scan went great, saw the heartbeat straight away! I thought I was 7w 5d but they said measurements suggest 7w 2d. Got a lovely little scan photo to bring home too!

Least I can stop worrying now about an ectopic. It was so nervewracking having all those tests and the scan, esp as my partner had to stay home with our 2-year-old so I was on my own for it all.

Oh bless u sounds traumatic. Glad u r ok. How do u feel now?
Oh bless u sounds traumatic. Glad u r ok. How do u feel now?

Relieved to know baby is OK but a little unsure knowing they couldn't think of anything to cause the pains I've had! Just got to trust in them that everything is OK!
Has anyone had to take time off work for morning sickness? I work in a hospital and on my feet 10 hours a day. I’m sick most of the day now. Not vomiting thankfully but nausea and exhausted. Feel bad if I phone in sick but the thought of working and feeling sick isn’t great. However this is my first pregnancy so not sure if I should just power through like most people do.
Has anyone had to take time off work for morning sickness? I work in a hospital and on my feet 10 hours a day. I’m sick most of the day now. Not vomiting thankfully but nausea and exhausted. Feel bad if I phone in sick but the thought of working and feeling sick isn’t great. However this is my first pregnancy so not sure if I should just power through like most people do.

I think they might be more understanding than you think. I’ve spoken to my ward manager this morning about changing so I’m doing less nights and she’s managed to switch all but two of them for me, no questions asked. Plus you don’t want to put your patients at risk by working when you’re not feeling up to it
Has anyone had to take time off work for morning sickness? I work in a hospital and on my feet 10 hours a day. I’m sick most of the day now. Not vomiting thankfully but nausea and exhausted. Feel bad if I phone in sick but the thought of working and feeling sick isn’t great. However this is my first pregnancy so not sure if I should just power through like most people do.

I am not physically sick, but nauseous a lot and exhausted constantly. I have been having ginger biscuits to ease the nauseous feeling. I'll actually be telling my employers earlier this time around, as I feel like I'm struggling a bit more than with my first pregnancy, and I don't want time off for being unwell to affect my record.
Has anyone had to take time off work for morning sickness? I work in a hospital and on my feet 10 hours a day. I’m sick most of the day now. Not vomiting thankfully but nausea and exhausted. Feel bad if I phone in sick but the thought of working and feeling sick isn’t great. However this is my first pregnancy so not sure if I should just power through like most people do.

I think they might be more understanding than you think. I’ve spoken to my ward manager this morning about changing so I’m doing less nights and she’s managed to switch all but two of them for me, no questions asked. Plus you don’t want to put your patients at risk by working when you’re not feeling up to it

Hopefully think I’ll have to tell them pretty soon. Hate phoning in sick but sometimes the nausea is so bad I need to lie down. That was good your ward manager changed your shifts. Nights are a killer even when not pregnant x
Has anyone had to take time off work for morning sickness? I work in a hospital and on my feet 10 hours a day. I’m sick most of the day now. Not vomiting thankfully but nausea and exhausted. Feel bad if I phone in sick but the thought of working and feeling sick isn’t great. However this is my first pregnancy so not sure if I should just power through like most people do.

I am not physically sick, but nauseous a lot and exhausted constantly. I have been having ginger biscuits to ease the nauseous feeling. I'll actually be telling my employers earlier this time around, as I feel like I'm struggling a bit more than with my first pregnancy, and I don't want time off for being unwell to affect my record.

It shouldn’t get counted as a period of sick as far as I’m aware if your off. But I work in a hospital not sure if it’s different else where. It’s hard being so tired and sick and in the early stages of pregnancy. Roll on trimester 2 lol x
liz85 - if you tell your employer you are pregnant any time off you have for pregnancy related illnesses do not go against your usual absence / trigger points xx its worth telling them!
I’ve officially given in to the bloat. Just gone out and bought extra stretchy leggings and even one pair of maternity jeans...
After 2-3 days of little or no symptoms... my tiredness was back yesterday... I napped 08.30-09.30 (having got up at 6.30 with my 4yr old) and then again I fell asleep on the sofa at 2.30-4.00...

Then today the headache and nausea was back - not been sick. just feel wooly - like a nasty hangover, I'm OK laid down still, head down... when I sit up it hits me again. I just want to eat rubbish (like you do when hungover!!)
Hi Melanie, my tiredness comes and goes too...it's weird. Sorry about the headche and nausea...that doesn't sound fun.

My midwife appointment got canceled today and remade for a week tomorrow. Was disappointed. They've also messed up 2 referrals for blood tests, and made my scan for nearly 14 weeks.

Am so bloated I'm not at all hungry, which is weird as at the weekend I couldn't stop eating. I'm so bloated I look very pregnant!
After 2-3 days of little or no symptoms... my tiredness was back yesterday... I napped 08.30-09.30 (having got up at 6.30 with my 4yr old) and then again I fell asleep on the sofa at 2.30-4.00...

Then today the headache and nausea was back - not been sick. just feel wooly - like a nasty hangover, I'm OK laid down still, head down... when I sit up it hits me again. I just want to eat rubbish (like you do when hungover!!)

Yes I feel the same!! I said to my Hubbie it’s like the longest hangover ever and it never shifts. It’s constantly there.
Hi Melanie, my tiredness comes and goes too...it's weird. Sorry about the headche and nausea...that doesn't sound fun.

My midwife appointment got canceled today and remade for a week tomorrow. Was disappointed. They've also messed up 2 referrals for blood tests, and made my scan for nearly 14 weeks.

Am so bloated I'm not at all hungry, which is weird as at the weekend I couldn't stop eating. I'm so bloated I look very pregnant!

My bloat is ridiculous!! I look 6 months gone! I'm really suffering with nausea, only been sick once, but the constant nausea is awful (hate moaning, but I know you will all understand). Xx
liz85 - if you tell your employer you are pregnant any time off you have for pregnancy related illnesses do not go against your usual absence / trigger points xx its worth telling them!

Yes I’ll say to them. Probably best telling them sooner than later incase I am off x

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