******November Mummies 2018******

I’ve just started to spot.... trying not to think the worst but symptoms have gone too, just waiting for a doctor to call back as I’ve had a few mc now, not sure if it’s even worth scanning at 5 weeks though? Xc

I’ve got fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you xx
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno

We decided to book an early scan as it has taken a long time for us to get to this point. As my symptoms are still kinda vague, we're hoping it will help make things feel a bit more real. I keep hearing the fertility doctor shouting at us that we would never conceive naturally and I hate to admit that the appointment still haunts me nearly a year later :( Yes our fertility experience was truly terrible. I thought I'd moved past it but obviously not :( I hope it will get easier with time.

Your fertility doctor sounds like a ****
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno

We decided to book an early scan as it has taken a long time for us to get to this point. As my symptoms are still kinda vague, we're hoping it will help make things feel a bit more real. I keep hearing the fertility doctor shouting at us that we would never conceive naturally and I hate to admit that the appointment still haunts me nearly a year later :( Yes our fertility experience was truly terrible. I thought I'd moved past it but obviously not :( I hope it will get easier with time.

Your fertility doctor sounds like a ****

That doesn't even begin to describe her!! We were in the process of changing clinic then we were taken by surprise with a BFP. I can sit hear and make so many logical arguments about how she was full of it but I really didn't realise that the experience cut in so deeply. Just trying to take each day as it comes and trying not to let my mind run away with me.
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno

We decided to book an early scan as it has taken a long time for us to get to this point. As my symptoms are still kinda vague, we're hoping it will help make things feel a bit more real. I keep hearing the fertility doctor shouting at us that we would never conceive naturally and I hate to admit that the appointment still haunts me nearly a year later :( Yes our fertility experience was truly terrible. I thought I'd moved past it but obviously not :( I hope it will get easier with time.

Your fertility doctor sounds like a ****

That doesn't even begin to describe her!! We were in the process of changing clinic then we were taken by surprise with a BFP. I can sit hear and make so many logical arguments about how she was full of it but I really didn't realise that the experience cut in so deeply. Just trying to take each day as it comes and trying not to let my mind run away with me.

Was she a private doctor though? Probably just trying to get you to spend money
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno

We decided to book an early scan as it has taken a long time for us to get to this point. As my symptoms are still kinda vague, we're hoping it will help make things feel a bit more real. I keep hearing the fertility doctor shouting at us that we would never conceive naturally and I hate to admit that the appointment still haunts me nearly a year later :( Yes our fertility experience was truly terrible. I thought I'd moved past it but obviously not :( I hope it will get easier with time.

Your fertility doctor sounds like a ****

That doesn't even begin to describe her!! We were in the process of changing clinic then we were taken by surprise with a BFP. I can sit hear and make so many logical arguments about how she was full of it but I really didn't realise that the experience cut in so deeply. Just trying to take each day as it comes and trying not to let my mind run away with me.

Was she a private doctor though? Probably just trying to get you to spend money

No NHS. We're only allowed one attempt here though so I figured that her theory was the quicker that cycle failed, the sooner we would be lining her pocket. It did feel very much like getting money out of us even though we were still NHS at that point.
Thanks everyone, im just wanting this week to go by quickly now xxx
Hows everyone doing ?

I have been guzzling Gaviscon (helping with sickness and burping), discovered "4head" for my headaches.. cant take my usual nnurofen and paraceptamol just doesn't cut it.
I’m really struggling with the all day nausea... does anyone know if those sea bands work? x
I’m good today? Trying not to worry that I’m feeling fine. Was sick as a dog yesterday. Now I’m feeling great today my dentist told me I can’t eat for 6 hours! Lol I’m starved it’s only been one hour lol
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Just made my first appointment with the midwife, we don’t see the GP in my area. They just asked how far along I think I am (I think about 6 or 7 weeks) and booked me in for the 6th April at 10.30am. Still not really feeling any symptoms I know everyone is different but a bit of nausea might actually be reassuring at this point... I hope those ladies who have it bad feel better soon
I’m really struggling with the all day nausea... does anyone know if those sea bands work? x

I am nauseous from about 11am onwards with it being the worst in the evenings

I have found plenty of water and also having something available to snack on at all times has helped keep my blood sugars up

I have tried the seabands when sailing and they don't work for me lol, you can imitate them by pressing on your wrists for a short while with your thumbs, you need to feel for your tendons and press inbetween them
I’m really struggling with the all day nausea... does anyone know if those sea bands work? x

I've been feeling nauseous for a few weeks on and off, but it stepped up a notch today and I've actually been sick :x Personally, the sea bands work quite well for me xx
I'm feeling a bit better today. Was feeling rather sorry for myself yesterday. Me and OH both have leave this week so we had lots of things planned. Haven't been able to do half of it as I've been so exhausted. I feel pathetic but OH has been wonderful as always and I'm definitely feeling more like myself today.

OH says it's like Hulk smash if I'm hungry!! I so wish that wasn't true but unfortunately it's rather accurate lol!! But as long as I'm fed the mood is good and no nausea so I guess that's something. I've tried the bands before for travel sickness but they didn't work for me.
I'm sleeping 12 hours a night and then passing out in the afternoon for an hour or so, and I'm strarving a lot of the time. Very little nausea since I stopped processed food and caffeine. Peeing constantly though, which is annoying.
Just made my first appointment with the midwife, we don’t see the GP in my area. They just asked how far along I think I am (I think about 6 or 7 weeks) and booked me in for the 6th April at 10.30am. Still not really feeling any symptoms I know everyone is different but a bit of nausea might actually be reassuring at this point... I hope those ladies who have it bad feel better soon

My MW booking in appointment came through today (18th April) - I will be 10wks. The GP doesn't see you.. just the MW.
I'm feeling a bit better today. Was feeling rather sorry for myself yesterday. Me and OH both have leave this week so we had lots of things planned. Haven't been able to do half of it as I've been so exhausted. I feel pathetic but OH has been wonderful as always and I'm definitely feeling more like myself today.

OH says it's like Hulk smash if I'm hungry!! I so wish that wasn't true but unfortunately it's rather accurate lol!! But as long as I'm fed the mood is good and no nausea so I guess that's something. I've tried the bands before for travel sickness but they didn't work for me.

Awww bless you - I was a mess yesterday - I ached all over, headachy and dizzy and sick if I moved... today 200% better...
I’m really struggling with the all day nausea... does anyone know if those sea bands work? x

The pharmacist I work with said they were amazing in her first pregnancy, but haven’t worked with her second pregnancy but might be worth a try xxx
I’ve been wondering about those sickness bands too nik - if you try them let us know! I hope they work for you xx I feel absolutely awful from when I wake up til about 8pm and it tails off. Upset tummy too EVERY morning. I had this with my daughter so it’ll be interesting to see if it’s another girly :love: xx oh oh and I am SO emotional. I’m a softie anyway but I feel on the verge of tears always at the moment. Not sad tears, just tears lol xx

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