******November Mummies 2018******

Feeling pretty symptom free today - never have I wished so hard to feel rubbish ����
Hi all,
I’m all new to this, just got my bfp at the weekend so still in shock a little. Trying not to get too excited just yet as just at 5 weeks.
I called the doctors and booked in to see the midwife in a couple of weeks. I’m so nervous about miscarriage. Does anyone else feel like this? A lot of my friends have been through it and it’s just so heartbreaking.

My doctors don’t confirm pregnancy with a blood test either. Did anyone else have this?

Thanks all xx

My doctors don't confirm it either although I am having blood tests from the hospital, so that will give hormone readings. I also feel like that about losing it...it still doesn't feel real and I can't enjoy it as I'm so anxious. I think 5 weeks is a particularly scary time...the longer it goes on the lower your chances of losing it, so hold in there. It's such an emotional time and nothing really prepares you for all the mixed emotions.
Hi everyone. Another quiet few days for me after a busy weekend!

Most of the symptoms I do have are pretty consistent now - tiredness (I am really struggling with this!), sore boobs, slight backache and intermittent mild cramping. If I do feel queasy, it only seems to be when in the car! Which is odd for me, as I've never even had travel sickness before!

Don't seem to have any food cravings or aversions and watching what I eat as I'm a few stone overweight, so wanting to continue my efforts to lose weight healthily for as long as possible.

Trying to stay optimistic but still so nervous/apprehensive about the first scan and wondering whether everything is OK!
Oh ladies I can’t wait for us all to be safely in tri two. This first tri frankly, sucks! Xx wishing the time away xx
So I'm glad it's not just me then. I feel like all I've done the last few days is eat and sleep!! I'm finding eating little and often deals with the nausea and mood swings so I can deal with that and I'm not eating massive portions so I know I'm not overeating. I'll happily eat anything that's put in front of me so that's got to be a good thing.

The tiredness seems to have hit me like a ton of bricks though. Half the time I feel like I can barely function. Trying to listen to my body and sleep when I need to but then I'm finding it hard to keep motivated.

I just keep saying at least I'm not being sick!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Same here MoominGirl. Today I'm trying to avoid napping as I just feel worse when I wake up! So cleaning through the tiredness haha
Sickness has ramped up a gear today, wearing sea bands which seem to be helping, but back to work tomorrow and can't get away with wearing them there :x

Also can't wait to get to 12 weeks so I can stop lying to people! :roll: xx
Has anyone else booked a private early reassurance scan? It’s something I keep thinking about
Has anyone else booked a private early reassurance scan? It’s something I keep thinking about

I did and have been twice so far, I used Ultrasound direct and it cost me £90 a go but it has helped somewhat in easing my mind until i get out of tri 1

NHS wont give me anything despite multiple miscarriage history which was helpful of them!

You can have an early scan from 6 weeks with them and you should at this point see a heartbeat :-)
Has anyone else booked a private early reassurance scan? It’s something I keep thinking about

We can't afford one but going to ask my midwife for one next week as it's hugely affecting my anxiety atm and I'm hoping it would help me calm down....
Has anyone else booked a private early reassurance scan? It’s something I keep thinking about

I want one as it took a few years to get to this point and I want reassurance but my husband doesn’t want one for so e reason. He’d rather wait x
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno
I’ve just started to spot.... trying not to think the worst but symptoms have gone too, just waiting for a doctor to call back as I’ve had a few mc now, not sure if it’s even worth scanning at 5 weeks though? Xc
I’ve just started to spot.... trying not to think the worst but symptoms have gone too, just waiting for a doctor to call back as I’ve had a few mc now, not sure if it’s even worth scanning at 5 weeks though? Xc

Fingers crossed that everything is ok xxx
Thanks liz85, I’ve got a scan next Tuesday at 3.15 xxx
I’ve just started to spot.... trying not to think the worst but symptoms have gone too, just waiting for a doctor to call back as I’ve had a few mc now, not sure if it’s even worth scanning at 5 weeks though? Xc

Keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok.
I keep switching from one to the other. Part of me thinks it’ll make me relax more. The other part of me knows that even if I have a scan it doesn’t guarantee anything so what’s the point. My husband really wants one though. Dunno

We decided to book an early scan as it has taken a long time for us to get to this point. As my symptoms are still kinda vague, we're hoping it will help make things feel a bit more real. I keep hearing the fertility doctor shouting at us that we would never conceive naturally and I hate to admit that the appointment still haunts me nearly a year later :( Yes our fertility experience was truly terrible. I thought I'd moved past it but obviously not :( I hope it will get easier with time.

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